Pain in chest, great anxiety by spells.


Feeling especially under sternum, as of ulceration of the chest.

Chest symptoms better when lying down.

Sharp pain, right side, opposite tenth rib.

Pains in right side, worse from motion, laughing, coughing; with sweat.

Heart pulse.

      Pericarditis, psoric origin; better lying quietly.

Rheumatic carditis; effusion, cannot lie down.

Pulse week feeble.

Neck Back

      painful stiffness of neck, soreness and tearing on bending backward.

Glands of neck swollen, pain thence to head.

Tearing and stitches between scapulae.

Severe backache, as if bruised, cannot straighten out.

Pain in small of back like weakness.

Small of back pains worse motion.

Upper Limbs

      Attacks of lameness and soreness in right shoulder, extending to hand.

Arms as if paralyzed and lame, from shoulder to hands.

Eruption in bends of elbows and around wrists.

Tearing in arms.

Copper-colored red blisters on backs of hands.

Pustules on hands near finger-ends suppurating.

Itching between fingers; vesicles.

Sweaty palms especially at night.

Small warts, size of pin’s head, on left hand.

Lower Limbs

      Pain in hip joints as if dislocated, worse when walking with weak arms.

Pain in legs, especially on tibia and soles, as from overexertion in walking; legs restless, better on rising.

Sciatic pains; tension down to knee while walking.

Oozing blister on legs from small pustules, increasing in size with tearing pains.

Dry herpes in bend of knees.

Chronic gonitis or chronic inflammation of the knees.

Ulcers on lower legs, with intolerable itching over whole body.

Feet go to sleep.

Heat and itching of the soles.

Eruption on insteps, soon becoming thick, dirty scaly; suppurating; painful and itching at times keeping him awake.

Limbs in General

      Arthritic; rheumatism, especially in chronic form.

Tearing in left knees and left axilla.

Hands and feet tremble.

Position etc.

      Rest:, Mental labor: Moral emotion: Lying down: : on right side: Lies on face: Cannot lie down: Sitting up: still: Standing:. Motion :, Exertion:. Walking :,,, Stooping: Rising: Must rise: Bending backward: Cannot straighten out: Overlifting Talking : Remaining quiet;.


      Weakness, especially without structural diseased changes.

Debility after acute diseases; after typhus with despair of recovery; thinks he is very ill, when he is not; appetite will not return; sweats from least exertion.

Nervous easily startled.

Subsultus tendinum.


      Sleepy by day; sleepless at night, from intolerable itching; dyspnoea congestion to head.

Sick babies will not sleep day or night but worry fret cry.

Dreams vivid, continue after awaking.

Dreams of robbers dangers travelling etc.

Sleepless after 12 p.m. from congestion to head.

On awaking cannot get rid of the one persistent idea.


      Morning:, Forenoon; Afternoon; Evening: Night:, After midnight: At 1 A.M. Day:, Fifth month (of pregnancy):; second month;.

Temperature and Weather

      Feels a restlessness in his blood, days before and during a thunder-storm.

Cough returns every winter.

Hot weather: Warmth: In bed:. Air:. Uncovering: Washing: Open air: Warm food:. Cold food:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilly evening upper arms, thighs, with thirst drinking causes cough.

Evening heat, delirium great thirst followed by profuse sweat.

Heat when riding in a carriage.

Profuse sweats.

Sweats easily, weak.

Typhus: picks bedclothes reaches for objects in air.


      Every day same hour.

Every other day headache thirst, cold.


      Right:,,,, Left:,. Right to left: Side to side:. Within outward: Behind forward: Above downward: Below upward:. Changing sides:.


      Body always has a filthy smell, even after a bath.

Thinner than usual pale, exhausted.

Deeply penetrating ichorous ulcers.



Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch:, Pressure:, of bandage: Violent knock; Scratching: Riding:,.


      Body itches intolerably; worse in bed and from warmth; scratches until it bleeds.

Skin dirty, greasy-looking, with yellow blotches here and there.

Fine red eruption, forming small white scales.

whole surface scaly, dirty-looking, tawny; at times itching; desires scratching which gives temporary relief.

Copper-colored pustules, no itching.

Itch: boils after itch.

Crusty eruptions all over.

After suppressed itch; urticaria, in attacks, after every exertion tuberculosis single pustules often appear.

Stages and States

      Scrofulous, nervous, restless, easily startled.

Psoric constitutions; especially when other remedies fail to permanently improve; lack of reaction after severe diseases.

pale sickly delicate children.


      Burning remaining (about nipples) yielded to Carb-veg: Vomiting in pregnancy only relieved by Lac-ac. was cured by Psorin.

Arnic. for a blow on ovary, followed by psorin.

Follow Psorin, with Sulphur, Mammary cancer.

Antidote; coffee.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.