Apis mellifica.- A remedy of oedema and exudation. Indicated in the oedema of glottis with amelioration by cold drinks. Meningitis with influenza or acute pneumopathy. Acute piercing cry during sleep. Delirium, stupor, leading to coma. Pain in the head where the child puts its hands. The child rolls its head. The head falls below the pillow. It throws away its covers. Tries to keep itself away from any source of heat. Amelioration by cold compress. It is indicated for hastening the resorption of pleural exudation.

Arsenicum album.-Watery coryza, less abundant, very excoriating with irritation of the nostrils and upper lid. Amelioration by the application of heat. Cough with frothy expectoration. The patient must sit up for respiration. It cannot lie stretched. Dry lips, the tongue as if roasted, covered with sticky and foetid mucous. Burning in the pharynx which is dry and red. Great thirst of small quantity of cold water frequently. Extreme weakness with agitation. Aggravation towards 1 A.M. Burning pains in the thorax, upper part of the right lung and pharynx. Trachitis, influenza, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia. The case is always grave and adynamic. May be given from the very first day of the attack in the 30th dilution once a day specially when clinically the diseases is alarming. Influenza, acute pneumopathy.

Arsenicum iodatum.- A very important remedy of convalescence from disease of the respiratory system of children of tubercular constitution. The child is vivacious, irritable and impatient. Aggravation in extreme temperatures. Amelioration in open air. Adenopathies. Pneumonia having the tendency to become chronic. Asthma, convalescence, pretubercular condition.

Arum triphyllum.- A remedy characterised by irritation and dryness of the mucous membranes. Excoriation of the lips and of the nostrils with great desire to scratch. The child picks it squamous upper lip which causes burning and inflammation. Ulceration of the nostrils and of the lips. Foetid ulcerating salivation. Deep red mucous membranes of the mouth. Difficult deglutition. Nervous breakdown. Aggravation in the heat. A right- sided remedy. Infantile diseases of grave adynamic type. Laryngitis. Aphonia after over work.

Baptisia.-Grave infectious condition of typhoid type. May be indicated in acute pulmonary affections with prostration, pains of the muscles and bruised feeling. The side of which the patient lies down becomes painful delirium. Believes that is extremities are separated from the body. Foetid breath and foetidness of all excretion. Parrot tongue. Influenza, bronchopneumonia, pneumonia.

Belladonna.-With Aconite and Ferrum phos, it forms the trio of remedies of the onset of acute diseases. Sudden onset, during cold weather (dry or humid). Symptoms appear suddenly. Extreme agitation alternating with prostration. Redness and paleness of the face with sweats. Thirst. Rapid, full tense pulse but can be depressed. Suits better to nervous children (remedy of students. Aconite being the remedy of villagers). Aggravation by movements (contrary Aconite). Amelioration by cold application and in warm room. Acute delirium with prostration. Dryness of the nostrils and of the larynx with suffocating spasms. Dry, short laryngial cough, whose at night with painful points in the chest. Indicated in all acute diseases of the respiratory system at the onset, in false croup, in meningitis, congestion of the brain, convulsion. At the beginning of all the diseases of the respiratory systems.

Bromium- Sudden inflammation of the respiratory tract after a chill (sweat, current of air) when the weather is very hot, in children who are very hotly clothed during the first heat of May or June or during humid weather. Excoriating nasal flow with obstruction of during humid weather. Excoriating nasal flow with obstruction of the nose, first the right nostril then extending to the left. Spasmodic dry cough with expectoration. Sensation of Sulphur fumes in the bronchi. Laryngo-tracheal rales with difficult inspiration. Rapid formation of false membranes. Tendency to adenitis. Amelioration on the sea side and by movement, aggravation while eating and drinking (cold drinks) from the evening till the midnight, while entering in a room (cough)- Acute coryza, false croup, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis.

Bryonia- An important remedy of the respiratory system Chronologically its place is just after Aconite, Belladonna and Ferrum phos. Dryness of the mucous membranes. Intense thirst of large quantity of cold water at long intervals. Dry coryza with frontal headaches (suppressed catarrhal headaches). Dry cough with tickling of the larynx, aggravation while entering in a hot room, with painful points in the chest at fixed points (mobile points- Kali carb) specially on the right side. Sticky, brick-red expectoration. Abundant hot sweat causing amelioration. Coryza, trachitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia where it may be used in the period when the disease is fully developed. Pleurisy.

Camphora.- A very important remedy of sudden chill. If it is applied in time it can check coryza, bronchitis, even acute pneumopathies. It should be taken at the very sensation of chill, at the time of shivering or when “one feels that has caught cold,” before the stage of sneezing. If one is sensitive to cold one should keep this remedy in his pocket. Coryza with stopped nose, pain in the head. Aggravation by cold but does not like to covered. Amelioration by heat by hot drinks. Excellent remedy of collapse stage. Weakness and chill being the dominant characteristics (Sweat-Veratrum, album). Coryza, pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, capillary bronchitis.

Cantharis-It is specially a remedy of pleurisy. According to Dr. Charge it should be given exactly when the fever begins to decrease, the pain has diminished and disappeared. Exudation continues to increase or persist. The pulse is small, frequent. Humid skin, sweat Frequent cough. Oliguria.

Causticum-Hoarseness in the morning. Sensation of ulcer in the Larynx. Dry expiratory cough, amelioration by drinking cold water. Aversion to sugar. Nervous and timid child having extreme fright of darkness. Aggravation during clear and beautiful weather, in dry cold wind. Amelioration during rainy or wet season, by hot air. Laryngitis, bronchitis.

Carbo vegetabilis- In children, it is a remedy of grave agonising stage. Its place comes when. Arsenic and Antimonium tart. have failed and the disease goes on increasing towards death. Extreme weakness (Arsenic, Muriatic acid). Collapse stage, moribund. Cold breathing. Skin cold with cyanosis, sweat, involuntary foetid stools. Superficial rapid respiration; need for fresh air, wants to be fanned. Small, uncountable rapid pulse. Thready pulse. The condition seems hopeless. Carbo vegetabilis given in such a condition often causes resurrection.

Corallia.-A remedy of whooping-cough-like cough. Violent spasmodic cough in rapid succession which causes the child to lose its breath. It becomes red, light violent. Complete break- down after the attack. Great weakness. Aggravation in the morning.

Coccus Cacti-Violent cough with viscous mucous. Thready mucous which hangs from the lower lip. Better after expectoration. Spasmodic cough in the morning. Tickling in the larynx. Vomiting of mucous ends the cough. Better while walking. Aggravation while lying on the left side, after sleep, by touch. Whooping cough, trachitis.

Cuprum metallicum – Spasmodic cough with possible convulsion. Amelioration by drinking cold water. Contraction of the extremities (closed fists). Face first red then violet. A very important remedy of whooping cough. In case of failure give Cuprum Aceticum.

Dulcamara-Stopped nose and cough after exposition to humid cold or during a sudden change of hot weather into cold and humid. It is specially a remedy of affections caused by humid cold, while Aconite is a remedy of affections caused by dry cold. Amelioration by inspiration of hot air. Aggravation by cold air intense thirst for cold water(>) Rhino-pharyngitis, bronchitis, influenza.

Drosera-Inflammation of the laryngial mucous membranes with tickling of the pharynx and larynx. Dry spasmodic cough like the crowing of a cock. Repeated attack of cough with fear of suffocation. The face of the child becomes red, violet, seems swollen. Expectoration of mucous with streaks of blood or vomiting. Expectoration and vomiting ameliorate. During attack the child catches hold of its throat or places its hand on the painful parts. It agitates because movements gives it relief. Better immediately when the child lies down at night and after mid-night. Often epistaxis, constipation. Whooping cough or whooping-cough like cough. Laryngitis, laryngo trachitis, or bronchitis. Whooping cough.

Eupatorium.-Influenza with bruised feeling, with great muscular and bone pains. Pains in the chest. Extreme sensitiveness to cold. Movements does not ameliorate. Fever with chill and shivering. Bone pains with chill. Thirst before chill, the sweat. Sadness complete breakdown. Dry cough which jerks the patient painfully. Loss of voice in the morning. Influenza, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia capillary bronchitis.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.