Yucca filamentosa

Yucca filamentosa signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Yucca filamentosa is used…

      Yucca filamentosa. Bear Grass. *N. O. Melanthaceae (Liliaceae). Tincture of root and leaves when not in flower. Tincture of flowers.


Biliousness. Coryza. Diarrhoea. Flatulence, odourless. Headache, temporal. Post-nasal catarrh. Throat, granular.


*Yucca was proved by Rowell and four others in the 30th. Farrington gives these indications: Biliousness with pain going through upper part of liver to back. Bad taste in mouth. Stools diarrhoeic, and contain an excess of bile. Much flatus passed by rectum. Frontal or temporal headache with frequent flushing of face. Face sallow. Tongue coated yellow and taking imprint of teeth. Dull ache in center of liver. Abdomen sensitive. Frequent passage of flatus and of watery, yellowish-brown stools. The tongue of *Yuc. is usually a bluish white. As with many liver disorders, there is chilliness: cannot bear to be away from the fire. Among the *Sensations are: As of something hanging down from back of nares. As if cold air blowing on left side of scalp. The symptoms are: worse By noise, motion, pressure. Griping pain is better bending forward.


*Antidoted by: Coccul. *Compare: Constriction in heart, Lilium t. Biliousness, Bryonia Tongue imprinted with teeth, Mercurius, Podophyllum Blue tongue, Gymnocl.



Very despondent.- Irritable.- Irresolute.- Disinclined to study.- Mind wanders, uses wrong words.- Unable to remember anything read, with severe pains, which appear first on right side, then in apex of heart.- Dull sensation in head 1.30 p.m. when others talking to him, hears but doesn’t seem to understand, and two minutes after doesn’t know what was said.


Headache: frontal, heavy, pressing, throbbing.- Temples: pressing pains in both all day, worse right, and cringing feeling in both, worse by motion, dull, heavy pain extending to eyes, with aversion to light, intense aching, worse by noise, motion, and heat, but at same time chilly when away for stove.- Headache somnolent, better sitting still, throbs with every step.- Strange feeling in temporomaxillary joint. – Temporal arteries throb.- Head itches all evening, very annoying.- Sensation of cold air blowing on left side of scalp.


Dark rings under eyes.- Eyes feel hot and inflamed.- Itching and smarting left eye, left inner canthus.- Dull pain over left eye (momentary).


Pain behind right ear, 6.30 p.m.- Very sensitive to least noise.


Nose red.- In evening right side of nose constantly running, left dry.- Profuse, bloody, watery discharge.- Some coryza.


Face: pale, flushed, burning, yellow.- Momentary aching in zygoma, recurring several times.- Pain in jaw-joints.


Tongue: coated white evening, with raised, scattered papillae, looks parboiled, white at root, bluish white, raised papillae, teeth marks on edge, pale, flabby.- Bad odour from mouth.- Back of mouth dry.- Soft palate dry, had to drink to moisten it.- Taste of rotten eggs.


Sensation as if something hanging down from posterior nares, cannot get it up or down.- Tonsils dark red, not sore.- Pharynx seems covered with granules, is dark red.- Strings of mucus hang from mouth to root of tongue.- Stringy, greasy-looking mucus back of throat.


Appetite: increased, food relished, lost.- Aching and sharp pains in stomach.- Region of stomach sore and sensitive.


Abdomen bloated, after dinner, and feels sore.- Much flatus emitted, odourless.- Rumbling.- Colic.- Crampy pains in abdomen after breakfast, better lying down, worse by movement, followed by diarrhoea.- Throbbing, painless, right side about twelfth rib.

Stool & Anus

Constant desire.- Sudden, violent tenesmus, followed by discharge of wind, which better the pain.- Tenesmus after stool.- Diarrhoea following pains in abdomen, several yellowish stools in an hour.- Stools: increased in number, but natural though small, at 6.30 a.m., hard and large at first, later thin and watery, copious, thin, yellowish brown, with smarting at anus.

Urinary Organs

Irritable bladder, frequent urination.- Round meatus circumscribed oedematous red swelling, raw sensation.- Burning when urinating.- Urine increased, high specific gravity.

Male Sexual Organs

Erections, all night long but no emissions, all forenoon, cannot study, mind runs on sexual subjects.

Respiratory Organs

Hard, rattling cough.


Constriction in whole chest and in heart.- Pain in upper intercostal muscles, 9.15 p.m.- At 3.30 p.m. extremely severe cramping pain in right chest, worse stooping, partially better sitting straight or leaning a little back, lasted five minutes.


Constriction in heart.- Momentary aching in heart region.- Visible throbbing in arteries of hand.- Pulse: full and heavy, a little irregular.

Neck and Back

Constriction of neck muscles, seems to draw head backward.- Tight feeling round neck, evening, had to take off collar.- Severe pain in left scapula, 9 p.m.- Backache ever since she took the drug.

Lower Limbs

Crampy pains in knees.- Sore, crampy pains in muscle of back of left leg, just above ankle, as if sprained.


Restless, feverish.


In evening very sleepy.- Restless night.- Lewd dreams.


Coldness of scalp, left side, as if cold air blowing on it.- Coldness, cannot bear to be away from fire.- Hot, feverish.- Face sweats, evening.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica