Agnus Castus

Agnus Castus homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

  Common name (Engl)., Chaste tree; (Germ). Keuschlamm; (Fr). Gattilier,.


Vitex agnus castus, L.

Natural order: Verbenaceae.

Pommes d’apis.

Preparation: Tincture from the ripe berries.


Melancholy, hypochondriac mood the whole day; he feels as if nothing existed around him; he is dissatisfied with himself all the time; he is incapable;of attending to any business; the things around him are entirely indifferent to him; while attending to his business, he is apt to fall into a thoughtless mood.

He sometimes feels as if he were nobody, and would rather be dead than have that feeling; when possessed by that feeling, he has no courage to undertake anything; and when free from it he feels exalted, would like to read like an orator, etc.

She is very sad, and keeps repeating that she will soon die (“A.,” in Stapf’s Beitrage).

Gloomy sensation in the head over the eyes (this symptom was observed in a man of twenty-five years, whose genital organs were habitually weak).

Extreme absence of mind; he is unable to recollect things; for instance, in playing cards, which he was fond of and knew well, he did not know what card he was to play, or what he was to do at all.

He finds reading difficult; he has to read several things twice; he is unable to fix his attention.


Vertigo; sensation as if everything were turning in a circle; in a few days.

Confusion of head, like a drawing in the whole head.

The head feels confused.

Heaviness of the head, with pressure in the nape;of the neck; sensation as if the head would fall forward.

Contractive headache, when reading.

Tensive tearing in the forehead (about one-half hour).

Tearing, with pressure, in the left frontal eminence.

Tearing, with pressure, in the temples and forehead, in the brain; more violent during motion (about two hours).

Contractive headache above the temples (about twelve hours).

Tearing and sticking in the temples, especially above the right eye, and in the other parts of the brain; more violent during motion (about one hour).

Tearing, with pressure in the right temple, on the outside of and in the interior of the brain; more violent during motion.

Tearing in the left temple.

Pain in the upper part of the right side of the head, which is more of a smarting and sticking nature; more externally, in the bone, as it were, and extending from behind forward, terminating in a corner of the forehead; the pain occurs especially in the evening hours, and befalls him even in sleep; for several days.

Pressure in the region of the left parietal bones.

Corrosive itching.

Chilliness in the scalp, with tension; it feels warm, however.

Corrosive itching in the lower part of the forehead, and in the region of the eyebrows.


Burning of the eyes in the evening, when reading.

Pain in the eye towards the temple, as if she had received a blow upon the eye; increased by contact.

Running of the eyes, in the room.

Corrosive itching in the upper eyelids. Smarting stitches in the right eyeball, going off by rubbing the eye.

Corrosive itching under the eyes.

Dilated pupils, the whole day.


Considerable heat in left external ear, soon after taking the drug.

Hardness of hearing.

Ringing in the ears, or rather roaring.


Hard aching on the dorsum of the nose, the right nasal bone, and between the right eyebrow and the root of the nose, as if a stone were pressing there; going off when pressing upon the parts (about thirty hours).

Corrosive itching of the tip of the nose.

Much sneezing, with dryness of the nose.

Illusion of smell; he sometimes smells herring, and sometimes musk, without either being present (one day).


Stinging itching in various parts of the face, commencing with a long stitch on either side.

Paralytic tearing in the right malar bone.

Formication in the right cheek, obliging him to scratch.

Corrosive itching in either cheek, obliging him to scratch.

Corrosive itching on the right side, near the chin.

Tearing, with pressure, in the right ramus of the lower jaw.

Deep tearing in the right ramus of the lower jaw, below the sockets.


The teeth are painful when touched by warm food or drink.

Coppery taste in the mouth, as if the mouth had been galvanized (after six hours).

The mouth is very dry; saliva so tough that it can be drawn out in threads; the velum pendulum palati and the uvula are red; he experiences a scratching in the throat, which obliges him to cough; while coughing, the phlegm which he wants to cough up feels to him very viscid, as if a piece of cloth were hanging in his throat.


Corrosive itching in the pit of the throat.


Hunger and appetite are very strong.

His appetite is good, and his hunger is rather increased.

His stomach is disordered; he relishes his food, but it does not with him.

Aversion to drink.

Want of thirst (six hours).

Increased thirst (after thirty hours).

The food does not agree with him; it makes him feel uneasy and replete.

Frequent hiccough, with disposition to be out of humor.


The wind which he brings up, and that which he passes by the rectum, smells like old urine in clothes.

Feeling of nausea in the pit of the stomach.

Nausea in the pit of the stomach when standing, after which he feels a qualmishness in the abdomen, as if all the bowels sank down (at one hour).

Pinching in the pit of the stomach, when sitting bent (after five days).


Loud rumbling in the abdomen during sleep.

Shifting pressure and cutting in the upper abdomen.

Transient cutting in the lower abdomen, directly above the left os ilium.

Itching stinging in the inguinal region, obliging him to scratch.

Sharp prickings in the superior and anterior spinous process of the left os ilium (after half hour).

Stool and Anus.

Loose stool, some days in succession.

The stools are more loose than usual, with dull pain in the abdomen.

Several diarrhoeic stools.

Difficulty in passing the stools, which were not hard; they had to be pressed out, and seemed inclined to re-enter the rectum.

Discharge of prostatic juice when straining at stool.

Constipation (after seventy-two hours).

Twitching in the sphincters.

Corrosive itching of the perineum.

A spot near the anus, in the flesh, which is painful when walking, as of subcutaneous suppuration; not when sitting.

Urinary Organs.

Disagreeable sensation in the back part of the urethra, after micturition.

He has to urinate frequently, and a good deal, the whole time of proving; the urine has a somewhat darker color.

The urine, increased in amount, seems to pass with a stronger stream.

A kind of yellow discharge from urethra.

When fondling females he discharges a little mucus from the urethra.

Sexual Organs.

Itching of the genital organs, obliging him to scratch.

Drawing along the spermatic cords.

The testes feel cold in the night to others, not subjectively (in a healthy man).

Crawling sensation in the testes.

Corrosive itching in the membranes of the penis.

Feeble erection without the sexual desire being irritated (after five to six hours).

The penis is so relaxed that not even voluptuous fancies excite it.

Diminution and slowness of the sexual powers, which are usually very easily and powerfully excited; the penis is small and flaccid (in a very healthy man).

He has not the usual morning erection, with desire for an embrace; the parts were without irritation, flaccid, and not disposed for an embrace (after sixteen hours), (in a healthy man).

To prevent getting children, a man took for three months, morning and evening, twelve grains of the Agnus castus, by which the parts were weakened to such an extent that not only did the erections become deficient, but he lost his semen as he intended, and never got children.

(Lindron, Venus-Spiegel, p.119).

Diminished sexual instinct; after an embrace the body feels easy and light (second night).

Want of sexual desire for two days; the erections and the sexual desire returned on the third day (in a healthy man).

Painful erections, early in the morning (after fourteen hours).

Frequent erection.

Frequent erections, during which the penis becomes more enlarged than usual (fourth, fifth, and sixth evenings), (secondary effect).

After an embrace he has an involuntary emission the same night, and a long-continued erection (seventh night), (secondary effect).

Increased sexual desire, constant erections, and voluptuous feeling in the genital organs (after third day), (curative effect).

Unusually violent erections without cause and without any amorous thoughts; the erection was accompanied with a kind of amorous rage, without any desire for emission; he gnashed his teeth from an excess of voluptuous sensation for half an hour in the morn ing, when rising (after twenty hours), (curative effect


Excites the sexual desire in some. (S. Paulli. Quad. Bot., p. 189).

The semen runs out in a stream, without ejaculation; it has but little smell, and is scanty (fourth day).

Respiratory Apparatus.

Sensation as if tenacious mucus were lodged in his throat; he is unable to bring it up.

His voice sounds as if it passed through wool; it has no characteristic tone.

Cough before falling asleep, in the evening, in bed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.