Chronic painless diarrhoea of undigested food, with much thirst for water during the night.

Frequent diarrhoea, during cholera time.

Painless debilitating diarrhoea, worse mornings. Constipation, faeces slender, long, dry, tough and hard, like a dog’s; voided with difficulty.

Bleeding hemorrhoids.

Ulceration of the rectum, with discharge of pus and blood; tenesmus.

Anus feels as if it was open.


      Profuse, pale, watery; frequent and scanty; turbid, whitish, like curdled milk, with brick-dust sediment and variegated cuticle on surface; with red sediment.

Haematuria, from debility after sexual excesses; blood deficient in fibrin.

Glycosuria, with phthisis.

Albumen and exudation cells in urine; Morbus Brightii.

Twitching and burning in the urethra with frequent desire to urinate.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual excitement, frequent erections and emissions, or irresistible desire for coitus.

Lascivious, strips himself, sexual mania.

Impotence after excessive excitement and onanism.

Hydrocele after gonorrhoeal, orchitis, with sexual weakness; also, after seminal losses.

Female Sexual Organs


Sterility from excessive voluptuousness, or with late and profuse menses.

Metritis after frequent pregnancies; pyaemia and phlebitis; fair, graceful women.

Frequent and profuse metrorrhagia, pouring out freely and then ceasing for a short time. Cancer uteri.

Pain in left ovarian region and down the inner side of thigh.

Menses early, profuse, long-lasting; or early, scanty and pale; weeps before the menses; during menses, pains in the small of the back; palpitation.

Amenorrhoea, with blood-spitting; bleeding from the anus; or haematuria; menses suppressed, with milk in breasts.

Stitches upward, from vagina into pelvis.

Dull tearing in labia, during or after walking in open air.

Leucorrhoea: with chlorosis; instead of the menses; watery, slimy or acrid, causing blisters.


      Labor-pains distressing, but of little use; cutting pains through the abdomen.

Ulceration of the mammae, with hardness; red spots or streaks; fistulous openings, with burning, stinging, and watery, offensive discharge; also so soon as pus forms.

Cancer mammae, with sharp, lancinating pains; or bleeding easily.


      Hoarseness. with cough and rawness in larynx and bronchia; worse in the evening.

Aphonia; from prolonged, loud talking; catarrhal and nervous; larynx sensitive to touch.

Cannot talk on account of pain in larynx.

Larynx feels as if lined with fur.

Laryngeal croup; aphonia; rapid sinking; cold sweat; dropped jaw; sunken face; rattling breathing; also, with tendency to frequent relapses.


      Asthma, with fear of suffocation.

Oppression and anxiety in the chest, worse evening and morning.

Stridulous inspiration in evening in falling asleep; nightly suffocative spells, as if lungs were paralyzed.

Spasmodic contraction of chest.

Noisy, panting breathing.

Difficult inspiration, chest feels full and heavy, with tension.

Short breath: after each cough; oppression and palpitation from a short walk; worse after evening.

Fulness in the chest, as after eating too much.


      Dry, tickling, with tightness across chest; hollow, spasmodic, from tickling in chest; with trembling of whole body; with sticking in epigastrium; must press it with the hand; nervous, when any one enters the room; from strong odors; before a thunder-storm.

Cough, with stitches over one eye, splitting headache, burning dryness in throat; hoarseness, aphonia; soreness and roughness in larynx; worse evening and night.

Cough worse from change from warm to cold air; from laughing, loud talking; change of weather; eating or drinking; lying on the left side or back.

While coughing, involuntary stool.

Sputa: mostly in morning; frothy, bloody, rust-colored; purulent, white and tough; cold mucus, tasting sour, salt or sweet.


      Stitches in left chest, better lying on right side.

Burning, piercing soreness and tension in chest.

Congestion to chest; anxiety; worse from any emotion; cramp between scapulae.

Broncho-pulmonary catarrh, with dilatation, or fatty degeneration of heart,.

Pneumonia: dryness of air-passages; excoriated feeling in upper chest; great weight on chest or tightness; chest sore, bruised; well-developed co-existing bronchitis; hepatization, especially of lower half on right lung. Latter part of the period of deposit and early part of that of absorption.

Capillary bronchitis; pulmonary oedema.

Pleuritis; late stages; Heart dilated; purulent infiltration.

Threatened paralysis of the lungs, prostration, viscid sweat; small pulse; face sunken; rattling in the windpipe.

Tuberculosis in the tall, slender or rapidly growing; repeated haemoptysis; great debility; frequent attacks of bronchitis.

Heart Pulse

      Disease of the right heart, with consequent venous stagnation.

Palpitation from every motion; with rush of blood to the chest, especially in the rapidly growing youth. Great pressure on the middle of the sternum; orthopnoea; dyspnoea, with inability to exert himself; palpitation.

Dilatation of the heart, following endocarditis, or fatty degeneration.

Pulse: accelerated, full and hard; sometimes double; small, weak and frequent.

Outer Chest

      Yellow spots on the chest.

Neck Back

      Back pains as if broken impending all motion.

Pain in small of back when rising from stooping Burning in a small spot in small of the back, better from rubbing.

Softening of the spine.

Progressive locomotor ataxia.

Pain in coccyx as if ulcerated, hindering motion, followed by painful stiff neck. Rachitis.

Pains in the sacrum after confinement.

Upper Limbs

      Swelling of axillary glands.

Tearing in left shoulder worse at night.

Arms weak, can hardly move them, they tremble. Emaciation of the hands.

Tremor of the hands.

Finger-tips feel numb and insensible.

Periodical contraction of the fingers like cramp.

Veins on hands are distended.

Burning palms; or clammy sweat on the head and palms.

Lower Limbs

      Rheumatic stiffness of the knees; pains from knees to feet.

Swelling of the tibia.

Pains in the soles of the feet, as if bruised.

Nightly tearing in the feet, during pregnancy.

Feet swollen in the evening.

Feet icy-cold.

Twitching of the feet.

Limbs in General

      Hands and feet numb, clumsy; ankles feel swollen and as if the skin was tense.

Limbs tremble from every exertion; also icy-coldness of limbs.

When walking he makes missteps, from weakness.

Swelling of hands and feet, with stinging pains.

Position etc.

      Motion:, Walking:; in open air: Change of position:. Exertion:. Cannot exert himself: Rising: Stooping: Must lie down: Lying on back, on left side; on right side: Lying down: Masticating: Moving jaw:.


      Oversensitive to external impression: light, odors, noises, touch, etc.

Pains tearing, drawing, tensive, excited by slightest chill; body feels bruised, with sensation of coldness; open air intolerable.

Frequent fainting; pale, cold; sudden syncope, lying as if lifeless.

Epilepsy, with consciousness.

Spasms on the paralyzed side.

Paralysis; formication and tearing in the limbs; anaesthesia; increased heat.


      Sleepy, coma vigil.

Stupor, burning heat of head; muttering delirium.

Pneumonia. Sopor, dry lips, black tongue, open mouth.

Sleepy all day, all night restless.

Restless, especially before midnight.

Awakens often from heat and ebullitions, or from hunger.

Feels in morning as if he had not slept enough, or as if paralyzed.



      Morning:, Morning till noon: Afternoon: Evening:, Evening till midnight: Night: 4, Before midnight: Day: Day and night:. Every other day:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warm room: Warm washing:. Cold, cold washing:, Change of temperature: Thunder-storm: Uncovering:, Hair cut: Open air: Chill descends, heat ascends:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill: generally only in the evening; no thirst; worse from uncovering; veins on the hands swollen; from evening until midnight with great weakness and sleep; at night, alternating with heat; with diarrhoea; chill descends, heat ascends the back; Flushes all over, beginning in the hands. Heat, with anxiety and burning in face and hands, afternoon and evening. Sweat mostly on head, hands and feet, with increased urine, or only on forepart of body.

Profuse night-sweat, worse during sleep. Clammy sweat.

Intermittent fever, heat at night, beginning in stomach; faint and hungry; then chilly, followed by internal heat, especially in the hands, external cold continuing.

Typhoid forms of fever.


      Every other day:.


      Right:, Left: Above downward:, Below upward:.


      Ebullitions and congestions.

Fatty degeneration of liver, heart, kidneys, etc.; anaemia.

Chlorosis, with too rapid growth.

Hemorrhages from internal organs.

Small wounds bleed much. Fungus haematodes.

Sprains; joints easily dislocated.

Glands enlarged, especially after contusions.

Dropsy of the face, hands and feet.

Swelling of the bones; necrosis (lower jaw).

Exostoses, especially of the skull; tearing, boring pains; worse at night, or from least touch. Hip-joint diseased; oozing a watery pus.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.