SANGUINARIA homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine SANGUINARIA…


      1. Young people; women at climaxis.

2. No marked mentals except hopeful state is phthisical patients.

3. Various headaches; periodic, esp. every seventh day; begin occiput, spread upwards and settle over right eye; often end in vomiting; (<) at M.P. and at climaxis sick headaches begin morning, increase during day and last till evening; (>) lying quiet in dark room; (>) sleep.

4. Naso-pharyngeal and ear complaints esp. with polypoid conditions.

5. Burning in various localities; hot palms and soles (Sulphur) climacteric flushes.

6. Pains in places where bones least covered, e.g. tibiae, dorsi of hands, etc.

7. Lung complaints, even acute T.B. with hectic fever; circumscribed redness of one or both cheeks, sputa offensive even to patient.

8. Rheumatic pains in right arm and shoulder, (<) night in bed; cannot raise the arm.

9. Right-sided complaints.

10. Modalities; (>) lying quite; in dark room.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.