Homeopathic remedy Nux Moschata drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Nutmeg. HELBIG Myristicaceae.


      Stupor and insensibility; unconquerable sleepiness, and sleep.

Unconsciousness, after mental excitement, especially just before menses; thoughts vanish, with fainting.

Gradual vanishing of thoughts, when reading, inclined to fall asleep.

Memory weak.

Gives answers wholly irrelevant to the question put to him.

Uses wrong words, during headache.

Surroundings seem changed; fanciful, dreamy images; does not recognize the known street.

Short time seems very long to her.

Delirium, violent vertigo, strange gestures, loud, improper talk, sleeplessness.

Delirium tremens, slowness of senses, imaginary fancies; awakens and knows not where he is; laughter, with stupid expression.

Laughter, everything seems ludicrous, talks loudly to herself.

Changeable mood, now laughing, again crying.

Weeping mood, gloomy; fears to go to sleep.

Fickle, irresolute.

Slow action; of senses; of will.

From overtaxing mind; sleepy, gastric ailments, hysteria.


      Vertigo: as if drunk, staggering; reeling when walking in open air; swimming in head; weak limbs numb, feels as if floating in air.

Inner Head

      Apoplexy; softening of the brain.

Pulsation of the arteries, and daily headache; throbbing, pressing pain confined to a small spots, worse in left supraorbital ridge.

Painless pulsating in head; fears to go to sleep.

Head feels full and as if expanding.

Headache going from left to right.

Brain as if loose, with wabbling on motion, as if it struck the sides of head; sleepiness;worse after a meal from cold; better from warmth, except from the warmth of bed.

Severe tearing in occiput, toward nape of neck.

Headaches are worse; from washing; getting wet; wet, or damp, cold weather;change of weather; riding in a carriage; from wine; after eating, especially after breakfast; from a little overheating; from suppressed eruptions; before menses; during pregnancy.

Outer Head

      Temples sensitive to touch and from lying on them;worse wet, cold weather; better from warmth.

Head drops forward, while sitting.

Convulsive movement of head from before backward, so that talking and swallowing are almost impossible.

Worse from shaking the head.


      Objects look: larger; very distant; or vanish, red. Motes before the eyes.

Worse from light, from exerting vision;l better in dark.

Blindness, then fainting.

Momentary blindness, grasps head, it feels so strangely.


Pupils dilated and immovable or contracted, with sensation of fulness in eyes.

Eyes dry, she could hardly shut them green-blue rings around them.


Lids heavy, stiff, feels sick, faint.


      Hearing oversensitive; buzzing in ears.

Ears as if stopped up.

Tearing in ears stitches in left ear; worse moving jaw.


      Oversensitiveness of smell.

Nosebleed, blood usually dark, black.

Sneezing; nose internally dry, stopped up, must breathe with mouth open, Catarrh worse in cold, damp weather.


      Burning constricting, stinging over right eye face red, swollen; lips and jaw compressed; speech difficult.

Foolish childish expression.

Looks thin; suffering expression; blue around eyes; deadly pale; worse in damp air.

Eyes dull, heavy looking; distressed look.

Spot, freckles.

Lower Face

      Lips chapped.


      Pain in front teeth during pregnancy; stinging tearing; worse during cold, damp weather from washing; from touch or sucking teeth, better from warmth.

Gums bleed; scurvy.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: earthy; chalky; bitter as after salted food.

Tongue: Paralyzed; cold though old enough, cannot talk as if it were difficult to move the tongue; dry, feels as if gone to sleep or leather-covered; no thirst;l dry at night or on awaking; coated white, or yellowish dotted with red papillae.


      Mouth and throat dry, not thirst.

Saliva lessened; like “cotton”.

Water from mouth before menses.

Bad smell from the mouth; tongue white.

Aphthae of children.


      Difficult swallowing from paralysis of muscles of deglutition.

Sore throat, hoarseness; scratching, dryness.

Pain along eustachian tube as from a foreign body lodged there; before a shower.

Desires Aversions

      Appetite and hunger increased; bulimia.

Loss of appetite.


Eating and Drinking

      After eating:, After drinking:, After drinking wine: After drinking boiled milk: After drinking beer:.

Nausea and Vomiting


Nausea and water-brash; with inclination to sleep; while riding in a carriage; during pregnancy.

Vomiting: spasmodic; during pregnancy;from irritation of pessaries and acid stomach; flatulence.


      Heat and burning in stomach.

Fulness in stomach impeding breathing.

Weak digestion especially in the aged.

Irritation of stomach from overtaxed mental powers.

Can only digest highly seasoned food.

Cramps in stomach.


      Spasmodic pain from right to left hypochondrium, then in a circle in lower part of abdomen followed by diarrhoea.

“Liver grown” in children.

Enlarged liver; bloody stools; weight about liver; pressure as from a sharp body or stones; swollen feeling.

Diaphragm hurts with inhalation.

Diaphragmitis, oppression of chest, like a pressing load, dry cough, loss of breath; from getting wet.

Enlarged spleen; loose bowels.

Stitches in spleen; must bend double.


      Weight in upper part of abdomen; lower part tense.

Cutting, pinching in epigastrium and navel.

Colic immediately after eating and worse after drinking; during day, with dry mouth and thirstlessness; better from hot wet cloths.

Abdomen enormously distended.

Sore navel, even ulcerated.

Umbilical hernia.

Cutting, pinching about navel, better from pressure; flatulency, diarrhoea.

Crampy, forcing down pains in bowels and anus.

Stool etc.

      Stools: soft, but expelled with difficulty, rectum inactive; like chopped eggs undigested; loss of appetite, sleepy; bilious, slimy, putrid, bloody thin, yellow, copious offensive.

Stools worse at night, exhausting, associated with sleepiness, fainting, worse, from cold; damp weather; summer heat; from cold drink; during dentition; during pregnancy, with sluggish flow of ideas; from boiled milk.

Worms; cutting bellyache, sleepiness.

Alternate hard and soft stools.

Hemorrhoids protrude.


      Renal colic. Tenesmus of bladder.

Pain from stone in bladder or gravel.

Burning, cutting in urethra, when passing water.

Dysuria, with urging top stool; after dinner and supper, or exertion of body; also with uterine complaints.

Strangury, from beer or wine; also in hysteria.

Urine: has a violent odor; is scanty and high colored.

Male Sexual Organs

      Inclined to coitus, but genitals are relaxed.

Seminal emissions.

Female Sexual Organs


Spasmodic labor-like pains.

Great irritability of pelvic viscera, worse during menses, when ovaries and uterus are swollen and sensitive to pressure.

Flatulent distention of uterus.

Uterus displaced; mouth and throat dry, sleepy; faint; abdomen enormously distended after a meal; pressure in back outward.

Sensation of a lump in left lower abdomen; anteversion.

Relieves pain and vomiting caused by pessaries.

Prolapsus uteri et vaginae; sterility; leucorrhoea.

Menses; irregular in time and quantity; flow generally dark, thick; bearing down in abdomen, with drawing in limbs; pains from small of back downward; limbs feel weak, ache; pain in small of back as if a piece of wood was lying crosswise and being pressed out; pain in uterus at the outset; tension in hypogastrium; unconquerable drowsiness; profuse, with fainting, drowsiness; mouth dry; hysteric laughing, worse in open air; scanty or suppressed; from debility;a cold; overexertion; in hysteria; cramp low down in abdomen, constriction in the bowels; sharp stitches in left lower abdomen, worse when sitting.

Leucorrhoea in place of menses; awakens with dry tongue.


      During pregnancy; worse from fright, anger, etc.; nausea and vomiting; difficult stool; dyspnoea; with upward pressure; fainting; drowsiness; skin dry, cold; abdomen sensitive.

Threatened abortion; hysterical females, disposed to fainting;fears she will abort.

Labor: pains false, weak; or, spasmodic, irregular, drowsy, faint spells, the pains being too weak.

Eclampsia: head jerked forward;especially hysterical women, who easily faint and suffer from great languor in back and knees; drowsy before and after spasms.

After delivery: flatulency, with labor-like pains; uterus remains uncontracted; anteversion.

Mammae too small.


      Voice uncertain, bleating.

Hoarseness, worse walking against the wind.

Feeling of dryness in larynx.

Phthisis laryngeal.


      Breath short after eating; sudden loss of breath.

Dyspnoea, with feeling of weight in the chest.

Chest as if too narrow, after cold washing.

Constrictive feeling in muscles of chest.


      Dry, with sudden loss of breath; barking; hacking during pregnancy; excited by scratching in throat, crawling in upper part of windpipe; caused by: getting warm in bed; standing in water, bathing; getting overheated; living in cold, dark places; loose after eating, dry after drinking. Sputa are bloody, dark, slimy, saltish; must swallow the loosened phlegm.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.