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ARSENICUM ALBUM homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine ARSENICUM ALBUM…


      1. Fat, plethoric persons; usually dark; easy disposition to diarrhoea, vegetarians; old people.

2. Combination of sadness and irritability; sometimes suicidal tendency; great fastidiousness; fear of the dark; (<) alone; hyperaesthesia of the special senses.

3. In adynamic fevers; rapid and great prostration yet marked restlessness from anxiety and fear of death (Acon); wants to be moved from place to place; obviously ill and lacking in vital power. Septic states.

4. Burning, lancinating pains and sensations, (>) heat (rev. Phosphorus).

5. Discharges burning, excoriating offensive, debilitating, thin, watery; generally scanty.

6. Periodicity and malignancy of symptoms.

7. Great thirst; calls for small quantities at frequent intervals.

8. Gastric ailments with loathing of food; vomits everything even a spoonful of water; ill-effects of eating fruit, ices, etc., also ptomaine and similar poisonings. Patient dislikes meat but desire fat.

9. Skin troubles of all kinds, esp. scaly eruptions.

10. Patients very chilly, (<) cold and damp; lying with head low; midnight to 3 a.m.; rest: (>) heat, except head symptoms.

Note. Thuja is sometimes its chronic.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.