Aconitum Napellus

Neck and Back

Weakness and pain, as from a bruise in the nape of the neck. Pain, as if from a bruise, in the back and loins. Painful stiffness in the nape of the neck, the loins, and the hip joints. Pain, as of boring in the back and in the loins, tingling, and of prickling in the back.

Upper Limbs

Pain, as from a bruise, and weakness in the arms, principally in the shoulders, with swelling. Heaviness in the arms, with numbness in the fingers. Numbness of the left arm, he can scarcely move the hand. Paralytic weakness of the arm and hand, especially in writing. A sensation of drawing in the arms. Hands dead. Swelling of the hands. Heat in the hands with cold in the feet. Cool sweat on the palms of the hands. Icy coldness of the hands. Tingling in the fingers, particularly when writing. Inflammatory swelling of the elbow, with numbness, and a paralytic state of the fingers.

Lower Limbs

Pain, as from a bruise in the hip joints, especially after having slept, or having lain down for some time. A sensation of drawing with paralytic weakness in the legs. Shooting pain in the hip joint, even to the knee, pain which forces a cry at every step. Want of strength and of stability in the joints of the hip and of the knee. Drawing, tearing pains in the knee-joint. Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with shining redness, shooting pains, stiffness, and great sensibility to touch. Sensation of stiffness in the legs on moving them. Pain in the insteps, with despair and fear of death. Numbness in the legs. Heaviness of the feet. Cold in the feet, chiefly in the toes, and sweat on the soles of the feet. Tingling, commencing in feet and spreading upwards.


Shooting, or rheumatic pains, which are reproduced by wine or other stimulants. Sufferings which, particularly at night, seem unbearable, and which generally disappear in a sitting posture. Attacks of pain with thirst and redness of the cheeks. Distressing sensibility of body, and especially of the parts affected, on every movement, and on the slightest touch. Pain as from a bruise, and sensation of heaviness in all the limbs. A sensation of drawing with paralytic weakness in the arms and legs. Failure of strength and stability, pains and cracking in the joints, principally of the legs. Rapid and general decay of strength. Fainting, especially when rising, with paleness of the cheeks, which were red when lying. Attacks of fainting, chiefly on rising from a recumbent posture, and sometimes with congestion of blood in the head, buzzing in the ears, deadly paleness of countenance, and shuddering. Congestions (head, chest, heart). Uneasiness, as if from suppressed perspiration, or in consequence of a chill, with pain in the head, buzzing in the ears, colic and cold in the head. Sensation of cold and of stagnation of blood in all the vessels. Shaking in the limbs. Cataleptic attack, with cries grinding of the teeth, and hiccough, rigor of the body and loud lamentations. Tetanus. Swelling of the whole body, which assumes a blackish colour.


Crawling sensation in the skin, with itching and desquamation, principally in the parts affected. Skin dry and burning. Swelling and burning heat of wounded parts. Yellow face. Yellowish colour of the skin. Red, hot, swollen and shining skin with violent pain. Shootings, with a sensation of excoriation here and there. Spots similar to flea-bites on the hands, on the body, etc. Small pimples, red and broad, attended by itching. Morbilli. Rash of children. Purpura miliaris.


Great desire to sleep, even while walking, and principally after dinner. Drowsiness, with anxious thoughts and rapid respiration. Confused reveries, in which the eyes are closed, without sleeping. Sleeplessness from anxiety, with constant agitation and tossing. Sleeplessness, with restlessness (eyes closed) and constant tossing about. Startings in sleep. Anxious dreams, with nightmare. Anxious dreams, with much talking and moving while sleeping. Dreams with a sort of clairvoyance. Light sleep. Impossibility of lying on the side. During sleep, lying on the back, with the hand under the head, or in a sitting posture, with the head inclined forward.


Dry, burning heat, with extreme thirst, sometimes (especially at the beginning of the disease), preceded by shiverings, with trembling. Heat, chiefly in the head and face, with redness of the cheeks, shuddering over the entire body, oppressive headache, temper lachrymose, disposed to complaining and to contradiction, or, a sensation of heat in the whole body, with redness of the cheeks, pain in the head on turning the eyes, and levity of mind. Shivering, if uncovered in the least while the heat exists. Cold over the whole body with internal heat, forehead cold, and tips of the ears hot, or with redness of cheeks and pains in the limbs, or with stiffness of the whole body, heat and redness of one cheek, and coldness and paleness of the other, eyes open and fixed, pupils contracted, and dilating with difficulty. Sensation of coldness in the blood vessels. Cold and shivering in the fingers, followed by cramps in the calves of the legs and in the soles of the feet. Heat of face, with mournful and despairing thoughts, and an inclination to vomit, preceded by cold and shiverings in the feet and hands. Shuddering runs up from the feet to the chest. Frequent shudderings, with burning heat and dryness of the skin. Inflammatory fevers and inflammations, with much heat, dry burning skin, violent thirst, red face, or alternate red and pale face, nervous excitability, groaning and agonized tossing about, shortness of breath, and congestion to the head. Continual sweat, especially On parts that are covered. Sour sweat. Pulse hard, frequent and accelerated, fall sometimes intermitting, when slow, almost imperceptible (threadlike).

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica