Aesculus Hippocastanum

Dryness of the throat.

Dryness of the throat after eating.

Painful dryness of throat, lasting six hours.

Dryness and contraction of throat.

Dryness and burning in throat, with sweetish taste.

Throat dry, as if it was scraped and swollen.

Dryness of back part of throat.

Feeling of dryness and roughness of throat as from taking cold.

Dryness in the throat, with scraping sensation during expectoration.

Sensation of dryness in throat and pharynx.

Burning in throat.

Violent burning in throat, with raw feeling there.

Burning in throat; at one time slight, at another severe (after a quarter of an hour).

Throat felt hot; worse on left side.

Pain in throat, as if burnt.

All the throat was excoriated, and it was constricted.

Raw feeling in throat.

Immediately on taking the drug, there is a sensation of scraping, irritation, or burning, extending from the mouth to the stomach; it usually passes off in an hour or two; it remains longer in the stomach than in the throat.

Irritation of the throat and oesophagus, a sort of constricted, scraped sensation, causing a disposition to hawk, occurred about an hour after taking the drug, and continued for several hours.

Scraping sensation in throat, exciting cough.

Constant shooting and raw pain in throat.

Sore throat, quite troublesome in the forenoon; none in the afternoon.

Sore throat, which was inflamed.

Tickling in throat, causing cough.

Sensation as if the air breathed in were colder.

Contractive pain in throat (five minutes).

Contractive pain, with burning in throat.

Fullness of upper part of throat.

Pressure in the pit of the throat, as if something had stuck there which required to be expelled.

Increased pain in throat after eating a grape.

Dryness in soft palate.

Great congestion of tonsil and soft palate.

Tonsils and soft palate very much congested, but no enlargement.

Severe congestion of tonsils and soft palate, with a constant aching distress in them.

Constant aching distress in tonsils.

Inflamed tonsils.

Tonsils of a fiery red color, and much swollen.

Both tonsils swollen, and of a fiery red color.

Dry, burning sensation of fauces and palate.

Fauces and oesophagus very dry.

Mucous surface of pharynx and mouth dry.

Pharynx and mouth feel irritated.

Dull pressing and pricking in fauces, with sensation of fullness in epigastrium, with empty eructations, followed immediately by burning in stomach and bowels (in a half hour).

Fauces congested.

Constrictive feeling very dry and constricted.

Great constriction of fauces, with tongue feeling as if it had been scalded.

Fauces feel constricted, with frequent dull pains on each side of the tonsils; they look very dark, with frequent dull pains on each side of the tonsils; they look very dark and congested.

Sharp, biting pain in the fauces and tip of tongue.

Violent formication in the fauces.

Heat down the oesophagus.

Burning in oesophagus and mouth.

Inclination to swallow.

Frequent inclination to swallow.

Frequent inclination to swallow, with dull pain in tonsil.

Frequent inclination to swallow, with frequent neuralgic pains in fauces.

Frequent inclination to swallow, with great dryness of fauces.

Frequent inclination to swallow, with constant aching distress in tonsils and fauces.

Frequent inclination to swallow, with severe constrictive feeling in the fauces.

Constant desire to swallow, with feeling of dryness and stiffness of throat when swallowing.

Feeling as if something had lodged in the fauces that produced a constant inclination to swallow.

In the evening, throat sore, swollen, and painful on deglutition.

When swallowing, burning like fire.

Left tonsil very much swollen and painful on deglutition.

Deglutition difficult.


Good appetite.Increase off appetite, with sick feeling in stomach all day.

Appetite less than normal.

Appetite but little.

No appetite.

Very thirty (in fever).

No thirst during chill or fever, but rather an increase of saliva.


Empty eructation.

Occasional eructation.

Eructation of wind.

Frequent eructation of wind.

Frequent eructation of air.

Frequent eructations of wind, with water-brash.

Occasional eructation of wind.

Belching of wind.

Eructation, with relief.

Great eructation of mucus.

Periodical eructation viscid mucus.

Eructation of thick mucus.


Nausea, retching (after a few minutes).

Nausea (inclination to vomit).

Nausea (immediately after).

Constant nausea.

Nausea immediately, and continuing all the afternoon.

Nausea; the thought of the medicine is unbearable.

Slight nausea.

Slight nausea, with empty eructations.

Nausea immediately, with ineffectual attempts to evacuate the bowels.

Nausea three hours after tea.

Nausea in stomach, with slight burning and increased flow of saliva.

Nausea; it is transient, recurring at short intervals, and usually disappears in about half an hour.

Inclination to vomit (after one and a half hours).


Violent vomiting.

A great deal of distress in stomach.

Considerable pain in the stomach for four or five hours after eating, which continues till after taking food again.

Stomach and bowels distress him very much.

Constant distress in stomach, with frequent pains through through bowels.

Constant pain in stomach and right lower lobe of liver.

Frequent sharp pains in the region of the stomach and apex of heart.

For the last two or three hours there has been a constant, very severe pain about and just below the pyloric extremity of the stomach.

Burning in stomach.

Burning in stomach; feels as if it contained warm water.

Constant burning distress in stomach.

Dull burning distress in stomach.

Slept well; but woke three times and found I had a dull burning pain in stomach.

Constant dull burning pain in the pyloric portion of the stomach.

Severe burning distress in stomach (superior cardiac portion).

Constant and severe burning distress in the stomach, with inclination to vomit.

Constant and very severe burning in stomach and bowels; very hard to endure the burning distress.

Constant burning distress in stomach and bowels, with severe fluttering sensation in pit of stomach, lasting five minutes at a time; came on five different times.

Constant and severe burning in the stomach, with a very severe backache in the lumbar region.

Heat in stomach and thorax.

Heartburn (for half an hour).

Tenderness and soreness of stomach.

Aching and rumbling in stomach.

The aching in stomach extends downwards.

Constant dull pain in the cardiac portion of stomach.

Early in morning, a feeling of gnawing and emptiness in stomach.

My stomach felt as if it would fall down into the intestines.

Fullness of stomach (in half and hour).

Distension was the only sign which told me to stop eating.

After eating, the stomach feels full, as if the walls were greatly thickened.

Cutting stomachache.


Comfortable feeling in stomach.

Slight pain in epigastrium.

Constant burning distress in the epigastric and umbilical regions, with a very severe aching pain in the lumbar region, very painful when trying to walk.

Constant burning, aching distress in the epigastric region, with constant dull, aching pains in the right hypochondriac region.

Great constant dull, aching pains in the right hypochondriac region.

Great heat in internal organs, or near the epigastrium.

Soreness of epigastrium.

Fullness at epigastrium.

Periodical tightness in the scrobiculus cordis, with labored breathing.

A quick, severe griping pain in the epigastric region; continues about half an hour (in a few minutes).

Experienced a severe griping pain in the epigastrium a few minutes after taking the drug; it continued till he fell asleep- about half an hour; it extended from stomach to umbilical region, and appeared to be produced by flatus, as there was, at the same time, quite a perceptible sensation of motion in the bowels.

Twisting in the scrobiculus cordis.

Pressure as from a stone in the pit of the stomach.

Constant dull and very severe aching pain just below the pit of the stomach, which produces a very weak, faint feeling; it is very hard to endure the distress.


Pain in the hypochondria through to the back, especially on inspiring.Dull, pressing pain in left hypochondrium.

Tenderness in right hypochondriac region.

Fullness of right hypochondriac region.

Frequent dull, hypochondriac region.

Fine stitching in left hypochondrium.

Constant dull, aching pain in left hypochondrium.

Constant dull, aching pain in left hypochondrium, and region of gall-bladder.

Dull shifting pain in left hypochondriac region.

Constant dull pains in right hypochondriac region, aggravated by walking.

Pinching pain in right hypochondriac, with colic.

Constant dull aching distress in right lower lobe of liver.

Great deal of distress in liver and epigastrium.

Constant, quite severe aching pain from the pit of the stomach to the right lower lobe of the liver.

Pain in the region of the spleen.

Shooting in right side above the hip, deeply seated.

Stitches in abdomen on left side, below the ribs.

Pain at umbilicus.

Burning, aching distress at umbilicus.

Soreness at umbilicus.

Fine pricking pains around the umbilicus.

Dull pain in the umbilical region.

Constant dull pain in region off navel.

Constant dull, aching distress in the umbilical region, with a very severe headache.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.