Homeopathic remedy Ranunculus Bulbosus drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Bulbous Crowfoot. Franz. Ranunculaceae.


      Vanishing of thought on reflection.

Obtuseness of the senses.

Angry mood; quarrelsome.


      Vertigo, with danger of falling, when going from room into open air.

Inner Head

      Pressing headache in forehead and on vertex, as if pressed asunder, with pressure on eyeballs and sleepiness; worse in evening or when entering a room from cold air; or vice versa.

Congestion of blood to head, sensation of fulness and enlargement of head.

Headache, with nausea and sleepiness.

The headache is caused or aggravated by a change of temperature.

Outer Head

      Head feels too large.


      Hemeralopia, with heat, biting and pressure in eyes; lids and conjunctiva slightly red, lachrymation; pus in the canthi.

Pressure in eyeballs.

Smarting and sore feeling in eye or canthus.


      Stitches in ears, principally in evening.


      Redness and inflammatory swelling of nose, with tension.

Scabs in the nostrils.


      Dry heat in face, with redness of cheeks, evenings.

Tingling in face, especially on nose and chin.

Lower Face

      Spasms of the lips.


      White saliva in mouth, tasting like copper.


      Much viscid phlegm in throat.

Inflammatory burning pains in throat and on palate.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating:.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Spasmodic hiccough.

Nausea in afternoon and evening, sometimes with headache.


      Sensation of soreness and burning in pit of stomach, worse from touch.

Pressure in pit of stomach.


      Sensation of soreness in hypochondria, especially to touch.

Stitches in region of liver, extending up into chest.

Pulsations in left hypochondrium.


      Colic and cutting pains in abdomen, and when pressing on it sensation as if everything were sore and bruised.

Burning soreness in abdomen.

Great tenderness of abdomen to touch.


      Ulcers in the bladder.

Female Sexual Organs

      Leucorrhoea, at first mild, then acrid, corroding.

3 Breathing Short and oppressed, with pains in chest, and inclination to draw a long breath.


      Stitches in chest.

Small, sore spot, as from subcutaneous ulceration. After pneumonia.

Adhesions of the lungs (after inflammation).

Heart Pulse

      Pulse full, hard, rapid in evening, slower in morning.

Outer Chest

      Chest feels sore, bruised; worse from touch, motion, or turning body (many cases of pleurodynia).

Neck Back

      Pain along inner edge of left scapula, often extending below its inferior angle, or through lower half of left side of thorax.

Upper Limbs

      Spasmodic, rheumatic pain in arms.

Stitches in arms and hands.

Blister-like eruption in palms of hands.

Lower Limbs

      Drawing pain in the thighs, extending downward.

Cracking in joints (knee).

Corns sensitive to touch, smart and burn.

Position etc.

      Motion : turning body; Cannot lie on side:.


      Twitching of muscles.

Epileptic attacks.

Sudden weakness, with fainting.

Trembling of limbs, with oppression of breathing after fright or anger; aggravated in evening, and sometimes after eating, from change of temperature, especially from heat to cold.


      Sleeplessness often with dyspnoea, heat and ebullitions; cannot lie on the side.


      Morning : Afternoon :, Evening :,.

Temperature and Weather

      Room to open air; Open air to room : Change of temperature : (especially from heat to cold ).

Open air: Out of doors :.


     Fever Sweat Chilly, with heat in face, worse afternoon and evening, the well-covered chest is chilly out of doors.

Heat in evening, worse on right side of face, with cold hands and general uncomfortableness.

Heat, with internal chill at same time.

Sweat scanty and only in morning on awaking.


      Right :, Left :, Behind forward : Above downward :.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch :,,, Pressure :.


      Horn-like excrescences.

Vesicular eruptions, as from burns.

Shingles and intercostal neuralgia.

Flat, burning, stinging ulcers, with ichorous discharge.


Chilblains (external application) Relationship Antidotes to Ranunculus bulb : Bryon. Camphor., Pulsat., Rhus.

Inimicals : alcohol, Spir. nitr. dulc. Staphis, Sulphur, vinegar, wine.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.