
      Weight, pressure on chest, worse on falling asleep at night or waking from a siesta.

Stitches in chest, tightness, spitting of blood. Full feeling in upper part of chest, preventing a deep breath.

Heart Pulse

      Violent action of heart.

Palpitation: fainting followed by a sleep; hysteric, with weak, small pulse and changing irregularity in heart’s beat.

Feels as if her head would burst and her heart be squeezed off.

Trembling, fluttering of heart as from fright, Pulse: small, weak; nun’s murmur in carotids; frequent, trembling, accelerated after wine; intermits, the intervals so long that they excite fear of death.

Neck Back

      Drawing in muscles of neck from draft of damp air.

Pains now in back, now in sacrum, knees very tired; worse during rest; lumbago.

Pains along the spine.

Backache, while riding in a carriage.

Pain in small of back and weakness of legs as from a blow.

Small of back and knees feel weak.

Tabes dorsalis.

Upper Limbs

      Felt as if all the blood had rushed top her hands as though a string were about the arms.

Hands feel cold, as if frozen with tingling under nails, on entering warm room.

Lower Limbs

      Legs tired, as after a long journey, must move legs from place to place.

Right knee pains as if wrenched or sprained on moving and especially going up stairs.

Heaviness and coldness in legs.

Feeling in calves as of a blow.

Cramps in feet, internal burning.

Boring in big too after lying down. Gout.

Limbs in General

      Wandering. digging, pressing pains, confined to small spots; lasting but a short time; soon returning.

Muscular rheumatism from protracted exposure to cold and damp;fugitive, drawing pains; worse in repose, from cold, damp air and cold wet clothes; better from warmth.

Position etc.

      Motion: Exertion: Must move Walking: Ascending: Must bend double:. Shaking head: Moving jaw: Moving tongue:. Rest:.


      Staggers in Walking: falls often.

Fatigue, feels as if he must lie down, after least exertion; sleepy; chilly, pale face.

Disposition to faint; also, from the pains even when slight.

Restless, must move about, Spasms of children, with diarrhoea.

Unconscious, rigid, slow, heavy breathing then writhing in clonic spasms; opisthotonos.

Epilepsy, with consciousness.


Hysteria; exhausted from least effort.

Paralysis; with cramps and trembling; of tongue, eyelids, oesophagus.


      Complaints cause sleepless; irresistibly drowsy; sleepy, muddled, as if intoxicated; coma, lies silent, immovable.

Restless sleep, from congestion to heart or head, with uterine complaints.


      Morning: Evening: Night:, Day:.

Temperature and Weather:

      Warmth:,. Warm room: Warmth of bed: Summer heat: Hot wet cloths. Cold:, Damp cold weather:,,. Washing or getting wet:,, Cold wet.

Clothes:. Uncovering: Open air: Before a shower:. Every winter:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilliness: with pale face in open, especially damp cold air; from uncovering; better in warm room.

Chilly in the evening, with great sleepiness; chill and somnolency predominating.

Sensation of coldness in the feet, with heat in the hands.

Congestion, ebullitions.

Heat in face and on hands, forenoon, with hypochondriac mood, dry and throat without thirst; drowsiness, coma.

Want of sweat; skin cool, dry.

Sweat: red or bloody; with drowsiness; with shunning to be uncovered.

Intermittent fever, sleepy; tongue white, rattling breathing, occasional bloody sputum, little thirst, even during heat.


      Daily: Every winter:.


      Left:, Left to right, Right:, Right to left:. Within outward: Above downward: Below upward: Behind forward:.


      Bleeding from inner parts.

Dryness of inner parts.

Want to blood, anaemia.

Marasmus of little children.

Dropsy of outer parts.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Soreness of all parts on which one lies; tendency to bed-sores.

Touch:, Pressure: Riding in a carriage:,.


      Sensitive, especially to cold, damp air.

Skin cold, dry, not disposed to sweat.

Chilblains, every winter.

Ulcerations of the skin, painful; with hysterical patients.

Blue spots on skin.

Irregular red scaling patches, on face and neck during congestions, at time of menses.

Complaints from suppressed eruptions.

Stages and States

      Children and women mostly; also for the aged.


      Conjunctive relations: Laurocer., Asafoetida, Camphor.

Disjunctive relations: Lycop., Nux Vom. Pulsat. Rhus. tox., Silicea Sulphur.

It is best antidoted by Semen capi Lauroc, (according to Helbig): Gelsem, (according to Ross Roberts), and Nux vomica

It antidotes: Arsen.; Rhodod,; Lauroc.; mercurial inhalation; lead colic.

Similar to : Stramon., Opium (mind); Pulsat. (internal organs); Nux vomica, Ant. tart., (sensations); Opium, Arsen., Spigel. (fever); Lycop. (skin); Silic (modalities); Nux vomica, Rhus tox. (motions); Coccul., Ignat. Nux vomica, Sepia (sides of body).

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.