Soreness down muscles of back; pains shift about; feels pain more when drawing long breath.

Upper Limbs

      Itching in axilla before catamenia.

Rheumatic pain in right arm and shoulder; worse at night; on turning in bed; cannot raise the arm.

Burning in palms, redness of hands, and severe burning.

Ulceration of the roots of all the nails on both hands.

Panaritium, first right, then left fingers.

Lower Limbs

      Rheumatic pain in left hip; also, inside of right thigh.

Bruise-like pain in thigh, alternating with burning and pressure in breast.

Pain through hips, extending down right limb.

Wandering pains worse at night.

Knees are stiff.

Left leg and foot swelled in evening, with violent burning pain, did not know where to lay the limb; limb externally cold; worse until 12 P.M.

Sharp pain in right ankle and great toe-joint.

Burning of soles of feet, worse in bed.

Cold feet, afternoon.

Limbs in General

      Burning of hands and feet, worse at night.

Rheumatic pains, worse in those places least covered with flesh, but not in joints; on touching the painful part, pain vanishes and appears on some other part.

Rheumatism in all joints, with swelling and spasmodic pains.

Position etc.

      Motion : Walking : Rising : Stooping :. Turning quickly : in bed : Indisposed to move : Cannot find rest : Cannot bear a person to walk in : Unable to move : Restricted motion of right arm : Must sit up : Must kneel down : Lying down : 2; on left side :; on back : 1, Must lie down quietly : Looking upward : Cannot raise arm :.


      Lameness of right arm.

Paralysis of right side.

Lassitude, torpor, languor; not disposed to move or make any mental exertion, worse damp weather.

Limbs weak while walking in open air.


      Sleepless at night, wakes with fright, as if he would fall.

Dreams: of sailing on sea; of business matters; frightful.

Drowsiness, causing mental and bodily indolence.


      Morning : Afternoon: Evening:, Until 12 P.M. : 5. Midnight : Night :, Day :.

Temperature and Weather

      In bed: Cold weather: Damp weather: Atmospheric changes : Cold, open air:,.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill, with headache, nausea, pain under scapula on motion; shivering in back, worse evening in bed.

Slight flushes of heat, followed by chills, then face flushed, hands hot; qualmish feeling all over; lassitude.

Heat flying from head to stomach.

Burning heat, rapidly alternating with chill and shivering.

Afternoon fever, with circumscribed red cheeks.

Fever 2 to 3 P.M. daily.

Flushes of heat.

Fever and delirium.

Slight chill, violent fever, headache and delirium.

Copious sweat; cold sweat.

Typhus, with the characteristic headache.


      Headache usually recurs every seventh day; increases in severity from morning till evening (.

Periodically (headache):.


      Right :,, Left :, Right to left:, Above downward :, 2, Below upward: Up and down : 2.


      Heat flying from head to stomach: Sensation as if hot water was poured from breast into abdomen.

An uncomfortable prickling sensation of warmth spreading over whole body.

Slow, shooting pains, with long-continued thrills.

Sensation as if paralyzed and unable to move while lying on back: Sensation as if he is in railroad car; See Sensation of hairs in eyes; See Sensation as if the tongue feels in contact with some hot thing :.

Sensation of something alive in stomach :.


      Languid circulation, limbs cold, skin pallid, sensitive to atmospheric changes.

Veins distended, feel sore. Surging of the blood.

Red or grey hepatization of lungs.

Polypi, nasal and uterine.



Fungous excrescences.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Pressure :. Touch :, Lifting :.


      Heat and dryness.

Itching and nettle-rash before the nausea. Old, indolent ulcers, with callous borders and ichorous discharge; dirty granulations, dry, sharp-cut edges.

Icterus, during prevalent intermittent fever.

Prickling sensation of warmth, spreading over body. Eruption on face of young women, with menstrual troubles, especially deficiency.


      After Bellad. fails in scarlatina. As a dynamic remedy for the narcosis of opium.

Sanguin. antidotes : Rhus rad.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.