Homeopathic remedy Phytolacca Decandra drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Poke root. ALLENTOWN COLLEGE. Phytolaccaceae.



Indisposition to mental exertion.

Disgust for business of day, on waking early in morning.

Melancholy, gloom.

Great fear, is sure will die.

Indifference to life.

Complete shamelessness and indifference to exposure of her person.



Oversensitiveness to pain.


      Vertigo : with danger of falling; with dim vision; when rising from bed, feels faint; staggering.

Inner Head

      Pain in back of head and neck.

One-sided headache.

Pain extending back from the frontal region.

Shooting pain from left eye to top of head.

Heavy aching feeling in the head, at 1-3 P.M.

Sensation of soreness deep in brain.

Painful pressure on forehead and upper part of both eyes.

Pain in top of head, and a feeling as if the brain were bruised, when stepping from a high step to the ground.

Sick headache, worse in forehead; with backache and bearing down; comes every week.

Outer Head

      Tinea capitis; worse washing it when he is warm.



Pupils contracted; tetanus.

Dimness of vision.

Burning, smarting, tingling pain in eyes; itching aggravated by gaslight; abundant flow of tears.

Catarrhal ophthalmia.

Feeling of sand in eyes, with soreness and burning.

Sharp pain goes through ball of eye on reading or writing.

Reddish-blue swelling of eyelids, worse on left side, and in morning; hard, unyielding cellulitis.

Motions of one eye independent of the other.

Circumorbital pains in syphilitic ophthalmia.


      Shooting pains through both ears when swallowing; right side worse.

Eustachian tube feel obstructed.


      Thin, watery discharge from nostrils increasing till the nose become stuffed.

Flow of mucus from one nostril, while the other is stopped; both stopped up while riding.

Acrid discharge, excoriating. Scarlatina.


      Very pale; hippocratic; looking blue and suffering; yellowish.

Cold sweat on forehead.

Blotches in face; worse in P.M., after washing and eating.

Swelling around left ear and side of face like erysipelas; thence over scalp; every painful.

Lower Face

      Chin drawn closely to sternum, by convulsive action of muscles of face and neck. Tetanus.

Lips everted and firm. Tetanus.

Upper lip excoriated.

Ulcers on lips.

Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen.


      Disposition to bite the teeth together.

Difficult dentition.

Tongue etc.

      Metallic taste.

Burnt feeling on back part of tongue.

Tongue : fiery red at tip; coated yellow and dry; thickly coated at back part.

Tongue : hot, rough, tender and smarting at tip; also small ulcers, like those caused by mercury; thick; protruding.


      Profuse saliva, sometimes yellowish, often thick, ropy, tenacious; mercurial ptyalism, with inflamed gums and teeth.

Small ulcers on inside of right cheek, very painful; he cannot chew on that side.

Sensation of dryness in the mouth, with cough.


      Sore, worse right side; fauces dark, bluish-red; worse swallowing saliva; feels as if a red-hot ball was lodged in fauces; cannot bear touch of clothing about neck.

Uvula large transparent.

Tonsils large, bluish, ulcerated; throat feels as after eating chokepears; dry, rough, burning, smarting fauces.

Like a plug in throat, worse left side.

Dirty, wash-leather pseudo-membrane; mucus hawked with difficulty, from posterior nares; hangs down in strings; severe pains in head, neck and back; great prostration; faint on rising. Diphtheria.

Cannot drink hot fluids; choking; ulcers on tonsils.


Pharynx dry, rough, feels like a cavern.

Desires Aversions

      Great thirst.

Hunger soon after eating.

Loss of appetite.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating : Hot drinks :. After lemonade :.

Nausea and Vomiting :

      Nausea, eructations of flatus and sour fluid.

Violent vomiting every few minutes.

Violent vomiting of clotted blood and slime, with retching, intense pain, and desire for death to relieve; purging and vomiting.

Vomiting in diphtheria.


      Bruised and sore feeling at pit of stomach.

Heat in stomach.

Pain in pit of stomach, as from a heavy blow or concussion there, followed by cramps in abdomen, and coolness.

Pain in region of pylorus.


      In right hypochondrium a sore spot, not large than a dollar, extremely sensitive to touch.


      Griping and cramps in abdomen.

Burning, griping pains in umbilical region.

Rheumatism extending to abdominal muscles.

Bearing down pains.

Stool etc.

      Stools : thin, dark brown; or mucus and blood, like intestinal scrapings; tenesmus; of bile. Diarrhoea early in morning; after lemonade.

Constipation of the aged, or of those with weak heart.

Bleeding piles. Fissured rectum.


      Weakness, dull pain and soreness in region of kidneys; most on right side, and connected with heat; uneasiness down the uterus; chalk-like sediment in urine.

Urine : albuminous; excessive or scanty; dark-red, stains the vessel.

Pain in region of bladder before and during urination.

Urgent desire to pass water.

Male Sexual Organs

      Gonorrhoea and gleet.

Orchitis; secondary syphilis.

Syphilis, chancres, ulcerated throat; ulcers on genitals.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses too frequent and too copious; mammae painful.

Painful menstruation in barren women; costive.



      Pain in sacrum down to knees and ankles, then up to the sacrum; jerks here and there; after confinement.

Inflammation, swelling and suppuration of breasts.

Nipples very sensitive.

Breast hard as a stone after weaning.

Nipples sore and fissured, with intense suffering on putting child to breast; pain seems to start from nipple, and radiate over whole body.

Excessive flow of milk, causing great exhaustion.

“Gathered breasts” with large, fistulous, gaping and angry ulcers, discharging a watery, fetid pus.

Mammary gland full of hard, painful nodosities.


      Hoarseness and aphonia.

Dryness of larynx and trachea, worse toward evening.

Burning in larynx and trachea, with a sensation of contraction of the glottis; labored breathing.

Spasms of glottis, eyes distorted, one eye moves independently of the other, thumbs clenched, toes flexed.


      Respiration difficult, oppressed; loud mucous rales.

Constant moaning and gasping for air. Diphtheria.

Faint, with sighing, slow breathing.


      Hacking, dry, with hawking; excited by tickling in larynx or dryness in pharynx; worse at night as soon as he lies down.

Sputa thick, tough.


      Pains and suffocating feeling in throat and lungs.

Aching pains in chest and side, with cough.

Pain through mid-sternum, with cough.

Heart Pulse

      Shocks of pain in cardiac region; angina pectoris; pain goes into right arm.

Heart’s action weak, with constipation.

Awakens with lameness near heart; worse during expiration; cannot get to sleep again.

Pulse : small, irregular, with great excitement in chest especially in cardiac region; full, but soft.

Outer Chest

      Rheumatism of lower intercostal, from exposure to cold and dampness.

Neck Back

      Convulsive action of muscles of face and neck. Tetanus.

Glands of right side of neck, hard.

Stiff neck; tonsils swollen.

Rheumatism in lumbar muscles.

Aching pain in lumbar region, day and night, with sore throat.

Pain streaking up and down the spine.

Aching in sacrum.

Upper Limbs

      Both scapulae ache continually.

Shooting pain in right shoulder-joint, with stiffness and inability to raise the arm; aching and tenderness along top of right trapezius.

Pain in arms, especially about attachment of deltoid muscles.

Finger-joints swollen, hard, shining.

Lame feeling in the arms.

Lower Limbs

      Pains shooting from sacrum down outside of both hips.

Sharp, cutting pains in hip, drawing; leg drawn up, cannot touch the floor; hip disease on right side after mercury; or, in syphilitic children.

Rheumatism of left knee, hamstrings feel shortened, Pains down from hips to knee; heavy dragging; neuralgic pains; all worse on outer part of thighs.

Nightly pains in periosteum of tibiae.

Chronic rheumatism of left hip.

Ulcers and nodes on legs.

Feet puffed, soles burn; severe pains through ankles and feet; puffed, soles burn; severe pains through ankles and feet; also, on dorsa of feet.

Limbs in General

      Severe pains in arms and legs from elbows and knees to fingers and toes; worse from motion and contact; syphilis.

Position etc.

      Motion :. Stepping down: Rising from bed :. Lying : Mental exertion : Staggering : Reading or writing : Raise arm (inability) : Riding : Moaning and gasping :.


      Great exhaustion, prostration, muscular paresis, Legs weak, heavy; he staggers.

Tetanus; alternate spasms and relaxation of muscles; general muscular rigidity.


      Frequent gaping.


Restlessness at night; pains drive him out of bed.

On waking, feels wretched.


      Morning : Afternoon : Evening : Night : Day and night : 1-3 P.M. : Every week : Every few minutes :.

Temperature and Weather

      Damp weather : Washing when warm : Cold : Hot fluids :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Coldness, faintness, dyspnoea; chill every morning.

Limbs cold, head and face hot.

Sweat cold on forehead; toes sweat.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.