Crataegus Oxyacantha

Crataegus Oxyacantha signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Crataegus Oxyacantha is used…

      Crataegus oxyacantha. Hawthorn. *N. O. Rosacea. Tincture of the ripe fruit.


*Angina pectoris. *Heart, *affections of, failure of, hypertrophy



*Crataegus was introduced into medicine as a heart remedy by Dr. Greene, of Ennis, Ireland, and it has been used empirically with much success in cases of heart failure. It has usually been given in 5-drop doses of the tincture. Weak and rapid pulse, dyspnoea and dropsy, dependent on failure of heart-power whether from valvular affection or from anaemia, appear to be the leading indications. Heart-failure threatened from slightest exertion.The drug may cause nausea when given in the tincture unless given during or immediately after a meal. The mental state is that of irritability, crossness, and melancholy. *Crataeg. is the nearest approach to a *positive heart tonic that I know of. It has produced some heart symptoms and has, doubtless, a homoeopathic relation, but it is not a heart-poison like *Digitalis, and has no cumulative action. Here are some cases: Halbert in *Clinique, March, 1899, records this case: “Mr. S., a young man sixteen years of age, had worked hard at manual labour since his twelfth year to support a widowed mother. He had, in fact, done a man’s work before his physical maturity would permit it. For some time he has shown some signs of cardiac hypertrophy, and had been cautioned by physicians to take good care as to his heart. About a year ago, during some gymnastic extreme in the nature of sport, he was suddenly admonished that something had ‘given way,’ and for relief was obliged to take to his bed. When I first saw him he was obliged to lie down, respiration was laboured and irregular, and the heart’s action was greatly exaggerated and erratic. There was decided precordial bulging, the apex beat was considerably displaced, downward and to the left, and the whole cardiac dulness was greatly extended, the impulse was heaving in character, with considerable mitral systolic blowing and the corresponding diastolic intensification, there were also signs of considerable pulmonary engorgement and some pain in the chest region. The patient was put into a warm bath for twenty minutes, and then carefully returned to bed. *Aconite 3X was administered every half-hour, and continued hourly for a day or two afterward until he was somewhat relieved. *Crataegus, five-drop doses of the tincture, was than administered five times daily for a long time.

The effects of this remedy were most remarkable, the cardiac irritation gradually lessened, the area of dulness decreased and the rhythm improved, at the same time all the general symptoms improved rapidly. He has now been using the remedy for several months, and the result is most satisfactory. I have every reason to expect a cure of the extreme symptoms, and believe the heart will be reduced to a safe hypertrophy, will virtually be a cure.” A girl of twelve had a sudden collapse in third week of typhoid (*Clinique, vill 52). *Crataeg. gtt-v. every two hours was given on these indications: Great pallor, irregular breathing, cold extremities, pulse 120, very weak and irregular. *Strychnia, *Digit. and *Cact. had failed to give more than temporary relief. Under *Crataeg. she rallied at once. Cases of hypertrophy with failing power, dilatation, alcoholic heart, and nervous palpitation have all been relieved by the remedy. ***T. C. Duncan (*H. *Recorder, xii. 199) gave complete relief in a case of angina pectoris, the pain being above and to left of stomach, pulse strong and forcible, indications of hypertrophy were found. A very tender spot on left side of spine. *Crataegus removed at the same time “a hurried, flurried feeling” and the anxious expression of her face. Dr. Duncan produced in himself when proving *Crataegus a “flurried feeling,” which he attributed to the rapid action of the stimulated heart. A nervous lady medical student who also proved it has “an unusual rush of blood to the head with *confused feeling,” followed later by “a feeling of quiet and calmness mentally.” The remedy is well worth a thorough proving.


*Compare: Other members of the Rose family, notably *Prunus Virginianus and *Amygdala amara, and also, *Laurocer., *Camphor, *Hydrocy. *ac., *Digitalis, *Arsen. *iod., *Strophanthus, *Phaseolus, etc.



Irritability, crossness, melancholy. Hurried, flurried feeling, with rapid action of heat. An unusual rush of blood to the head with *confused feeling, followed by a feeling of quiet and calmness mentally.


Nausea. Dyspepsia and nervous prostration, with heart failure.


Faintness and collapse. Heart failure in hypertrophy and valvular disease. Palpitation and rapid action of heart. Angina pectoris, pain above and to left of stomach, pulse strong and forcible, indications of hypertrophy, very tender spot left side of spine. Hypertrophy from over-exertion, from alcoholic, venereal and other excesses. Heart collapse in typhoid. Heart dropsy.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica