
Taraxacum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Taraxacum is used…

      Leontodom taraxacum. Taraxacum Dens-leonis. *N.O. Compositae. Tincture of whole plant just before the perfection of the flower.


Ague. Bilious attacks. Debility. Diabetes. Gall-stones. Headache, gastric. Jaundice. Liver, affections of. Neuralgia. Night-sweats. Rheumatism. Tongue, mapped. Typhoid fever.


The young leaves of the *Dandelion are sometimes eaten in salads. They have a bitter chicory-like taste, as also has the root. Children eat the flowers, although they are supposed by them to cause bed-wetting. This has given rise to one of the popular names of the plant. Its chief traditional uses are as a remedy for jaundice, liver obstruction, in dysentery, involuntary emissions, and in difficulties in passing water. Hahnemann’s provings brought out these leading symptoms: “Painless urging to urinate,” and “frequent urging to urinate with copious discharge of urine.” Hahnemann points out that this, with the thirst, may indicate *Tarax. in some cases of diabetes. *Tarax. has caused pains in both splenic and liver regions, and has cured jaundice with enlarged indurated liver. Cooper gives me the following case: An old Indian officer, when in India, suffered much from gall- stones, and was advised to take dandelion infusion every day. This he did, and soon the symptoms left him, and he remained free from them for over twenty years. A symptom in connection with disordered digestion, which has proved a good guide for *Tarax. in some cases, is the “mapped tongue.” The tongue is coated white, and clears off in patches, leaving dark red very sensitive spots. *Treas. *of Bot. points out that “the bright-yellow flowers of *Tarax. open in the morning between 5 and 6 o’clock and close in the evening between 8 and 9. Hence this was one of the plants selected by Linneus to form his floral clock.” The symptoms of *Tarax. are worse at night. Hands and nose cold at 8 p.m. “Cold finger-tips” is a guiding symptom. *Peculiar Sensations are: As if brain was constricted. As if teeth were set on edge. As if larynx were compressed. As if bubbles were forming and bursting in abdomen. As of rolling and gurgling in right scapula. As if limbs were bound or powerless. Some leading indications are: Gastric and bilious attacks, especially gastric headaches, the headaches are generally pressive. Pressure in lower occiput after lying down is characteristic. Debility, loss of appetite, profuse night-sweats, especially when convalescing from bilious or typhoid fever. Restlessness of limbs in typhoid. Sweat between toes. The symptoms are: better By touch (jerking in right calf). Rest aggravates. (Almost all symptoms appear when sitting, lying down, resting.) Motion improves. Better in open air. Burning in throat is better by drinking. Hahnemann’s dosage was a single drop of the O tincture (*M. M. P.).


*Compatible: Arsenicum (night-sweats). *Compare: In gastric and bilious affections, Bryonia, Chelidonium, Hydrastis, Nux-v. Mapped tongue, Arsenicum, Natrum mur., Ran-s. Restlessness of limbs with tearing pains, Rhus-t. SYMPTOMS.


Irresolution and dislike to labour. Loquacity and inclination to laugh.


Vertigo, with giddiness and staggering when walking in the open air. Drawing pain in left temple while sitting, ceasing when walking or standing. Tearing pain in occiput. Pressure and heaviness in lower part of occiput, after lying down. Headache, as from contraction or expansion of brain. Heaviness and pressure in head. Lancinations in forehead and temples. Violent headache, felt only when standing or walking. Tension of scalp.


Pain in eyes, as if a grain of sand were in internal canthus. (Aversion to light) burning sensation, and burning shootings in eyes. Burning left eyeball. Inflammation of eyes with lachrymation and photophobia. Nocturnal agglutination of lids.


Shootings in ears. Drawing pain in external ear. Dysecoia in evening.


Purulent pimples on face, cheeks, alae nasi, and (right) commissures of lips. Sensation of heat and redness in face. Shootings and pressure in cheeks. Upper lip cracked.


Toothache, with drawing pain in carious teeth, extending to eyebrows. Pressive pains in teeth. Teeth set on edge as from acids. Flow of acid blood from carious teeth. Bluntness of teeth. Hawking up of sour mucus, causing teeth to feel dull.


Accumulation of acid saliva in mouth (with sensation as if the larynx were compressed). Tongue loaded with a white coating, with exfoliation (it cleans off in patches, dark red, and they are very sensitive). Tongue dry, loaded with a brown coating on waking in morning.


Sore throat, with pressive pain, as from internal swelling. Dryness, shootings, and bitter mucus in the throat. Hawking up of acid mucus.


Bitter taste in mouth, with natural taste of food. Salt or acid taste of food, principally of butter and of meat. Tobacco-smoke is disagreeable, causes pyrosis, and interrupts respiration. Great chilliness after drinking, or eating.


Bitter risings (eructations and hiccough). Empty risings, especially after drinking. Nausea (with inclination to vomit or vomiting) from very fat food, with anxiety and pressive headache, better in open air.


Pinching in abdomen. Pressive shootings in abdomen, and sides of abdomen, chiefly in left side, in hypogastrium. Grumbling and movements (sudden sensation) in abdomen, as if bubbles were bursting in it.

Stool & Anus

Inefficient urging to go to stool.-_Evacuations several times a day, but accomplished with difficulty (even if stool is not hard). Faeces of the consistence of pap, followed by tenesmus. Voluptuous itching in perineum (compelling one to scratch).

Urinary Organs

Frequent want to urinate (pressure without pain), with profuse emission. Enuresis somni (?).

Male Sexual Organs

Pain in testes. Permanent erections. Frequent pollutions, on alternate nights.

Female Sexual Organs

Suppressed menses.

Respiratory Organs

Sensation as if the larynx were pressed together.


Pressure at chest. Shootings in chest and sides of chest. Jerkings in muscles of sides.

Back and neck

Pressive jerkings and shootings in muscles of neck, (throat), and nape. Tearing from ear downward to the neck. Pressive pains in loins. Pressive and tensive shootings in back and loins, when lying down, with obstructed respiration. Pressing-stinging in spine and sacrum with dyspnoea. Gurgling and swelling in shoulder-blades and shoulders, with shivering over whole body. Vibration and quivering in right scapula.

Upper Limbs

Pulsative throbbing and jerking in shoulders and arms. Jerkings of muscles of arms. Twitching in muscles of left forearm. Shootings in arms and elbows.-_Drawings and tearings in forearm and wrist. Eruptions of pimples on hands and fingers Icy coldness of ends of fingers. Pressive pain in three last fingers of right hand.

Lower Limbs

Shootings in thighs, knees, calves, soles, and toes. Stitching pain in left thigh. Pressive pain in left calf. Jerking pain in right calf, ceasing quickly when touched. Drawing pain in dorsum of right foot, when standing, stitches when sitting. Severe or fine stitching pains in right sole. Burning sensation in knees, legs and toes. Profuse perspiration between toes.


This remedy acts well in all affections of the liver, sour taste, darting pains in outer parts. Affections in left upper side, right lower side, back of foot, sole of foot. Worse while lying down, from fat food, while resting. Better from moving, when walking. Painful tenderness of all limbs, especially when touched, and when they are in a false position. The limbs are movable, but it feels as if the power to move them were impeded. Sensation of weakness and uneasiness throughout body, with constant necessity to lie down or to sit. Almost all symptoms appear while the patient is seated, and are dissipated by walking.


Unhealthy, pimply, sycotic skins. Stinging on skin. Eruption over body and limbs itching severely, and appears to be a mixture of lichen and urticaria. Biting in skin with sweat.


Sleepiness, and going to sleep while listening to a scientific discourse. Sleepiness in daytime, and yawning while sitting. Vivid unremembered dreams, frequent waking and tossing.


Chilliness, especially after eating and drinking. Chilliness, shiverings, all over, with pressive headache. Chill in open air. Heat at night on waking, especially on face and hands. Violent night-sweats, mostly before midnight, when just going to sleep. Very debilitating perspiration, causing biting on the skin.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica