Allium Cepa

Heat low in the pharynx, extending into the stomach.

Pain in the throat below the larynx, as after swallowing too large a mouthful, or as if swollen; the pains extend every little while into the right ear; the whole afternoon, coming on after midday, ten drops.

In the pharynx, the feeling as if the food remained stuck behind the breast-bone.

Throat-ache, as if there was a lump in the throat, which is sore, but only on swallowing and elevating the tongue, the next morning (twenty-four hours).

(In chronic difficulty of deglutition, like a “ball in the throat,” she brought up a lump of mucus and was then relieved)..

Throat-ache as after taking cold. (Soreness of the throat with catarrh).

A sense of nausea extending into the throat.

A benumbed feeling in the back part of the throat, persistent (first day).

Great dryness of the soft palate after breakfast, continuing two hours and a half (first day).

With great dryness of both nostrils, considerable thirst; white, frothy, tasteless mucus collects in the fauces, which is easily expectorated without cough.

Dryness in the throat.

He hawks up mucus which has a sweetish, nauseous taste, the third day.

Toward evening, collection of mucus behind the choanae.

In the posterior fauces, in the choanae, and on the posterior surface of the soft palate, a soft bland mucus constantly collects, which compels one either to swallow or hawk it up; evening of the first day.

In the morning, a raw feeling in the fauces, with tickling in the region of the epiglottis, first on the right, then on the left side; together with a sensation of weakness in the stomach, very annoying hiccough, and uprising of frothy salivary mucus fluid; eructation to backing to relieve the tickling in the larynx.

After breakfast, severe pain in the right ankle, and rumblings in the abdomen (second day).

(Diminished secretion of mucus in the throat, with chronic catarrh of the fauces).

Mucus in the fauces.


(Loss of appetite with coryza, Lippe).Onions promote an appetite, but if one eats too many they cause revulsion of the stomach.

The appetite is increased.

The appetite is excited even to canine hunger.

They produce an appetite which, however, disappears immediately as soon as he begins to eat; food is disgusting to him.

The priests were forbidden its use because it produced thirst.

Onions excite thirst.

Thirst excessive, with stomach-ache,; with tympanitis.

Thirst, with heat, evenings, with coryza; after chilliness; after flushes of heat at evening. (Nausea).

A horrible deathly nausea in the stomach, with very slight eructations which, however, relieve somewhat; every day after eating; in one who did not know what she took.

Feeling of nausea after fifteen minutes.

Nausea in the posterior part of the throat, is forced up as with a thrust, after thirty minutes.

Nausea seems more properly to be seated in the stomach; very soon.


Slight warmth in the abdomen and squeamishness, soon after taking it.

Squeamishness and slight attacks of nausea from the bowels up into the throat, then slight confusion of the head; soon.

There are some who, smelling onions in a distant kitchen, taste them in their mouth, so that afterwards everything tastes of them and produces nausea. (Nausea on becoming erect).

Frequent eructations; he tastes onions in the afternoon, after taking four drops of the tincture in the morning.

Immediately after eating onions, long-continued eructations, but not after the tincture.

At evening, eructations of wind; flashes of heat over the whole body, and thirst (the fourth day).

Eructations still incessant on the morning of the fifth day, without repetition of the dose.

Eructations of wing; with distension of the abdomen; with rumblings.

Slight eructations relieves the horrible nausea in the stomach. (It stops sour eructations).

Even the smell of onions makes her vomit; she cannot swallow the tincture in water; it came up again, she is so averse to it.

Vomiting frothy, slimy fluid.

Vomiting, and disease which resulted in death, after eating onions.

Annoying hiccough.

Stimulates digestion.

Irritates the stomach and promotes digestion; excessive use, however, gives rise to dyspeptic troubles.

Raw onions give rise to injurious secretions in the stomach, thirst, inflammation, flatulence, and headache.

Feeling of emptiness, and drawings back and forth in the stomach, with some pain.

Sense of weakness in the stomach.

Pain on the left side of the stomach.

Oft-repeated pressure deep within the epigastrium, as i;f it were at the orifice of the stomach, and on the posterior side; evening at ten (the first day).

Dull pain below the breast-bone, more to the right side, on moving in bed; evening at ten (after five minutes).

Pain below the sternum on stooping, morning.

Pain in the region of the pylorus.

Pressure in the stomach and fullness in the head.

Pressure in the stomach.

Pressure in the stomach and yawning.

Heat extending into the stomach. After dinner all the symptoms vanish (after one and a half hours).

After supper the symptoms again disappears as after dinner, the first day.

Distension of the abdomen before dinner.

Pain in the bowels, worse after eating.


Pressive pain in the hepatic region, which extends through the whole abdomen.The pains seat themselves for some time in the right hypochondrium, with which are cold shudders down the back, so that he can scarcely get warm, evening at nine (third day).

Stitches in the left side, toward evening the first day, morning of the second day, worse on lying the fourth day.

Contractive pain in the left hypochondrium, with the sensation of wind moving about.

Pain about the navel, an hour after dinner (3 P.M)..

Pain in the umbilical region.

The pains in the bowels are most severe while sitting; on moving about there is passage of flatus and relief to the pains (the first day).

Half an hour after drinking coffee, in the afternoon, the pains in the bowels returned more severe, mostly in the left inguinal region, more pressing than burning, but with heat in the abdomen (second day).

With rumbling in the abdomen, the pains return more severe than before, with passage of much flatus; morning of the third day after the second dose.

Flatulent colic.

Pain in the abdomen and shoulder (right half?).

Pains in the abdomen, worse every time after eating.

Pain in the left side of the abdomen, as though he had punched himself in this place.

On walking, a sudden burning or chilling cutting a pain thin as a thread in the hypogastrium, from both sides inward toward the middle and upward (after one hour).

Burning glow or chilling sensation, as if scattered, with confused feeling in the right side of the abdomen; thereupon slight passage of half-loud very offensive onion flatus (after an hour and a half).

A warm or chilling sensation, as if a glow within beat against the abdomen, on the right side, and over the external and upper part of both thighs; evening of the first day from nine to ten.

Repeated later.

The sensation was as if a glowing heat beat against one, but without the same heat, only warmth.

Heat in the abdomen, with pain.

In pelvic region, internally on right side, above and inside of the groin, very severe pressure on a small spot; it seems to be on the inside of the pelvic cavity.

After twenty minutes, like a violent plain on a small spot, deep in the right side of the pelvis; evenings (first day).

Violent pains, like cuttings with very small knives, with a twisting motion deep in above the left groin, midway on line between the symphysis pubis and anterior superior spinous process of the ilium.

This pain moves, turning here and there in a small space; never had the like before (fourth and fifth days).

Pains in the left flank (second day).

Burning pressure in region of bladder; soon afterward in the small of the back (10 P.M., first day).

Pressive pains deep in pelvis (in prostate?).

Periodic pains in the pubic region, worse on sitting (the first day).

Sticking and pressive pain in posterior inguinal ring and spermatic cord (immediately).

(Hernia in left groin protruded and strangulated, Lippe).

Ate some small onions; in four hours, indefinable anxiety; walks about, and finally, full of apprehension, throws himself on the bed, and soon gets up again; constant violent pains in left side of abdomen, more in middle and lower part of abdomen and in region of bladder, with troubles in urinating, and no stool; violent thirst; in face, expression of anxiety and doubt; skin hot, especially in the painful and sensitive places; pulse somewhat accelerated, full, hard.

Woman, 40 years old, after eating cooked onion; the hernia in the left groin much protruded and strangulated; very severe pains from high up in the left side of the hypochondrium drew towards the incarcerated hernia; very restless; much fever, etc.; the hernia returned after a single dose of Aconite, and no farther remedies were necessary ( Lippe).

Pain, drawing from the region of the liver through the whole abdomen.

Colic, gastric, wind and hemorrhoidal colic; in more than twenty cases, by a physician who was severely attacked on a journey, and without other remedies, seeing a string of onions hanging up, took (with a Rademacherian intuitive remedial instinct) one of the largest of string, and devoured it with true canine hunger, and suddenly is enchanted by being free from colic.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.