The patch to be treated should be placed at a distance of fifteen centimeters from the center of the focus tuber with Sabouraud’s radiometer midway. This latter is a disc impregnated with barium platinocyanid, which changes in color, thus measuring the dosage which is necessary. When the tint “B” of Sabouraud and Noire’s radiometer (equivalent to an exposure of 5 unite H. of Holzknecht’s scale) is reached, the operation is terminated. The hair should fall out in from ten to eighteen days but if it does not, the operation may be repeated four weeks later. Within in week’s time a slight erythema naturally appears which gives way to a faint pigmentation. After the raving it appears which gives way to a faint pigmentation. After the raving it is advisable to apply nightly an oil of cade ointment for at least a is advisable to apply nightly an oil of cade ointment for at least a month so as to insure complete destruction of the fungus. This measure may be reinforced by a morning shampoo followed by the application of an alcoholic lotion containing tincture of iodin.

If the X-rays are not available or desirable, one or more of the following applications may be employed: salicylic acid (15 to 20 grains), thymol (30 to 60 grains), betanaphthol (1 dram), iodin (1 dram), tar (1 to 2 drams), sulphur (1 to 2 drams), carbolic acid (2 dram), each to an ounce of lard, zinc oxid or cold cream. In more persistent cases, a lotion of formalin, at first dilute and later full strength (40 per cent. formaldehyd); oleate of mercury, 5 to 20 per cent. in ointment; or mercuric chlorid, 2 to 4 grains to an ounce of lard or to an ounce of equal parts of water and alcohol, can be recommended. Ammoniated mercury, 5 to 10 per cent., in a simple ointment is well adapted for young children. It has been my main standby in mild cases for many years in institutional work. Oil of cade and olive oil in equal parts has been highly recommended. Follicular suppuration, such as occurs in kerion, will help the cure of ringworm. To artificially produce the same results such irritants as croton oil or pyrogallic acid have been used.

Tinea barbae requires much the same treatment as tinea tonsurans, except that the strong applications are not usually needed and that epilation is even more essential. This latter can best be accomplished by the X-rays, with treatments of from four to ten minutes twice weekly for three weeks or preferably by the massive dose method which may be repeated if necessary after three on four weeks interval. In treatment of kerion of the beard there is no method equal to the X- rays, although the severity of the treatment may cause permanent loss of hair and scarring. If epilation must be done in the ordinary way, it should cover only a small area daily, just before the application of an antiparasitic. The surface may be thoroughly cleansed with alcohol and soap and any one of the following prescriptions used: a saturated solution of solidum hyposulphite; mercuric chlorid 2 grains to an ounce of cologne or alcohol and a 2 dram of glycerin; thymol 1 dram, chloroform 3 drams, and sweet oil 5 drams; t0 per cent. boroglycerid solution; resorcin or salicylic acid, 40 to 60 grains in lanolin and olive oil, each 2 ounce. These may be employed two or three times a day. Poulticing or puncture of the lesions should be avoided. The hair that is not epilated should be kept short and the non-infected areas closely shaved.

There is no question in my mind that internal remedies, especially sulphur, tend to increase bodily resistance and make the skin a less desirable habitat for the parasite. I might suggest the following: Bary. carb., Graphites, Kali bichrom., K.carb., K.sulph., Lycopodium, Mercurius biniod., Mez., Nat.mur., Phosphorus, Phyto., Sepia, Sul., Tellurium.

Frederick Dearborn
Dr Frederick Myers DEARBORN (1876-1960)
American homeopath, he directed several hospitals in New York.
Professor of dermatology.
Served as Lieut. Colonel during the 1st World War.
See his book online: American homeopathy in the world war