SILICA homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine SILICA…


      1. Subjects of light complexion and fine, dry skin; pale face, lax fibre; nervous, sanguine temperament; lacking in “grit”. Specially suited to scrofulous, rachitic children which large sweaty head and big abdomen; open fontanelles and sutures; weak ankles, slow learning to walk, etc.

2. Patient anxious, yielding, timid (Pulsatilla) but irritable if aroused; melancholy, lachrymose, desires consolation; lacks self- confidence but gets through by force of will. Children often obstinate and headstrong but cry when spoken to kindly (Iodium). Frightful dreams; somnambulism.

3. Hypersensitiveness, mental and physical, esp. to noise.

4. Chronic headaches, vertigo and cold sensation from nape of neck to vertex; headache from spine extending over head and locating over one eye esp. the right (Sanguinaria); (<) draught, uncovering, (>) pressure, wrapping up, profuse urination, lying down in quiet., dark room.

5. Constipation from paralytic weakness of rectum; stool partly expelled then recedes (Thuja); before and during distension of abdomen with emission of offensive flatus; dislikes fat, (<) milk.

6. Unhealthy skin; every injury suppurates; indurations, scars and thickenings; malformation of nails; ingrowing toe nails; promotes expulsion of foreign bodies from the tissues. Bad effects of vaccination (Thuja).

7. Suppurative esp. long-lasting; of glands and joints; matures abscesses (low potencies ) and heals after discharge; streptococcal infections; chronic ulceration fistulae; whitlows.

8. Offensive sweats esp. of the feet; ailments from suppression of sweat or any discharge; feet and hands clammy.

9. Sticking, stitching stabbing pains, gen, (<) motion.

10. Lack of vital heat; icy coldness of various parts; (<) cold esp. at approach of winter; (<) during new and waxing moon; all symptoms (>) warmth (except gastric); esp. (>) wrapping up the head; approach of summer, humid weather.

Notes, incompatible with Mercury. Chronic of Pulsatilla. Slow but deep-acting remedy; use cautiously in phthisical cases, avoiding high potencies.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.