Amenorrhoea, with nervous headache, leaden face, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Dysmenorrhoea, with prolapsus: vomiting, diarrhoea, exhaustion.

Strangulated prolapsed vagina, with cold sweat, exhausting vomiting and diarrhoea.


      Abortion threatened; pains with cold sweat, nausea, vomiting.

During pregnancy: wants to wander about the house; taciturn; haughty; thirst; vomiting. Labor-pains exhaust her; fainting on least motion.

Lochia suppressed, with nymphomania.

Eclampsia parturientium; pallor; collapse, anaemia, or violent cerebral congestion, with bluish bloated face, wild shrieks, tearing the clothing.

Puerperal mania, to kiss every one.


      Spasms glottidis.

Paroxysms of constriction of larynx, suffocative fits, with protruded eyes.

Debility great, catarrhal symptoms slight; influenza during cholera seasons.

Hollow, hoarse voice.


      Dyspnoea. Oppression.

Contractive spasm of chest.

Asthma in damp, cold weather; in early morning; better throwing head back; inclination for motion; cold sweat of upper part of body; worse from cold drinks.


      Dry, tickling, after walking in sharp, cold air; dry, spasmodic, rattling, but nothing loosens; deep, hollow, ringing, whooping, excited by tickling in lowest branches of bronchi, expectoration of yellow, tough, tenacious mucus of bitter, saltish, sour, or putrid taste; spasmodic; cyanosis; cold sweat; blood spitting; after great exertion; loud barking, in hysteria; worse morning and late evening until 12 P.M.; going into warm room; getting warm in bed; change of weather; eating and drinking cold things, especially water; crying (children); vexation.

Convulsive stage of whooping-cough.

Epidemic whoop-cough, worse Spring or Autumn.


      Constant rattling of mucus, but cannot expectorate; sticky sweat about head; weak; frequent, irregular pulse; bronchitis of the aged.

Capillary bronchitis.

Acute bronchial catarrh, in the emphysematous.

Rattling in lungs, fear of suffocation; frothy, serous sputa; blue face; oedema of lungs.

Stitches in sides of chest.

Heart Pulse

      Strong palpitation of heart, with chorea.

Violent visible, anxious palpitation, with fainting.

Tumultuous, irregular contractions of heart, forerunners of paralysis.

Intermittent action of heart in feeble persons, with some obstruction to hepatic circulation.

Palpitation in the anaemic; agony of death, legs cold; difficult breathing, better at rest or lying down.

Pulse: frequent, small, hard; slow, soft, intermittent; sometimes slower than heart-beat.

Neck Back

      Neck so weak, child can scarcely keep it erect, especially in whooping-cough.

Tingling in fingers, causing anxiety and painful jerks of limbs.

During exercise, rheumatic pain between scapulae from nape to small of back; worse going to stool.

Bruised feeling in sacral region.

Upper Limbs

      Neuralgia in brachial plexus, as if beaten or bruised.

Arms: feel cold when raising them; feel as if too full and swollen. Paralytic and bruising pain in arms.

Arm trembles, when anything is grasped.

Tingling in hands and fingers, causing anxiety.

Hands icy-cold, blue.

Lower Limbs

      Difficult walking; first right, then left hip-joint feels paralytic.

Shocks in right hip.

Electric jerks in limbs; worse in bed, must sit up and let legs hang out of bed; must walk about. Rheumatism.

Pains in feet, especially the knees, as if heavy stones were tied to the parts; must move about for relief.

Limbs: stiff in forenoon and while standing; rheumatism; alternately hot and cold, head hot; cold.

Cramps in the calves.

Sudden swelling of the feet.

Feet icy-cold.

Limbs in General

      Painful paralytic weakness in upper and lower limbs.

Limbs go to sleep, also when lying down.

Pains in limbs resembling a bruise, worse during wet, cold weather; worse in warmth of bed; better when walking up and down.

Position etc.

      Children are easier when carried about quickly.

Must walk about during pains :. Walking :. Running about and shouting : Rushes about bent double : Wanders about house : Motion:,, Exertion : Exercise : Grasping anything : Raising arms; Standing : Must sit up : Sitting: Rising :, At rest: Lying down :. Must lie down : In bed: Arms stretched above head: Talks much and rapidly: Praying : Sunken feature :, Face distorted : sunken: Eyes upturned : sunken : Masticating : Can scarcely keep neck erect : Standing :.


      Trembling, jerking.

Puerperal convulsions : Convulsions caused by religious excitement; also of children; anxiety, pale face, cold sweat of forehead; cough before or after spasm; sometimes syncope after spasm.

Tonic spasms, with contraction or spasms of hands and soles of feet.

Cramps, with profuse alvine discharges : Excessive weakness; also after abuse of Cinchona.

Child feeble, with a sort of hectic; whooping cough.

Paralysis: after cholera; from debilitating losses.

Must lie down; anguish, cold sweat on forehead when he rises.

Sudden sinking of strength.



Uninterrupted sleep for three days. Typhoid.

Drowsy, starts as if frightened, preventing sleep; fever follows.

Arms stretched above head, moaning, during sleep.

Nightly anxiety and sleeplessness.

Dreams : of being drowned; of being bitten by a dog and cannot escape; of being hunted; of robbers, with frightened awakening and a fixed idea that the dream is true.


      Morning : Forenoon : Afternoon: 4-5 P.M. : Evening : Night : Before midnight : Three days :.

Temperature and Weather

      Hot summer weather : South winds :. Warmth of bed:. Out of bed : Warm room : food :,. Hot drinks (excite hiccough):. Spring and Autumn : Fresh air:. Every draught of air aggravates. Change of weather : Cold, damp weather : Cold : Cold drinks : Aversion to being covered.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill and coldness: mostly external, with internal heat, and cold, clammy sweat; running downward; shaking chill with sweat, which soon passes off into general coldness.

Chill increased by drinking; lessened after getting out of bed.

Whole body icy-cold.

Chill of nursing children.

Chill and heat alternating, now here, again there, on single parts.

Heat : mostly internal, with thirst but no desire to drink; in the evening, with sweat; ascends.

Profuse sweat, morning, evening, or all night; also with every stool.

Sweat cold, clammy; offensive; bitter-smelling; or staining yellow; but always with deathly pale face.

General cold sweat, worse on forehead.

Intermittent types, often pernicious during cholera; also after abuse of quinine.

Rheumatic fever, with profuse sweat, great weakness and diarrhoea.

Typhoid forms of fever, especially in cholera seasons; also when vital forces suddenly sink.


      Coming and increasing gradually:. Suddenly in Summer : at night : Sudden sinking (of vital force):, Spring and Autumn: Lasts for three days : Frequent : Summer (of scarlatina):.


      Right : Left :, Right to left: Left to right : Above downward : Below upward : Upward :.


      Skin and muscles lax.

Anaemia of the Skin.


Anasarca: vomiting, purging, great prostration.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Rubbing : Pressure :, Slight wounds :.


      Wrinkled skin; skin remains in folds after pressure.

Skin blue, purple, cold.

Rash over body or on face and hands.

Dry eruptions like itch.

Desquamation of indurated or thickened portion of Skin.


Measles tardy and pale; skin often livid; hemorrhages, but no relief; drowsy; weak; cold; thready pulse; also for spasmodic cough and vomiturition.

Scarlatina in hot, summer weather; eruption bluish; pulse feeble; burning heat of limbs alternating with coldness.

Stages and States



Lean, choleric or melancholy persons.


      Veratr. is frequently indicated after Arsen, Cinchon, Cuprum, Ipecac. Phosp. ac.

After Veratr. are frequently indicated: Arsen, Arnic., Cinchon, Cuprum, Ipecac.

Similar to : Cuprum (but latter has cough,, better drinking, cramps, with scanty discharges); Bryon. (constipation); Jatropa Curc. (vomit of albuminous matter; spurting, watery diarrhoea; abdomen and calves flattened by cramp); Ric. Comm. (cholera- collapse, vomiting and purging still continuing).

Veratrum. may be indicated : in stupefaction from alcohol; after abuse of Cinchon., in colic from copper; bad effects from opium eating; or, from tobacco.

Veratr. antidotes; Arsen., Cinchon., Ferrum.

Antidotes to Veratr. Aconite Cinchon., Coffea.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.