
,, SWEET,118.

121. TOBACCO :

Conium (Na. car.) Plumbm.

Daph. In. Nux vm. Staphs.

Eugeni. (Oxl. ac.) Therid.

Kreoso. Platin. Thujao.


122.,, SMOKING : Carb.a., Glonoi., Ledm.p., Eugeni., Hamame., Lycopo.

123. UNATTAINABLE THINGS : Bryoni., Opium.




Adelhe. Alumin. (Chamom)

Alumen. Carb.a. Mag.cb.

125. VINEGAR (Compare ACIDS,1): Arnica, Arsenicum al., che. ma.m Hepar sl., Sepia.

126. WARM DRINKS : Angust., Cast. e., Cedr., Me. cor.

127.,, FOOD :

Angust. Cu. met. Lycopo.

Che. ma. Cyclam. Silicea.

Coccul. Ferrum met.

128. WARM LIQUID FOOD(Compare SOUPS,111): Ferrum met.

129. WATER, COLD :

Arnica Me.viv. Rhus tx.

Arsenicum al. Na. car. Ruta g.

Bellad. Oleand. Sabad.

Calcarea cb. Phosph. Sarsap.

Copaib. Platin. Squill.

Ledm. p. Plumbm. Thujao.


130.,, CRESS : Lepidi.


131. WHISKEY :

Aconite n. Flu. ac. Pul. pr.

Arnica Heparsl. Seleni.

Arsenicumal. LAC.CN. Spigel.

Calcarea cb. Laches. Staphs.

Carb.a. Me.viv. Sulphu.

Chi. of. Nux vm. Therid.

132. WINE :

Aconiten. Ferrummet.

Argentummet. (Secale)

Bovist. Heparsl. Seleni.

Bryoni. Ka.bro. Sepia.

Calcareacb. Ka.iod. Spigel. Laches. Staphs.

Chi.of. Me.viv. Sulphu.

Cubeba Na. mur. Therid.

,, CLARET-27.

William Jefferson Guernsey
William Jefferson Guernsey (1854-1935) – Frankford, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was born in that city in 1854, son of William Fuller Guernsey, M. D., and Adilene R. Eastman. In 1875 he graduated M. D. from Hahnemann Medical College, Philadelphia.
He has made the following contributions to the various repertories : In 1876 the little “Traveler’s Medical Repertory,” intended for the laity ; in 1877, a “Repertory on Menstruation ;” in 1882, a repertory under the title of “The Homœo-Therapeutics of Hæmorrhoids ;” in 1883, “Repertory of Desires and Aversions ;” in 1889, “Guernsey’s Bœnninghausen,” a reproduction of the famous “Bœnninghausen Repertory,” in the form of adjustable slips, which was sold only on subscription, the entire edition being ordered before publication ; in 1890, “Repertory on Location and Direction of Pains in the Head ;” in 1892, “Repertory on Diphtheria ;” in 1892, “The Homœo-Therapeutics of Hæmorrhoids” (repertory) revised and enlarged, second edition.