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Homeopathic remedy Phosphoricum Acidum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Glacial phosphoric acid HAHNEMANN. HPO3.


      Unconsciousness, no complaints, even pinching is not noticed.

Weak memory.

Incapacity for thought in the morning.

Delirium : quiet with great stupefaction and dulness of the head; unintelligible muttering delirium.

Indifference and unwillingness to speak.

Answers either reluctantly and slowly, or short and incorrectly.

Homesickness, with inclination to weep.

Hysteria, in women of dark complexion, during change of life.

Sadness, grief and disposition to weep.

Ailments from grief, sorrow, homesickness or disappointed love; particularly with drowsiness, night-sweats toward morning, emaciation.


      Vertigo : in typhus, so that they fall; when they sit up; lying in bed, as if the feet were going up, with head remaining still; after reflection.

Stupefying pain in the forehead, with somnolency without snoring, the eyes being closed.

Confusion and painful cloudiness of the head, especially on awaking.

Sensation as if intoxicated, in evening, in warm room, with humming in head, which feels as if it would burst, when coughing.

Inner Head

      Chronic congestions to the head, caused by fright or grief.

School-girl’s headache : from overuse of eyes.

Great heaviness of the head.

Headache forces one to lie down and is insupportably aggravated from least shaking or noise, especially music.

Headaches usually go from behind forward and are relieved by lying down.

Outer Head

      Periosteal pains compel motion.

Bones ache, feel as if scraped; better in motion; when lying, the pain shifts to side on which he lies.

Hair : turns grey, early; or flaxen and very greasy; falls off, especially after grief and sorrow.

Itching of the scalp.


      Aversion to sunlight.

Sees colors, as of the rainbow.

Blindness, with frequent desire to wink.

Torpid amaurosis, caused by debilitating losses.

Eyes look glassy, lustreless; also with staring.

Pressing in eyes, as if eyeballs were too large.

Burning of eyelids and corners of eyes, especially in evening by candle-light.

Yellow spots in white of eye.

Margins of lids swollen, red, rounded; lashes fall out; pus particles on the lashes or on the canthi.

Coldness of inner surface or eyelids.


      Intolerance of noise, especially of music.

Nervous deafness, after typhoid diseases.

Dull hearing : stupefaction; especially to distant sounds.

Every sound re-echoes loudly in the ears.

Shrill sound in ears on blowing nose.

Otalgia, stitches in ears and drawing pains in cheeks and teeth; aggravated only from music.


      Fetid smell from the nose.

Sense of smell too acute. Discharge of bloody pus from the nose.

Nosebleed in typhus, giving no relief.

Swelling on dorsum of nose, with red spots; scurfs.


      Skin of face feels tense, as if white of an egg had dried on


Hippocratic face, lips and tongue very pale.

Sensation as if lower jaw was going to break.

Eruption on the face, yellow-brown crusts.

Burning in skin of cheeks.

Pimples on forehead and body of onanists.

Hairs of the beard fall out, especially after grief and sorrow.

Sensation of coldness on one side of the face.


      Bleeding, swollen gums; tearing pains in teeth worse when warm in bed, and from heat or cold; burning in front teeth during the night.

Teeth become yellow and feel dull.

Hollow teeth ache only when food gets into them.

Tongue etc.

      Red streak in middle of tongue.

Tongue and lips pale in typhus.

Tough, clammy mucus in mouth and on tongue.

Burning in tongue; tongue swollen.

Smarting in mouth when masticating.

Tongue smarts only at night.

Bites the side of tongue involuntarily : also at night.


      Dryness of mouth and throat; grey-whitish coating of tongue.

Tenacious mucus in mouth and fauces.

Cancrum oris following measles in syphilitic children.


      Dryness of palate and whole mouth, without thirst.

Velum palati feels excoriated, with burning.

Sore throat, soreness, scraping, stinging, worse swallowing food.

Hawks up tough mucus.

Nasal voice.

Desires Aversions

      Loss of appetite; the little food taken comes up with acid eructations; half an hour after eating, crampy pains in stomach, with distress from acid eructations, Unquenchable thirst.

Inclination for warm food.

Longs for something refreshing and juicy; bread is too dry.

Desires for beer and milk.

Aversion to coffee, wine, beer, or spirituous liquors.

Sour food causes bitter eructations or flatulency.

Canine hunger :.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea, as if at the palate.


      Sensation as if the stomach were being balanced up and down.

Pressing in stomach, as from a heavy load.


      Heaviness, stitches, burning of one spot in region of liver in passage of gall-stones; jaundice in scrofulous children, or from grief.


      Rumbling in abdomen, and noise as from water.

Meteoristic distention of the abdomen; rumbling and gurgling; painless stool.

Stools etc.

      Diarrhoea : does not debilitate; from acids; in young persons who grow too rapidly.

Stools : involuntary, liquid, grey; yellow, mixed with mucus, undigested, greenish-white, painless; escape with the flatus; yellow, watery, with meal-like sediment.

Hemorrhoids : bleeding, with intolerable pain in sitting; with cramps of the upper arm, forearms and wrist.

Intestinal hemorrhage in typhoid.


      looks like milk mixed with jelly-like, bloody pieces; decomposes rapidly; passed in large quantities at night, clear like water.

Constant urging to urinate.

Involuntary urination.

Few drops of white, gleety discharge, mornings, and discharge of prostatic fluid in the evening.

Male Sexual Organs

      Erections, without sexual desire; morning when standing.

During coition, sudden relaxation of penis preventing emission.

Weakness after coition; also after pollutions.

Emission; frequent and debilitating, causing hypochondriasis; from weakness of the parts, with onanism and very little sexual excitement; during stool.

Onanism, when patient is distressed by the culpability of his indulgence.

Feeling of heaviness in glans, especially during urination; also, with tingling, oozing vesicles around the fraenum; in balanorrhoea..

Swelling of the testes, with swelling and tension in the spermatic cords; testes tender to touch; gnawing pain or excoriated feeling in testes.

Inflammatory swelling of scrotum.

Formication of scrotum.

Hair of sexual parts falls off.

Herpes preputialis, with tingling.

Sycotic excrescences, chronic, with heat, burning and soreness when sitting or walking.

Fig warts, complicated with chancre.

Female Sexual Organs

      Ovaritis and metritis, from debilitating influences; amenorrhoea.

Uterus bloated, as if filled with wind.

Dysmenorrhoea, with pain in region of liver.

Menses too early and too long.

Leucorrhoea yellow, mostly after menses, with itching.

Uterine ulcer with copious, putrid, bloody discharge; itching or corroding pain, or no pain.


      Itching, pricking like flea-bites between mammae, obliging her to rise at night.

Sharp pressure in left mamma. Scanty milk, debility, great apathy.

Deterioration of health from nursing.


      Tenacious mucus in mouth and fauces, causes hawking.

Contraction is suprasternal fossa, worse when bending neck.

Hoarseness and roughness in throat, hindering speech.

Burning in throat and chest.


      Dyspnoea, as from weakness of chest; caused by odors, by talking, or by any effort.

Oppression of chest; with contraction; with anxiety; when beginning to walk; at night.


      Spasmodic tickling cough; as from “down” in the larynx, suprasternal fossa, and whole chest as far as the epigastrium: evening without, morning with expectoration of dark blood, or tenacious, whitish mucus of sourish, hereby taste.

Restless but weak with haemoptysis.


      Burning in whole chest, with pressure.

Weak feeling in chest, from talking, coughing, or sitting too long; relieved by walking.

Spasm in chest and diaphragm, sudden and unexpected, must sit bent.

Loud rattling and whistling in chest, with but little cough.

Heart Pulse

      Stitches through the heart.

Palpitation : in children and young persons who grow too fast; after grief; after self-abuse.

Pulse irregular, sometimes intermitting one or two beats, generally small, weak or frequent, at times full and strong.

Neck Back

      Formication in the back.

Gnawing on the scapulae.

Heaviness in lumbar region, increases to pain in the legs. Tabes dorsalis.

Burning pain in a spot about small of back.

Burning in lower half of body, from small of back to pit of stomach downward; extremities are cold to touch.

Upper Limbs

      Tearing in shoulder and left hand.

Burning as from a red-hot coal, in different parts of arm and on shoulder.

Hydroadenitis in the axillae.

Stiffness and cramp in joints.

Shriveled, dry skin of hands and fingers, Wens on the hand, between metacarpal bones.

Sharply marked deadness of one-half of the fingers.

Hands tremble when writing.

Burning of hands and heaviness; blood rushes into them when they hang down.

Boring, drawing, digging pains in nerves, awaken him from sleep.

Lower Limbs

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.