Nitri Spiritus Dulcis

Nitri Spiritus Dulcis signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Nitri Spiritus Dulcis is used…

      Spiritus aetheris nitrosi. Nitrous ether. Sweet spirit of Nitre. (A mixture of alcohol, water, and ethyl nitrite (C2H5 NO2)): it contains no “nitre” (Kali-nit.)]. Dilution.


Diarrhoea Gall-stones. Mouth, sore. Prosopalgia. Tibia, pains in. Typhoid. Warts.


*Nit. *spi. *dulc. has been proved by Lembke. It has been found to be an antidote to several medicines (an instance is given under *Nat.m.). It was recommended by Hahnemann for hospital typhoid with apathy, and has been used with success in typhoid fevers with symptoms of cerebral paralysis, in diarrhoea and sore mouth of salt eaters. Poisonings with *N.s. d. give a perfect picture of the typhoid state. It has been used as a remedy for incarcerated gall-stones, given beaten up with yolk of egg, and applied outwardly in the same form. The symptoms of *N.s. d. go from below upward. They are much worse on passive motion, riding in carriage. Catching cold in stormy weather causes prosopalgia. Cold worse. Walking worse breathing and heat. Worse afternoon. Among the effects of salt cured by *N.s. d. are.: Sore mouth, scurvy, bloody diarrhoea, hands covered with warts. Worse from cheese. In fevers Hahnemann advised that *N. s. d. should be given thus: a few drops dissolved in an ounce of water, a teaspoonful every three hours.


*Antidote to: Natrum mur. (crude or in potencies), Nat-c., Phytolacca *Antidoted by: Calcarea, Carb., v., Causticum, Conium, Kali-c., Nat-c., Natrum mur., Kali-nit., Opium, Sepia *Incompatible: Digitalis, Ranunculus bulbosus Compare: Lycopodium ( worse afternoon, fulness after meals). Coloc. ( worse from cheese). Helleborus, Phos-ac. (typhoid, sensorial apathy, stupor _ Phos-ac. has apathy more pronounced than N. s. d., Helleborus most of all).


Cheese. Salt. Stormy weather.



Complete apathy, without desire for anything. Delirious and incoherent in manner, dizzy as if intoxicated, when roused could answer questions, complained of headache, and said he found it difficult to walk straight of late. Excessive ill-humour, irascibility, passion, and quarrel-some disposition, with tendency to weep, dislike to labour and conversation.


Black spots and rings float before eyes, pupils contracted. Stitches in eyes and lids, burning on margins. Pupils somewhat dilated, acting feebly.


Sensation as of a cold over upper part of face. Haggard look. Paleness of face, with eyes sunken, and surrounded by livid circles. Chronic soreness at corners of mouth (in salt eaters). Boring and pressure in bones of face.


Tongue dry. Heat in mouth, sour taste. Cankers after eating cheese. Accumulation of water in mouth.


Sensation of contraction in throat, with pain, as of a plug, in gullet.


Want of appetite.


Continued nausea and loathing. After a meal, vomiting of sour matter and mucus, followed by headache. Vomiting and purging. Pyrosis. Contractive pain and aching in stomach, with sensation of fulness, immediately after a meal.


Shootings, cutting, and burning pains in abdomen. Gall-stones.

Stool & Anus

Epidemic dysentery with lethargy. Bloody diarrhoea after purging (from salt). Constipation marked.

Urinary Organs

Urine very scanty.

Male Sexual Organs

Stitches in glans.

Female Sexual Organs

Catamenia scanty and irregular.

Respiratory Organs

Inhalations intermit. Stertorous breathing. Breathing slow, regular, on walking a short distance it becomes very hurried, if persisted in, quick, difficult, painful, and a most distressing sense of painful constriction is felt under sternum. Short, dry cough.


Cramp rising up in oesophagus, extending to upper chest wall. Pressure in and under sternum.


Pulse 60, small, hard. Violent, tumultuous beating, worse walking, frequently in evening on lying down.

Back and neck

Violent pressure in nape and cervical vertebrae. Sensation as hot water creeping through back from below upward.

Upper Limbs

Weakness, heaviness, stitches through shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers. Nails blue.

Lower Limbs

Boring, pressing pains in lower limbs. Boring in tibiae. Stitches in toes. Nails blue.


Great fatigue, a recumbent position can alone mitigate and tranquillize it. Excessive emaciation. Swelling of veins. Worse Afternoon. Very sensitive to cold.


Shiverings and acute drawing pains in the bones. Skin and tongue dry.


Chilliness: internal with cold hands, frequent, creeping under skin, from small of back to lower limbs. Heat: in head and face, nape and occiput, with swollen veins, from cervical spine into occiput, in head and face with chilliness in back and cold hands, in back, with inclination to perspire. Typhoid with sensorial apathy and semi-paralysis of brain, wild, staring eyes. Adynamic fevers, with nervous symptoms such as shootings, jerkings, etc.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica