Oxytropis Lamberti

Urinary Organs

Characterised from first by a very profuse flow of clear, or almost colourless urine, nearly colour of water. Three or four times normal quantity. When thinking of urinating I had to go at once. No sediment whatever. Pain in kidneys, hardest in right, with some tenderness. At expiration of every two or three hours after stopping the remedy there was an enormous flow of pale, straw-coloured urine, and with this would gradually disappear the metallic taste which was so well marked. Free urination, dark in colour, no distress. Urine scanty, and looked that of a child troubled with worms, light red-coloured stain on bottom of vessel. Awoke with a heavy pain in kidneys. Urine clear on passing, but becomes turbid on standing (third day). During day urine scanty, with considerable irritation as if muscles of bladder were contracting, better moving about.

Male Sexual Organs

From being naturally of a passionate nature, the desire and ability diminished to impotence. No sexual desire or ability. Bruised feeling in testicles, beginning in right and extending to left (after going to bed). Occasional pain of short duration, in glans. The pain in testicles becomes worse, with extension along spermatic cord and down thighs.

Female Sexual Organs

At left 1.30 p.m. pain in left ovary, like something grasping or holding tightly for about an hour, then disappeared.

Respiratory Organs

Slight accumulation of mucus in larynx, hard to cough it up. Short and quick breathing form the full feeling in abdomen. Hard breathing, as though lungs and bronchi were closing as the chill passes off. A dry cough, from any little exercise. A short cough, with tightness across chest.


Oppression in lungs at 9 p.m. A warm tingling sensation over left chest, just under skin.

Heart and Pulse

Palpitation after lying down at night, for 15 to 20 minutes. On going to bed, pain, like a wave over heart, worse lying down. Pulse 84, intermittent.


Pain and stiffness of muscles of back of neck. Numb, pithy or woody feeling about and in the spine (Gent.).


Flesh on under side of limbs sore. Sore feeling of all the muscles of right side of body. All the pains come and go quickly, but the muscles remain sore and stiff. Frequent fine pains all over body until 3 p.m., when all disappeared and felt as well as usual. Loss of power to control movements of body or limbs (Gent.).

Upper Limbs

Stitching pain in right wrist for half an hour, leaving a tired feeling in joint. At 12.30, a sharp, cutting pain running from point of shoulder down front of chest to point of hip-bone, going suddenly. Flesh feels as though she had taken a heavy cold. Sharp Pain, with coldness, from left shoulder-joint extending down arm worse in shoulder-joint, better sleep, goes away gradually. Prickling sensation in left arm and hand.

Lower Limbs

Swaying, staggering gait (Gent.) Patellar. Reflex lost (Gent.) _ Stitching pain in right leg and knee-joint for half an hour, leaving a tired feeling in the joint. Hard pain in left big toe- joint. Pain inside of left leg from groin to knee.


At 10 a.m. a very sick, exhausted feeling. Weakness and insecurity of all power of locomotion (Gent.). Feeling of intoxication with almost entire loss of vision (Gent.) _ Sense of touch greatly impaired (Gent.). Animals eating it become salves to it and can never be kept from it, they droop, loose flesh, stand with head hanging down, eyes half closed, suddenly will commence to kick violently at imaginary enemies, they are devoid of malice, but cannot be worked as they don’t know when to stop or when to start, or which way to turn, or how to change gait or meet changes in level of road.


Dreams of a pleasant or lascivious character. Wakes often. On rising feels sad, weary, despondent. Twitching of muscles on falling asleep roused him (once, for three or four nights). Dreamed of spiders, bugs (first night), of swimming in water (second night), (not in the habit of dreaming).


Chill at 11.40 a.m., beginning in back and between shoulders, down over body to feet, stomach feels cold, pains all over body during chill, a peculiar sensation of crawling or contraction of abdominal muscles, hardest about navel, lasted about half an hour. As chill passes off a smarting in throat and a feeling as though lungs and bronchi would close up, making breathing very difficult, chill lasted until 2 p-m., when all disappeared. No thirst in either stage. For four weeks on every seventh day had a chill with all the above symptoms, coldness of spine was continuous for eight weeks, and was then removed by *Gelsemium

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica