Arsenicum Iodatum

Arsenicum Iodatum signs and symptoms of the homeopathy medicine from the Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica by J.H. Clarke. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Arsenicum Iodatum is used…

      Iodide of Arsenic. As I3. Trituration.


*Acne *rosacea *Aneurism. *Angina *pectoris. Breast, tumour of. Bronchitis. *Cancer. *Catarrh. *Consumption. *Debility. *Dropsy. Epithelioma. Gastritis. Hay-fever. *Heart, *affections *of. *Hydrothorax. *Laryngitis. *Leucocythaemia. *Lichen. *Liver, *affections *of. *Lungs, *affections *of. *Measles. Otorrhoea. *Pneumonia. Rheumatism. Scrofulous ophthalmia. *Syphilis.


This medicine was originally used by H. Nankivell, on analogical grounds, in cases of phthisis. It has had a short, independent proving, and symptoms observed on patients have increased the pathogenesis. The Conditions resemble more closely those of *Arsen. than those of *Iodium: worse from cold wind, better warmth. Great vital prostration. worse From any exertion.

It is a medicine of wide range and great power. Chronic inflammatory states of the lungs and bronchial tubes, with profuse, greenish-yellow, pus-like expectoration and short breath are especially relieved by it. Kent observed in a proving made by himself that a thick, yellow discharge resembling honey is characteristic, and he cured with it a case of disease of the nasal bones, with weak intellect, in a girl, being guided by the symptom: “Discharge excoriating, thick, and yellow.” There was also great improvement in the mental state. Hale’s keynote of the remedy is: The peculiar and persistently irritating, corrosive character of all the discharges. In hay-fever, otorrhoea, and leucorrhoea, with foetid, corrosive discharge, and in diarrhoea where the evacuations “scald,” it is indicated. It has been used successfully in tumours, including epithelioma. L. B. Wells cured a case of left axillary tumour in a lady aged. 49. A gland the size of a hen’s egg, exuding a fluid which formed a hard, brown crust. The tumour was painful and very sensitive. Left breast enlarged, indurated, and very sore. There was also yellow, bloody, and irritating leucorrhoea with swelling of labia (Hale). In many cases of weakened heart I have found *Arsenicumiod. of signal service, more especially when associated with chronic lung conditions. Many skin affections have been remedied by it, particularly dry, scaly, burning and itching eruptions as psoriasis, tinea, impetigo, pityriasis. The consumption-diathesis is in itself a strong indication for the remedy.

During the influenza epidemic in this country *Arsenicum iod. was specific for “pink-eye” the form it took among horses, but it was not found of such general utility among human patients.

*Arsenicumiod. has a marked action on the stomach, and when given low needs to be given *after food, if unpleasant symptoms are to be avoided. In one patient there was nausea immediately after each dose. In another there was aggravation of a pain he had in the epigastrium, and vomiting one hour after food. An observer reported in the *Lancet the following: “At first appetite is increased but after taking it ten or twelve days pain is felt at epigastrium, with thirst, dry throat, slight fever, sometimes diarrhoea and tenesmus, skin becomes dry, and the quantity of urine increased. If continued the nervous system becomes extremely irritable and wakefulness supervenes.” In several persons taking low attenuations I have observed headaches confirming those of the provers. From the 3X a woman experienced this: “Violent, dull, heavy pain, above root of nose, as if she would go silly.” She never had anything of the kind before. From the Ix a man had “a heavy headache, across forehead, as if he would like to go to sleep, so weak he could hardly move about.” All ceased when he had finished the medicine. Wandering rheumatic pains were felt by one prover. Great vital prostration. Paralysis.


*Compare: Bac., in acrid discharges, nitricum acidum, Ail., Arum, Arsenicum, Ars-m. and its salts. *Useful *after: Sulph. in phthisis pulmonalis, and after Conium is sensitive lump in breast. *Antidote: Bryonia relieved pain and pyrosis. *Complementary: Phosphorus


Study (headache).


Irritability.- Unable to study.


Dullness of head, with dull pain in left malar bone and occasional slight frontal headache all morning. Bad headache on waking, lasting all day, dull, heavy, pressing from within outwards, worse on motion, stooping, or studying. Severe frontal headache with dulness of entire head during forenoon, with stiffness and soreness of left side of neck, worse when moving head. Pain over root of nose as if she would go silly. Head seemed enormously large and heavy with the pain. Scalp covered with inflammatory scaly eruptions.


Eyes weak, with burning pain, smarting, secretion of meibomian glands increased.


Very sharp pain in forehead and ears ( worse left), when riding in a sharp, cold wind.


Chronic nasal catarrh, discharge gluey, like yellow honey, excoriating.


Face sallow, peaked, cadaverous, with purple, livid hue.


Intermittent pains in first right upper molar.


Throat dry. Hawking up from throat thick mucus and clotted blood, it seemed to come from head and relieve the pain.


Loss of appetite. Appetite at first increased, later pain in epigastrium. Intense thirst, with uncontrollable desire for cold water, which is almost immediately ejected.


Distressing nausea and vomiting. Pain and pyrosis unbearable, worse rising after sitting, better raising wind and a greasy fluid as after eating pork. (Subacute gastritis.) Vomiting an hour after food.


Abdomen hard and distended with flatus, which is constantly discharged. Cutting pains, obliging to bend double.

Stool and Anus

Continual aching in anus, with seeming inability to keep sphincter closed, amounts to real dysenteric straining at stool. Excoriating diarrhoea. Diarrhoea or dysentery, stools not at all at night, but urging commencing on beginning to move in morning.

Urinary Organs

Skin dry, urine increased. (Disease in urogenital organs, especially in females with scrofulous taint.).

Female Sexual Organs.

Lump in mamma, sensitive to touch and painful, nipple retracted.

Respiratory Organs

Slight hacking cough, with dryness and stoppage of the nostrils. Asthmatic sensations, must sit up to breathe. Expectoration heavy night and morning. Frequent cough with mucopurulent and occasionally stringy expectoration. Greenish-yellow pus-like expectoration; haemorrhage (chronic induration of the lungs). Chronic bronchitis with difficult expectoration and short breath. Pneumonias that fail to clear up.


Irregular pulse, cardiac weakness, pain either with or without valvular disease, especially when accompanied with induration of lung tissue.

Neck and Back.

Soreness of back, especially of back of neck, as if he had been beaten. Burning heat in lumbar region, as if the clothes were on fire.


Sharp pain in upper third of right humerus while writing, after ten minutes shifted to metacarpal bones, and was then felt in left femur. Cold limbs.

Lower Limbs

Peculiar chilliness back of left thigh, followed by formication and weight of left foot, the latter extending later up the leg, clothes feel cold, partially better by walking, removed by applied warmth. Severe laming pain left calf. Painful formication outer border left foot, followed by burning on instep.


Persistent itching of various parts of body, most of back. Chronic skin affections. Psoriasis.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica