Aesculus Hippocastanum

Aesculus Hippocastanum homeopathy medicine – drug proving symptoms from Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by TF Allen, published in 1874. It has contributions from R Hughes, C Hering, C Dunham, and A Lippe….

  Common names: Horse Chestnut; (Germ). Rosskastanie; (Fr). Le marronnier d’Inde.


Aesculus Hippocastanum, L.Natural order: Sapindaceae.

Preparation: Trituration or tincture from the fresh fruit without the shell.


Great repugnance to the drug.Inward cheerfulness and placidity of temper.

Feeling very depressed and low-spirited.

Feeling very sad.

Feel dull, gloomy, and despondent.

Gloomy forebodings.

Extremely irritable; loses temper easy and gains control over it again but slowly.

Feels miserably cross.

Day before, when he had the darting pains in the trachea, he had a feeling as if death was impending; but this was followed by an exalted condition of brain and nervous system; thoughts flowed free, easy, and clear.

Thoughts rapid.

Mind clear.

“Mind very clear, with a light feeling of anterior lobes; posterior portion of head and cerebellum feel heavy and dull.

Mind cloudy.

Confusion of ideas; mind gets confused.

Very dull and stupid.

Disinclination to perform any labor.

Have not studied to-day.

Feel disinclined to study, and wanting rest.

Unable to fix his attention.

Loss of memory.

On waking (from sleep while sitting) cannot recognize what she sees; knows not where she is, nor whence came the objects about her.


Confusion of head.Sensation in head as if intoxicated.

Confused feeling in head, with giddiness.

Vertigo, quite troublesome.

Vertigo, very annoying all the afternoon.

Slight vertigo.

Vertigo, with sense of balancing in the head.

Headache general, throughout whole head.

Headache worse on stooping, or getting up from a chair.

Heat in head.

Headache all over, as if it would burst (during fever).

Pain and fullness in head, with stiffness in the neck and spine.

Fullness in head.

Severe headache, as if head would split.

Dull headache.

Brain feels dull and heavy.

Head feels heavy, dull, especially in region of right ear.

Dull pains in head, here and there, but principally in right temple and occiput, followed by dull stitches in the forehead and temple.

Heaviness of head.

Lancinating headache.

Slight frontal headache (in one hour).

Very severe frontal headache, all day.

Dull frontal headache.

Dull, heavy frontal headache, all day.

Dull frontal headache, with constrictive feeling of skin of forehead.

Dull frontal headache, with fluent coryza.

Dull weight in forehead.

Dull pressure in forehead, with slight feeling of nausea in stomach, followed immediately by stitches in right hypochondrium.

Aching in forehead; feeling in it as during cold in head.

Throbbing in right frontal eminence.

Neuralgic pain in region of causality (right), darts towards the left, with a constricted feeling of the skin of the forehead, followed by flying pains in the epigastric region of causality (right lower lobe of liver) (in one hour).

Slight uneasiness in region of left causality.

Occasional neuralgic pains in forehead and apex of heart.

Dull pain in forehead over right eye.

Headache over right eye (after one hour).

Pressure of hat on forehead leaves a large, red spot.

Frequent flying pains in forehead and temples all day.

Frequent flying pains through temples.

Pain and soreness at temporal region.

Sharp pressing pain in left temple.

Dull pain in left temple.

Quite severe pains in left temple.

Severe shooting pains in left temple.

Fine stitches in left temple, with slight feeling of nausea in stomach.

Head feels dull over temple.

Formication in the front of the temple.

Feeling as if she had a board upon the head.

Sensation of fullness in all the upper part of the head.

Headache in upper part of head; the pain is uniform and constant; the sensation that of the fullness and pressure rather than acute pain.

Quite severe pain in right side of head, above the temples.

A sore spot in right parietal bone, which, upon pressure, felt as if a knife were piercing through.

Back of head feels heavy.

Dull, heavy pressure on cerebellum.

Bruised feeling in the occiput, with feeling of lameness in back of neck.

Dull pain in occiput, extending to ears.

Dull pain in occiput, with flushes of heat in the integuments of the occiput, back of neck and shoulders.

Very severe lancinating headache at base of brain, as if too full.

Hyperaesthesia of scalp.

Soreness of right side of scalp (the side which rested on the pillow).


Eyes dull.Eyes clear.

Eyes of a pinkish hue.

Quivering of lids.

Twitching of lids. Tries to keep from winking.

Frequent twitching of muscles under left eye.

Heat in the eyes.

Severe smarting of the eyes.

Weight in the eyes.

Eyes heavy.

Jerking in right eye (after three and a half hours).

Shooting pain in left eye.

Light and giddy pain in right eye, while near light.

Burning and stinging deep in left orbit, as if the pain surrounded the ball of the left eye, with feeling of coldness in eye.

Painful aching over left eye.


Eyes filled with tears.

Burning in inner canthi.

Soreness of balls of eyes.

Pupils dilated; contract slowly.

She can read well at a distance; can read without spectacles, which she could never do before.

Flickering before eyes.

Optical illusions.


Burning in the ears.Fullness in both ears.

Pressure in region of right ear.


Dryness of posterior nares.Posterior nares empty; used to be full of mucus in morning.

Disposition to sneeze.


Thin mucus from nose, causing a frequent use of the pocket handkerchief.

Increased flow of mucus from nasal passages.

Profuse secretion of mucus in nostrils, with coryza.

Fluent coryza.

Much fluent coryza.

Frequent coryza.

Severe fluent coryza, (three hours after).

Fluent coryza, with the dull frontal headache.

Fluent coryza, with twisting sensation in the front part of the nose.

Coryza, with cool feeling in the nose on breathing in.

Coryza, profuse, with feeling of fullness of nose, pressure in forehead, as if he had taken cold.

Catarrh; fullness of nose, pressure in forehead, especially at root of nose.

Left nostril filled with thick mucus; right one empty.

Violent formication on the nose.

Fullness at root of nose (frontal sinus).

Pressure at root of nose.

Shooting pain in nose.

Nose feels sore and full.

Raw feeling throughout the whole nasal cavity.

Pain in right nasal bone.

Pressure in bone on left side of nose.

Burning in the nostril.

Stinging and burning in posterior nares and soft palate.

Sensation of swelling of the nasal mucous membrane, as if from taking cold.

Posterior nares and palate feel dry.

Feeling in nose as after a pinch of snuff.

Sensitiveness of the nasal mucous membrane, which causes a feeling as of coldness in the nose.

The nasal mucus becomes even more watery, the inspired air more felt.

Drawing in right nostril, as in violent coryza.

Dry feeling and sensation of heat in the nose, especially its tip, as when a severe coryza is about to come on.


Pale, miserable appearance.Looks ill.

Flush of blood to face soon after rubbing it. Ribbing after washing the face produces red spots under the skin.

Flying head and redness of left side of face.

Flying heat in left side of face.

Burning in left cheek.


Pain in sound teeth.Teeth feel as if covered with oil.

Tongue coated white.

Tongue slightly coated dirty-white.

Tongue coated yellowish-white.

Yellow coating on the tongue.

Tongue very much coated yellow.

Tongue covered with a light-brown coat.

Tongue feeling as if it had been scalded, with great constriction of fauces.

Tongue feels as if swollen.

Soreness of tip of tongue, like that produced by ulcers.

Sharp biting and stinging pain in tip of tongue and fauces.

Mucous surface of mouth and pharynx dry.

Dryness of soft palate.

Palate and posterior nares feel dry.

A quantity of thick, yellow phlegm in mouth.

Burning in mouth and oesophagus.

Flow of water into the mouth.

Rush of water into the mouth.

Collection of water in mouth compelling him to swallow.

Increase of saliva.


“I induced several other persons to make a few trials, but with no result, except increased salivation”.

Ptyalism, with an oily taste.

Coppery taste in mouth, with increased flow of saliva (in ten minutes).

Foul taste in mouth.

Sweetish taste.

Sweetish taste, as after taking dulcamara.

Sweet taste, like liquorice.

Sweet taste, with dryness of larynx.

Sweet, flat, slimy taste in mouth.

The taste, which was at first bitter, becomes sweet.

The taste, which was at first, in tensely bitter, and is peculiarly unpleasant and nauseous; the bitter taste is soon displaced by a pleasant, sweetish flavor, very similar to that of ordinary liquorice-root; this sweet taste remains about an hour.

Bitter taste.

Bitter, burning taste (of the drug), acting as an astringent on the mouth and oesophagus.

Flat, bitter taste in the mouth.

Flat, slimy taste in mouth.

Metallic taste in mouth.

The taste of the drug remained in the mouth several hours.

Unable to articulate long words distinctly; cannot control the tongue so as to form the words aright.


The mucus secreted in the throat becomes thinner.The mucus becomes watery.

Hawks up ropy mucus.

Frequent call to expectorate mucus.

Hawks up thick mucus.

Hawking of thick, afterwards of watery mucus.

Mucus ropy, with a sweetish taste.

The mucus in throat excites cough.

Increase of secretion from the submaxillary glands.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.