The psora is often expressed by : –Periodic Cutaneous Eruptions, eczema, Urticaria, furuncles and acne. All these eruptions are aggravated by washing.

–Other Possible Phenomena of Eliminations : epistaxis, periodic or continued, diarrhoea.

The sulphur organism should burn. It is the volcano. The mucous membranes are of red colour, specially of the orifices (lips, anus).

It has eruptions as a result of Centrifugal Power of this temperament, if the patient cannot drain himself in any other way. The pains are of Burning Type, specially burning in the gastric region.

–Burning of the feet, The Patient Searches For a Cool Place on the bed. The sensation of combustion is such that the patient cannot fast, fasting is unbearable. Goneness Feeling in the Stomach towards 11 a.m.; must eat at that time, which causes amelioration. No symptom of the liver. The liver is temporarily big and congested, diminishes soon by a high dilution, 200 or M (Korsakov).

The symptoms are general and digestive.

One important symptom Of Proteopexic Troubles. The Milk is very Badly Tolerated. Another symptom : cannot digest eggs (the yellow of the egg contain Sulphur and Phosphorus). Sometimes, sugar, farinaceous foods and starch are not tolerated. (Let us note that the milk and yellow of the egg are cholagogs)

Light cat’s nap, wakes up by the least noise. Insomnia from 2 to 5 a.m.

If there is diarrhoea, aggr. at 5 a.m.;the patient must make haste.

The stools may be colourless, diarrhoeic or not.

Painful tension in the region of liver. This symptom is rarely spontaneous, often it does not exist, caused only by pressure.

The complementaries and drainers of Sulphur will be : Nux Vomica. For the intestines.

Aloe. For the rectum (It is choleretic), Dr. Nabel’s canalizer of this organ.

Podophyllum. Choleretic for Charbol in ponderable dose. Elective action on the duodenum and secondarily on the rectum.

Magnesia sulphurica. Very powerful cholagog and choleretic in heavy doses.

Anacardium. When the sensation of empty feeling in the stomach is better by eating.

Mercurius has humid mouth with thirst, aggr. by the heat of the bed. Sweats do not ameliorate.

Has also close relation with Lycopodium (the vegetable Sulphur) and with phosphorus (troubles of the composition of blood).

Sepia. (Portal hypertension)

Natrum Sulphuricum. Hydrogenoid constitution. Phosphorus is distantly related to it.

Natrum Sulphuricum. suits specially to hydrogenoid patients.

Natrum Sulphuricum and Magnesia carbonicum are good choleretics (Charbol), therefore acting on the production of bile from the interstitial lymph and laminary system.

Aggr. during humid times and in humid places, in marshy lands and in unhealthy places. Better by humid heat (Ipecac). Retention of water by the liver and by the tissues. (peri- visceral oedema). Gouty constitution (possibility of uricemia).

Hepatic Symptoms. Sensation of pressure on the region of liver.

–Pain caused by palpation.

–Fullness in the region of liver; aggr. by the least pressure by a belt and by any tight itching on the body (Lachesis).

–A possible blood-symptom : diminution of the viscosity of blood.

–Chloride retention (blood, urine) but very frequently Hyper-cholesterinemia with a hydrogenoid state, needing water to saturate chloride. –It acts on water metabolism. Troubles of thyroid and lymphophysery glands.

Tongue greenish-gray, salty taste of gastric and pharyngeal mucous.

Voracious appetite, followed by regurgitations and loss of appetite. Nausea in the morning.

Flatulence. Thirst for very cold, icy drinks.

Borborygmus. Intestinal gas that one cannot expel.

Pressing diarrhoea, after break-fast, yellowish, with gas Intestinal pains, aggr. while lying on the left side (Sepia). Tendency to warts.

Natrum sulphuricum is therefore a very good remedy of the liver. It is related to : –China. Acts on the excess of cholesterinemia.

–Cholesterinum. Same (high dilutions)

–Lecithin. Antagonist of cholesterin. To be used in gross dose as a cholagog.

–Podophyllum. Choleretic; morning diarrhoea, yellowish stool. Action on the duodenum and rectum.

–Calcarea carbonica. May act also in hydrogenoids or persons suffering from cholesterinemia.

–Dulcamara. Hydrogenoid constitution. Gout alternates with digestive symptoms.

Nux Vomica. A drainer of Natrum sulphuricum. Hydrogenoid for the intestines.

Kali carbonicum. Pricking pain in the liver as if from needles. Pain in kidneys. Weakness. Acts like Vichy water.

As a ground remedy Natrum sulphuricum is related to : Sulphur. Congestion of liver.

Lycopodium. Has Natrum sulphuricum in its composition.

Phosphorus. Action of cholesterin.


Sepia. May sometimes be hydrogenoid.

Like Sulphur, Natrum sulphuricum has a clear centrifugal action : elimination.

Action on the biliary function. It is to be noted that one of the biliary salts, Taurocholate contains at the sametime Sulphur and Sodium like Natrum Sulphuricum, which itself is choleretic, therefore acting by the formation of bile salts in the tissues.

Phosphorus. Very important remedy of the liver, not very well known by homoeopaths, because it is thought to be dangerous.

In fact, it is dangerous only in tuberculosis of the lungs and of the larynx. It is a remedy of degeneration of fat. (Kali bichromicum and phloridine). Therefore it suits less to ordinary insufficiency of the liver. It is rather a remedy of cirrhosis, deep, acute insufficiency of the liver (serious kinds of jaundice) or chronic affection (with cholecystitis)

Thirst for very cold water. Hungry immediately after meals. Sour taste and eructations after meals.

Gastric pains amel. by cold foods. Hiccough, sensation of emptyness in the stomach, great sensitiveness in the epigastrium.

Liver big and painful Icterus. Colourless stool, grayish white stool.

Grave jaundice. Haemorrhages. Retarded Menstruation Diminution of Coagulability.

Action on the blood-function of the liver (perhaps action on the formation of fibrinogens)

Purpura (no other action on the skin)

Sensation of emptyness and coldness in the abdomen.

Acts on the pancreas. Acute or chronic pancreatitis.

Sometimes constipation of hard, dry and narrow stools. Sometimes weakening diarrhoea, painless, mixed with small solid white particles. Acts on hepatic insufficiency of olds suffering from bile stone, or from cholecystitis, with chronic pancreatitis.

Action of uremia. Acts more on endocrinal liver than on exocrinal liver.

Action also on Alcoholism (Sulphur, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Nux vomica):

Action on bones; organic fat; walls of blood vessels, parenchymas, nerve cells.

Relations : As complementary, related to :

–China. Reinforces Phosphorus. Has action like Phosphorus on cholesterin.

–Berberis. Drains Phosphorus towards urines.

–Ricinus Communis. Excellent action on nausea.

–Bryonia. According to the modalities.

–Digitalis. Cardiac liver, and accordeon liver, with China and Phosphorus.

–Chelidonium. For cholesterinemia. Should be given in M or


–Lecithin. In ponderable doses. Antagonist of cholesterin.

–Lutein. Cholecystitis and lithiases of women during menopause or during pregnancy.

–Arsenicum album. Restlessness and prostration, better by heat.

–Crot. horridus. Grave jaundice. A remedy of yellow fever.

–Chloroforme. In grave icterus.

–Kali bichromicum. In fatty degeneration.

–Phlorizine. In fatty degeneration.

As ground remedy compare with : –Lycopodium. Insufficient, small liver. A remedy of “bitter” of the bile than of the “sugar”.

–Sulphur. Very distant.

–Natrum Sulphuricum. Cholesterinemia.

–Lachesis. Similar action on blood. General insufficiency. Forms cholesterin.

–Sepia. Distant relation. Portal hypertension.

Lycopodium. Classical insufficiency of the liver with more or less discrete phenomena of Retention of Bile. It is also a remedy of ground of familial cholemia of Gilbert (with China)

Hereditary Syphilitics, which creates some tenacious troubles of liver function, has the need for Lycopodium as much as Luesinum, Aurum metallicum and the salts of Mercury.

We have shown sometimes ago that Lycopodium, with Sepia were the ground remedies corresponding very often to the Infantile Anorexia. This affection, is sometimes called mental, really has some clear symptoms of hepatic insufficiency corresponding to the symptoms of this remedy.

Lycopodium is also a habitual remedy of hepatic insufficiency caused by alcoholism and of Laennec’s Atrophic Cirrhosis : cirrhosis with sclerosis==Lycopodium; Cirrhosis with degeneration==Phosphorus.

It is now classic to compare the spores of Lycopodium with the anatomic representation of hepatic lobule. The similarity is striking.

Lycopodium is a mass of which the spores are inert, and considered with reason as such in Allopathy in gross doses, are capable of becoming, when diluted and dynamised, an extremely active remedy; so active that it is dangerous to prescribe in high dilution even in the 30th, to patients having torpid liver (general insufficiency, cirrhosis, cholecystitis, acute or chronic grave jaundice). On the contrary in habitual cases of hepatic insufficiency, Lycopodium is the best remedy.

Mauritius Fortier-Bernoville
Mauritius (Maurice) Fortier Bernoville 1896 – 1939 MD was a French orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become the Chief editor of L’Homeopathie Moderne (founded in 1932; ceased publication in 1940), one of the founders of the Laboratoire Homeopathiques Modernes, and the founder of the Institut National Homeopathique Francais.

Bernoville was a major lecturer in homeopathy, and he was active in Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, and a founder of the le Syndicat national des médecins homœopathes français in 1932, and a member of the French Society of Homeopathy, and the Society of Homeopathy in the Rhone.

Fortier-Bernoville wrote several books, including Une etude sur Phosphorus (1930), L'Homoeopathie en Medecine Infantile (1931), his best known Comment guerir par l'Homoeopathie (1929, 1937), and an interesting work on iridology, Introduction a l'etude de l'Iridologie (1932).

With Louis-Alcime Rousseau, he wrote several booklets, including Diseases of Respiratory and Digestive Systems of Children, Diabetes Mellitus, Chronic Rheumatism, treatment of hay fever (1929), The importance of chemistry and toxicology in the indications of Phosphorus (1931), and Homeopathic Medicine for Children (1931). He also wrote several short pamphlets, including What We Must Not Do in Homoeopathy, which discusses the logistics of drainage and how to avoid aggravations.

He was an opponent of Kentian homeopathy and a proponent of drainage and artificial phylectenular autotherapy as well.