Jaundice, aversion to food, fainting turns; gall-stones; constipation nearly always present.


      Pressure under the short ribs, as from incarcerated flatulence; worse mornings and after meals.

Colic from indigestion, with water-brash; worse after coffee, brandy or overeating.

Flatulent colic, with pressure upward, causing dyspnoea; and with pressure downward, causing urging to stool and urination.

Periodical colic before breakfast or after meals.

Colic from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow.

Hernia; sensitive, bitter vomit; labored breathing.

Tension and fulness in loins, abdominal and renal region; haematuria, abdominal plethora.

Stools, etc.

      Stools: small, slimy, bloody, with urging, ceasing after stool; mucous or watery, from indigestion or cold; like pitch, with blood.

Alternate constipation and diarrhoea.

Constipation, with rush of blood to the head: obstructed portal circulation; frequent, ineffectual urging; stools may be in hard masses.

Hemorrhoids, blind or flowing; abdominal plethora; congestion to the head; worse from high living or sedentary habits; with burning and sticking in rectum; anus burning, smarting and feels as if cut, some hours after stool.

Tearing in anus; constriction after mental exertion, after eating.


      Renal colic, especially in the right kidney, extending to genitals and right leg; worse lying on that side, better on the back.

Painful ineffectual urging to urinate; urine passes in drops, with burning and tearing; spasmodic strangury.

Before urinating, pressure on the bladder.

Urine: pale, later thick, whitish, purulent; reddish, with brick-dust sediment.

Haematuria, from suppressed hemorrhoidal flow or menses.

Spasmodic urethral stricture; paralysis of the bladder; urine dribbles.

Male Sexual Organs

      Easily excited desire, painful erections, especially in the morning; often excitable but power is weak.

During an embrace, the penis becomes relaxed.

Emissions during sleep; especially after from onanism or from too high living. Bad effects of sexual excesses.

Chancroid often relieved.

Orchitis, with stinging and spasmodic contraction, extending into the cords; the testicles being hard and retracted.

Increase of smegma.

Gonorrhoea: after abuse of copaiva and cubebs; thin discharge, with burning on urinating and frequent urging to stool.

Female Sexual Organs

      Crampy, stitching pains in pelvis; soreness across pubes.

Congestion of blood to the uterus.

Contractive, uterine spasms, colic, with discharge of coagula.

Pressure toward the genitals in the morning; prolapsus uteri, from straining or lifting; bearing down toward the sacrum, with ineffectual urging to stool, or pressing on the bladder with urging to urinate.

Burning, heaviness, sticking in the uterus.

Metrorrhagia, especially at the climaxis, or from high living.

Hardness and swelling of the os tincae.

Menses too early and profuse; flow dark, oversensitiveness to nervous impressions; faints easily.

Leucorrhoea fetid, staining yellow.

Tingling and itching of the vulva, causing onanism.


      During pregnancy: morning sickness; jaundice; colic; difficult breathing from upward pressure.

Abortion (especially for precursory symptoms).

Labor-pains: spasmodic, cause urging to stool or to urination; cause fainting; are worse in back; are too violent.

After-pains violent and protracted.

Lochia scanty and offensive.


      Hoarseness, with roughness and scraping in throat.

Spasmodic constriction of the larynx after midnight, suffocating spells.


      Spasms of chest from vapor of copper or arsenic.

Asthma, with fulness in the stomach; better after belching; oppression mornings or after eating; spasmodic contraction of the lower part of the chest, worse from cold air or exercise.

Short, slow, stridulous breathing.


      Dry, fatiguing, from titillation in the larynx; worse after midnight and in the morning; causing pains in the stomach and soreness in the abdominal walls; worse after eating.

Cough worse from mental effort; ascending; cold; exertion; on awakening; from tobacco; drinking; eating; from beer; better from warm drinks.

Whooping-cough worse in the morning; with vomiturition; splitting headache, the child hold its head; face blue; bleeding from eyes, nose and mouth.

Sputa yellow, grey, cold mucus, sour or sweetish, or bright red blood.


      Roughness and rawness in the chest.

Pressing in the chest, as from a heavy load.

Sensation as if something was torn loose in the chest.

Intercostal neuralgia, better when lying on the well side.

Congestion to the chest, with heat and burning.

Haemoptysis: from anger; suppressed hemorrhoidal flow; debauchery; especially in drunkards.

Heart Pulse

      Heart feels tired; palpitation on lying down; frequent belching.

Palpitation: with orgasm of blood; from mental emotions; from protracted study; after eating, especially after spices or coffee.

Pulse: hard, full, accelerated; small, rapid; intermits every four or five beats.

Neck Back

      Neck stiff, with heaviness; from cold.

Tension, burning, pressing as from a stone between scapulae.

Cervico-bracial neuralgia, neck stiff, worse in the morning or after eating and from touch.

Burning or tearing in back.

Sudden stitches in back when turning, with dull pain while sitting.

Backache, must sit up to turn over in bed.

Pains in small of back, if bruised or broken; worse 3 or 4 A.M.

Spine affected by sexual excesses.

Upper Limbs

      Shoulder pain, as if bruised.

Drawing pain, from shoulder to fingers.

Paralytic heaviness in shoulders, with weak arms.

Paresis of the arms, with shocks as if the blood would start from vessels; worse at night, or early in morning.

Arms go to sleep, numb, stiff feeling.

Veins in the hands, enlarged.

Hands cold and sweaty, with cold nose.

Lower Limbs

      Darting pains from toes to hip, or from trochanter to hollow of knee; worse at stool, from motion or lifting, and at night.

Numbness and deadness of the legs.

Paralysis of the lower limbs: from overexertion, getting wet, sexual excesses, or after apoplexy; limbs cold, bluish, emaciated; jerks. tension of muscles, formication.

Sensation of paralysis, feeling as of a painful stripe down the inside of the thigh.

Knee-joints feels dry, with cracking when moved.

Arthritic inflammation of the knees, also with nodosities.

Bright red swelling of the legs, with black, painful spots.

Cramps in calves at night, also in soles, must stretch foot.

When walking, legs tremble; unsteady gait; drags feet.

Limbs in General

      Sick feeling through all the limbs.

Bruised pains in limbs; in joints; worse during motion and at night.

Rheumatism, attaching mostly the muscles of the trunk, and the large joints; pale, tensive swellings; numbness or twitching, worse from the least jar or from cold.

Fingers and toes red with burning and itching, as if frozen.

Position etc.

      Motion or exertion :,, Walking : Running : Ascending : Must stretch the foot: Turning : Must sit up to turn over : Sitting : Stooping; Lying : Lying on the unaffected side : Lying quietly : Mental labor and exertion : emotions : 2 Exercise : Lifting : Rest : Worse in a horizontal position; better with the head high.


      Stitches through the body in jerks, feels sore all over, worse mornings.

Sudden failing of strength.

Trembling all over; mostly of the hands; in drunkards.

Great debility with over-sensitiveness of all the senses.

Wants to sit or lie down: Tendency to faint: from odors; in the morning; or after eating.

Paralysis: parts cold, numb, emaciated; caused by apoplexy or cerebral softening, with vertigo and weak memory; from sexual excesses; from the abuse of alcohol; after spasms; after poisoning with arsenic; after diphtheria.

Great reflex excitability etc. Convulsions: from emotions, as anger; from indigestion; preceded by constipation, jaundice, etc.; begin with an aura from the epigastrium; opisthotonos with consciousness; limbs, rigid and go to sleep; choreic, with numbness; renewed by bright light, sudden jar, noise, or the least touch; deep sleep follows.


      Yawning, stretching; chilliness.

Sleepy in the early evening, but sleeplessness at night.

Drowsy all day, worse after meals.

Stupor, lower jaw dropped; deep sleep.

Night seems long: dreams full of bustle and hurry; springs up delirious, has frightful visions; awakens in fright from the least noise.

During sleep, blowing, snoring expiration.

Goes to sleep late from crowding of the thoughts.

Awakens at 3 A.M. (with many complaints).

Awakens 3 A.M.; falls into a dreamy sleep at daybreak, from which he is hard to arouse, and feels then tired and weak.

Better after a short sleep, unless aroused.


      Morning :,,,,, 2, 2, Evening : Remission evening until midnight.

Night :,, After midnight : Day : or 4 A.M.:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warmth of sun : Warm room : Warmth:. Warm drinks : Uncovering (dread of) : Overheating : Cold, or cold air :,, Cold drinks :. Running or exercising in open air : Worse in dry, generally better in wet weather.

Bad effects from sitting on cold stones. Dry wind : Getting wet :.

Chill Fever Sweat

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.