
Arsenicum is also a similimum in simple ulcer of the stomach. Great pressive, burning pain at the pit of the stomach, vomiting of everything ingested, vomiting mixed with blood hematemesis and melaena.

Phosphorus produces gastric ulcers and hemorrhages. It is indicated by a gnawing and griping pain at the epigastric region. Vomiting of food and hematemesis, regurgitation of food accompanied by hiccough specifies the further indication of Phosphorus, but clinical data are less for this drug than for Arsenicum and Kali bichromicum.

Uranium nitrate is indicated by R. Hughes who considers it as very important Dr. Drysdale published a case of gastric ulcer cured by this remedy. Those who have conducted experiments with this remedy have noticed ulcer of the stomach in rabbits. This remedy produces vomiting and hematemesis.

In cases of very violent hematemesis Hamamelis and Ipecac 1x trit,. should be given in alternation, dose every twenty minutes.

Exclusive milk diet during the course of the disease and the diet for dyspeptics during the apparent improvement. Summing up, the treatment should be commenced by Kali bich. or Argentum nitr. Should the case be a typical one, Arsenicum comes immediately next to those, and when the burning pains, anxiety, and thirst are present. Kali bichromicum is best indicated in the acute form and Arsenicum in the chronic form Kreosotum is indicated by the vomiting.

Return to solid food must be very gradual.

P Jousset
Pierre Jousset 1818 – 1910 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy, to become one of the founders and President of La Societe Francaise de Homeopathie in 1889, founder, Medical Director and Physician at the Hospital St. Jaques in Paris, Editor of L’Art médical with Jean Paul Tessier, and President of the Homeopathic Congress.