Argentum nitricum acts electively on the stomach and duodenum and secondarily on the small intestines. In muco- membranous enteritis it is related to two other remedies : Cupressus and Cantharis, All the three act on the bladder.

Anacardium acts on the stomach and duodenum, secondarily on the intestines. It has also an action on the skin; the liver and on the mind.

Nux vomica. It is an important polychrest which is however, a drainer and complementary of Sulphur. It is, says Dr. Nebel, the canaliser of Sulphur on the small intestines in acute conditions.

When you have indigestion with diarrhoea then constipation, then again diarrhoea, it is indicated. It regulates the peristaltism of the small intestines and Nux Vomica, says Huge-Saxons, is the remedy of debauchery.

Aloe is the canaliser of Sulphur on the rectum.

Aesculus hippocastanum has a special action on portal hypertension and on the veins of the rectum (Sepia)

Magnesia sulphuricum is the most active remedy to empty the gall bladder. It is a cholagog type.

Podophyllum is equally near to China as regards diarrhoea, at first bilious, then devoid of bile. Through China it is related to Phosphorus with its great hepatic insufficiency.

It has equally relation, either direct or through Bryonia, with Natrum muriaticum, a remedy of chronic stage which in an acute stage yields its place to Podophyllum.

From the point of view of drainage, the application of Podophyllum is interesting, but it should not be used in very high dilutions because it blocks very soon. Better use it in the 6th. It is a complementing remedy of functional nature because of its centripetal tendency, rather than a drainage remedy properly called. It is also a canaliser because of its action on the two poles : Duodenum and rectum.

Aloe. A very interesting remedy. At first it acts electively on the rectum, less on the liver, colons and on the whole large intestine.

From the anatomical point of view it acts on the lumbar region, on the pelvis, and on the female genitals.

On veins from the point of view of tissues.

Its action on the liver should not be neglected. The action is sufficiently strong. Hepatic insufficiency with portal hypertension very marked. Generalised venous congestion, localised specially on the abdomen and on the portal system.

You know the important symptoms of Aloe. Weakness of the sphincter which causes incontinence when passing air. Tendency to prolapsus of the anus like Podophyllum.

Aloe then should be used in the diarrhoea according to the law of homoeopathy. It is to be given in 30. It is a very important remedy because of its local elective action on the rectum, and it is a drainage remedy. While Podophyllum is almost always centripetal in homoeopathic doses, Aloe may be centrifugal in medium dilutions.

When the symptoms of Aloe is very marked, while the diarrhoea is only transitory or even non-existent Aloe may be an excellent remedy of constipation due to the rectal atony having portal congestion. Dr. William Bas gives it daily with Taraxacum in old chronic constipated persons. The allopaths who give Aloe and Podophyllum in massive doses soon fatigues the liver causing colourless stools with acholia and overwork of the liver which can no more secrete the bile.

We must also know that Aloe is a remedy to be given to old beer drinkers having aggr. by beer like Kali bichromicum. Dr. A. Nebel who has well studied Aloe, says that it acts on oxalemic persons specially more than on uratics, but no experimental researches have yet been done on this point.

Aggravation by Beer. Kali bichromicum is very important. Aloe is often the remedy of old persons. Note here that persons who have atony of the rectum are either old or child. An old man who has great atony of the rectum with constipation, may have complete atony of the anal sphincter with constipation, like that of the type of Causticum.

Aggravation by Wine. Nux Vomica is an important remedy. But you may have other remedies : Zincum metallicum and Antimonium crudum. The last one is very much aggravated by sour wine. As regards Zincum wine makes it terribly restless. Tremblings, spasms, restlessness of the legs.

Sulphur is the ground remedy of all these persons when they drink too much wine, beer or coffee. They have high blood pressure with congestive symptoms.

Aggravation by Coffee or Tea. Ignatia. Less important are Chamomilla and Gelsemium. Aconite is very much indicated in persons who cannot tolerate Cafeine. In these cases Adrenalin in the 30th and 200th will also act. Coffee decaffinated, may be tolerated by these subjects.

In aggravation by tea one may use Selenium which is also used in sexual excesses and for the throat, the liver. Another important remedy is Thuja.

Already towards 1848, Hering had shown that the people generally, drink beer, drink also tea, and that those who consume a large quantity of coffee drinks too much wine because coffee antidotes the action of wine to some extent and the tea antidotes the effects of beer. Coffee has a good reaction after meals when the wine has caused some troubles. On the other hand one should note that in persons who cannot tolerate tea, there is extreme dilatation of the stomach. Give them Thuja.

When the subject is intoxicated by cocaine give him Gelsemium and a cup of coffee if it is necessary.

Aggravation by Tobacco. Gelsemium, Ignatia, Nux vomica Daphne indica, Caladium, Plantago.

Aesculus Hippocastanum. Action on the rectum, the right side of the abdomen and secondarily on the liver and the pharynx. It may also acts on mucous membranes, occiput and on the lumbar region. The same action on the occiput like that of Juglans cineria.

Modalities. Aggr. in the morning after waking up, walking, after stools and micturition.

Amelioration. In open air, by cold bath. by the discharge of blood from haemorrhoids, continued exercise.

Aesculus is an important complementary of Sulphur. But when you have a patient of Sulphur having portal congestion, when haemorrhages from the haemorrhoids are not painful, it is the history of the subject who maintains a good health because he has periodic haemorrhages from the haemorrhoids; the bleeding is natural and it is good for health. Sometimes this haemorrhage may stop; he becomes aggravated, has the sensation of a plug with pins in the rectum or a bit higher in. Very often when you examine a patient you may find that he has the symptoms of Sulphur and of Aesculus as well. He is in a period of transition. He will have his prescription in the following manner Sulphur 200, ground remedy, Nux vomica 30, functional remedy, to act on the constipation and on general congestion; Aesculus 3, 6, or 30 the drainer and at the same time the derivator which will diminish the portal congestion, stop the haemorrhoidery derivation. The patient will drain himself either through the skin or by urine. Thus you will help the digestive system.

Relation. Podophyllum, Aloe, Nux vomica, Chamomilla (intolerance to pain), Belladonna. The last two make it related to Calcarea carbonica and thus brings it nearer to Sulphur. Aesculus is also related to Coffee. From the point view of the throat, it has other important relations than in the affection of Pharynx. It is often complementary to Phytolacca, Hamamelis, Kali muriaticum and Arsenic.

Collinsonia. Less important than the preceding three. A remedy of drainage acting electively on the rectum but specially on the entire pelvis, uterus, intestines and on the colons. Secondarily on the liver and on the pharynx.

Haemorrhoids specially in time of pregnancy. Pelvic congestion with varicocele. Burning pain of the rectum. Cardiac pains, constipation. Bleeding piles alternating with cardiac troubles and rheumatism.

Often a Pulsatilla woman becomes a patient of Collinsonia. Collinsonia has also relation with Lycopodium, Nux vomica, and Sulphur, distantly related to Sepia.

Modalities. Aggravation : at night specially, by sudden suppression of the haemorrhoids. It is a good remedy of derivation but when you use Collinsonia, on haemorrhoids be careful of the consequence. If you open the intestine, you naturally favour elimination through this organ but that will not be enough. You should very often give Lycopodium or Thuja as a ground remedy, Nux vomica as a functional remedy and Solidago, Berberis to open more the anal passage.

Always try to drain, to derivate through the kidney as much as possible for avoiding metastasis. And be careful, by suppressing the haemorrhoids, not to cause in the patient a liver headache.

On this subject we make a rapid comparison of the remedies of haemorrhoids.

I am not speaking again about Sulphur, which is well studied in the Materia Medica and about Hamamelis and Nux vomica, Aloe and Aesculus.

Very Painful Haemorrhoids : think of Muriatic acid, Nitric acid, Paeonia, Ratanhia (fissures)

Aesculus has the sensation of a plug with needles in the rectum and its haemorrhoids bleed little.

Muriatic acid has the sensation of excoriation. The haemorrhoids are very red, very much excoriated, so painful that when the patient goes to stool he is obliged to wipe with a damped cotton. It is also related to Lachesis which has also sensitiveness to touch. The whole mucous membrane is excoriated and infected.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.