AGARICUS homeopathic remedy keynotes and indications from the Decachords by Gladstone Clarke, of the medicine AGARICUS …


      1. Light-haired persons of a lax fibre; old people weak circulation; drunkard.

2. Delirium; in typhoid conditions; of silly kind; constant raving, tries to get out of bed (occupies position between Stram, and Lachesis): delirium tremens.

3. Burning, itching and redness of various parts which are swollen and hot: chilblains, frostbite, etc. (locally and internally).

4. Spasmodic conditions: tremors, twitchings; involuntary movements while awake, cease when asleep: choreas, from jerking of single muscles to dancing of whole body.

5. Spine sensitive to touch; painful at every turn of the body; backache ((<)) while sitting.

6. Headache; esp. in drunkards after debauch; or from prolonged desk from.

7. Asthenia from prolonged strain spasm of accommodation; twitching of eyes and lids; weakness of muscles; swimming of type; myopia; chronic choroiditis.

8. Irritable heart of tea and coffee drinkers and tobacco smokers; irregular, tumultuous palpitation.

9. Symptoms appear diagonally; upper left and lower right (Ledum; ctr. Medorr.).

10. Modalities; ((<)) cold air; damp; before thunder.

A. Gladstone Clarke
Arthur Gladstone Clarke, a christian missionary working with the North China Mission, made good practical use of the homeopathy. He learnt as a student at MSM. He published a short introduction to the use of over 100 commonly used medicines—Decachords—first published in 1925 and still in print today.