AMENORRHOEA [Amenorrhoea]: definition, forms, aetiology, pathology and treatment of amenorrhoea with homeopathy in the book Disorders of Menstruation by Cowperthwaite….
Disorders of Menstruation by Cowperthwaite, A. C. 1848-1926 (Allen Corson). Originally published in 1889?
Here Dr. Cowperthwaite discusses amenorrhoea, menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea with their definitions, pathology, varieties, aetiologies, symptoms and homeopathic remedy suggestions.
Book speaks on the common presentation of menstrual irregularities that a practitioner comes across in day to day practice, with proper definition, clinical classification, aetiopathology, prognosis and homeopathic management.
AMENORRHOEA [Amenorrhoea]: definition, forms, aetiology, pathology and treatment of amenorrhoea with homeopathy in the book Disorders of Menstruation by Cowperthwaite….
MENORRHAGIA: definition, pathology, Aetiology, Constitutional causes, local cause, types- functional, sympathetic and organic, symptoms and homeopathic treatment explained in the book Disorders of Menstruation by Cowperthwaite….
DYSMENORRHOEA definition, types- congestive dysmenorrhoea, obstructive dysmenorrhoea, membranous dysmenorrhoea, neuralgic dysmenorrhoea and homeopathic therapeutics for dysmenorrhoea in the book Disorders of Menstruation by Cowperthwaite….