Homeopathic remedy Ranunculus Scleratus drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Nefarious Crowfoot. Y. Watzke. Ranunculaceae.


      Indolence and aversion to mental occupation in morning; low- spirited, depressed in evening.

Dulness of the head.


      Vertigo, with loss of consciousness.

Inner Head

      Gnawing pain in small spot on vertex or either temple.

Outer Head

      Sensation as if head was enlarged and too full.

Biting-itching on the scalp.

Scalp feels tense.


      Smarting in eyes and canthi.

Painful pressing in eyeballs. Eyes very weak and water much.


      Otalgia, with pressing or gnawing pain in head, and drawing pain in teeth.


      Lachrymation, with watery nasal discharge.


      Sensation as if face was covered with spider web.

Drawing in face, with sensation of coldness.

Face cold, livid.


      Drawing-stinging in teeth.

Tongue etc.

      Tongue exfoliated in spots, which are raw; mouth inflamed.

Both sides of the tongue denuded like islands, the remaining parts thickly coated. Diphtheria.


      Scraping or burning in throat.

Swelling of tonsils, with shooting stitches in them.

Eating and Drinking

      After meals :,.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations after meals, with taste of what has been eaten.


      Pain in stomach, with fainting fits.

Sensation of fulness in pit of stomach, increased by external pressure, worse mornings.

Sensation of soreness and burning in pit of stomach,.


      Spleen swollen after intermittent fever and abuse of quinine.

Dull pressure about liver, worse from a long breath. Stitches in liver, spleen or kidneys.

Stool etc.

      Frequent, soft, or watery, fetid stools.

Frequent sensation as though diarrhoea would set in.


      Burns; strangury.

Male Sexual Organs

      Stitches at glans penis.

Heart, Pulse

      Pulse, quick, full, but soft, with heat at night.

Outer Chest

      Chest feels as if bruised, with sensation of weakness.

Stitches in chest and intercostal muscles.

External chest and sternum are painfully sensitive to touch.

Upper Limbs

      Stitching, boring and gnawing in arms, especially violent in fingers.

Itching between fingers, evenings.

Swelling of fingers, mornings.

Lower Limbs

      Stinging, boring and gnawing in toes, especially violent in big toe.

Limbs in General

      Gout in fingers and toes.


      Tossing about : Walking :.


      Fainting with the pains.


      Sleeplessness after midnight; with anxiety, heat and thirst, or with restlessness and tossing about.


      Pains worse toward evening, decrease after midnight when sleeplessness, tossing about, anxiety, heat and thirst set in.

Morning :, Evening : Night : After midnight : Toward morning :.

Temperature and Weather

      In-doors: Open air:.


     Fever. sweat.

Chill or chilliness during meals.

Heat, evening in-doors, after walking in open air.

Dry heat at night, with violent thirst, mostly after midnight.

Sweat after heat, toward morning, mostly on forehead.


      right eye and ear more affected than left.


      Feels sore all over.

Smarting, itching, gnawing or boring in various parts, mow here, again there : especially toward evening.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch :, Pressure :,.


      Vesicular eruptions, with acrid, thin, yellowish discharge.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.