SEPIA signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine SEPIA…


Through the great vegetative nervous system, it especially acts upon the vascular and lymphatic system, of the genito- urinary organs.

Dr. Meyer says of Sepia:- 1. It has its sphere of action on the portal system, in which it causes obstructions.

2. Most of its symptoms indicate a higher degree of venous congestion.

3. It is characterised by torpidity and depression, often ending in perfect exhaustion of the vital powers.

4. Hence it is suitable in mild and easy dispositions, therefore especially for women.

5. The affections arise and increase in severity, mostly in the evening and at night, during and immediately after a meal.

6. The affections either disappear during or are alleviated by active exercise, and by pressure of the painful parts.

7. The affections are often accompanied with chilliness, (showing that it affects the posterior spinal cord similar to Pulsatilla).

8. Great sensitiveness of the skin to cold air.

It especially affects the mucous membrane of the genito- urinary organs, and skin.


Fetid urine, depositing a clay-colored sediment, which adheres to the chamber with great tenacity.

The urine is so putrid that it cannot be suffered to remain in the room.

The urine deposits a reddish, clay-colored sediment, which adheres to the bottom and sides of the vessel as if it had been burnt on like burnt clay.

The bed is wet almost as soon as the child goes to sleep; always during the first sleep.

Intense burning and cutting pain when urinating.

Gonorrhoea in the female (or male), after the acute symptoms have subsided.HUGHES.

Generative Organs of Women.–Sensation as if everything would come out of the vagina; she has to cross her limbs to prevent it.

Burning, shooting, stitching pains in the neck of the uterus.

A painful stiffness in the uterine region.

Pressing in the uterus oppressing breathing.

Prolapsus of the uterus and vagina.

Leucorrhoea, with stitches in the neck of the uterus, and much itching in the vagina; she has to cross her legs to prevent everything coming out of the vagina.

Profuse mucous leucorrhoea, having a fetid smell, or like pus, with drawing pains in the abdomen.

Leucorrhoea of a sanguineous; mucous, yellowish, watery character; worse after urinating.

Discharge of a green-red fluid from the vagina during pregnancy.

A putrid excoriating discharge from the uterus, with shooting, stitching, and burning in the neck of the uterus.

Lancinating pain from the uterus to the umbilicus.

One of the most frequently indicated remedies for painful coition; contractive pain in the vagina; almost continual stitches in the vagina.

Induration of the cervix uteri; with stitching pains in it, extending upwards.

Offensive, excoriating lochia.

Troublesome and severe itching of the vulva, with pimples all around; painless vesicles in the outer part of the vulva.– Severe itching of the vulva, the labia are swollen, with a humid eruption.

Menorrhagia, with a painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach; urine very fetid, and a sediment like burnt clay upon the bottom of the vessel; yellow saddle across the nose, and spots on the face.

Chronic metrorrhagia, when it is excited from the least cause; she has icy-cold paroxysms; icy-cold feet, and flushes of heat; great sense of emptiness at the pit of the stomach; constipation; with great sense of weight at the anus, not relieved by stool.

Before the menses, violent colic, shuddering all over the body the whole day; acrid leucorrhoea; sensation as if the vulva were enlarged, and soreness in the perinaeum.

During the menses, tearing in the tibia; toothache; obscuration of sight, and violent pressure in the forehead, with discharge of plugs from the nose.

Between the menses, a peculiar offensive perspiration, sudor hystericus, with a pungent offensive perspiration in the axilla and soles of the feet.

Amenorrhoea in feeble constitutions, with delicate thin skin; menstruation always irregular; sweats profusely when walking; particularly sensitive to cold air; repeated shuddering the whole day during the menstrual nisus; constipation and sense of weight in the anus; painful sensation of emptiness at the pit of the stomach; swollen and puffy appearance of the whole body; face puffy, pale or yellow.–MARCY and HUNT.

Digestive Organs.–Sense of weight or ball in the anus, not relieved by stool.

Constipation, stools hard, difficult and knotty, with sense of weight in the anus, not relieved at stool.

Oozing of moisture from the anus.

The stool is very difficult, covered with mucus, and sometimes impossible to pass, even with the most terrible straining, with much burning at the anus and rectum, and sense of great weight at the anus.

Piles: the portal circulation is retarded, causing an overloading of the portal vascular system with venous blood, plethora venosa; protrusion of the piles and anus; continual straining pain in the rectum; heat, burning and swelling of the anus; discharge of black, venous blood.

In the morning, nausea, as if all the viscera were turning inside out; inclination to vomit in the morning, when rinsing her mouth out.

Morning sickness, she cannot take her accustomed ride in the morning on account of nausea and painful feeling of hunger in the stomach.

Vomiting of milky water, or milky mucus, with sense of emptiness at the pit of the stomach.

The thought of food sickens her, with sense of great weight in the anus.

Eructations tasting like spoiled eggs, or manure, with aversion to meat.

Paroxysms of something twisting about in the stomach, and rising towards the throat; her tongue becomes stiff; she becomes speechless, and rigid like a statue.

Pot-belliedness in women, with yellow saddle across the nose, very irritable and faint from the least exertion.–RAUE.

Chest.–Dry cough, with eruptions in the face.

Loose cough in the morning, with efforts to vomit.

Spasmodic dry cough, coming in rapid concussions, till the breath is exhausted; seems to come from the stomach; worse in the evening.–C. WESSELHOEFT.

Head.–Sepia headache is apt to come in terrific shocks.

Very sad and fearful about her health, often weeps.

Involuntary fits of laughter.

Hemicrania from an affection of the reproductive system; countenance pale; face dirty yellow; especially in young females in which the cerebral nerves have excited the sympathetic, producing a long train of hysterical symptoms; the pain is stinging, aching, throbbing, tearing and piercing.

Great indifference to her own family.

The dandruff comes in circles like ringworm.–MARCY and HUNT.

Yellowness of the face, particularly across the bridge of the nose like a saddle.

Skin.–Eruptions very moist, almost constantly discharging pus-like matter; the child often jerks its head to and fro.

The least injury tends to ulcerate in thin delicate skins.– MARCY and HUNT.

Specific in herpes circinatus.–F.

Sensation of coldness between the shoulders, followed by general coldness and convulsive twitching of the right side, and difficulty of breathing.

Sudden faintness, with profuse sweats and undisturbed consciousness, without being able to speak or stir.

Worse in dry weather; during rest; when lying, sitting and standing; on expiration; from uncovering; lying on the back, and when scratching.–GROSS.

Particularly sensitive to cold air, chills so easily.

It is especially adapted to chronic diseases, affecting the genito-urinary organs of women; during the period of ovario- uterine activity.

The higher attenuations act better than the low.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881