Homeopathic remedy Mezereum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Daphne mezereum. E. Stape. Thymelaceae.


      Easily confused, unable to recollect; thinking is difficult.

Restless when alone, longs for company.

Apprehensiveness felt at the pit of stomach, as when expecting unpleasant news.

Hypochondriacal, with low spirits and weeping.

Indifference to everything and everybody.

Angry at trifles : is soon sorry for it.



      Head feels dull, or as if drunk, better after meals.

Inner Head

      Headache in temples and sides of head after exertion and from talking much.

Violent headache with great sensitiveness to the least contact after slight anger.

Headache with dulness, worse in the open air.

Headache relieved by stooping.

Sensation as if the upper part of the head were pithy.

Outer Head

      Head covered with a thick, leathery crust, under which pus collect and mats the hair.

Elevated, white, chalk-like scabs, with ichor beneath; breeding vermin.

Burning, biting, itching on scalp, worse on vertex; scratching changes locality; but increases the itching, sore boils follow, worse at night and when lying down.

Cranial bones pain, are swollen and sensitive to cold or contact; worse from motion and in the evening; caries; itching, burning of scalp.

Scalp numb, with drawing pain, generally only on one side; worse from cold, contact, and in the evening.

Hair covered with scurf, hair comes out in handfuls; scalp and face itch violently, worse when warm; white scales; desquamation; pityriasis.


      Staring at one spot; vacant look.

Inclination to wink.

Dryness in the eyes, with pressure in them; they feel too large.

Annoying twitching of the muscles of left upper lid.

Lachrymation, with smarting in the eyes.

Ciliary neuralgia, especially after operations on the eyes.


      Feels as if too open, and as if air were pouring into them; or, as if the tympanum were exposed to the cold air, with a desire to bore with the fingers into the ear.

Chronic diffuse otitis.

Itching behind the ears, scratching causes small elevations, when scratched off the spots feel sore.


      Ineffectual irritation to sneeze.

Sneezing: with coryza; with sore pain in the chest.

The sense of smell diminished, with dryness of the nose.

Twitching (visible) on the root of the nose.

Fluent coryza, soreness of and scabs in the nose; soreness and burning of the upper lip.

Constant excoriation of the nose.


      Grey, earthy complexion.

Face swollen, burning pains, confluent vesicles; nares closed; erysipelas bullosum.

Child continually scratches the face, which is covered with blood; face and forehead hot and red; restlessness; irritability; itching worse at night; it tears off the scabs, leaving spots, on which fat pustules form. The ichor from scratched face excoriates other parts.

Prosopalgia, left-sided; from over eye to eyeball, cheek, teeth, neck and shoulder; lachrymation; conjunctiva injected, parts sensitive to touch.

Neuralgic pains come quickly, and leave the part numb, worse from warmth.

Intolerable nightly burning pains in abscess of the antrum of Highmore; periosteum more affected than the bones, with dull, crampy pain referred to malar bone, with anguish, pale face, chilliness or cold sweat.

Facial muscles drawn tense.

Frequent, troublesome, muscular twitching of the right cheek.

Lower Face

      Honey-like scabs about the mouth.

Neuralgia of inframaxillaris.

Chin covered with elevated, white scabs.


      Boring and stinging toothache, which extends to malar bones and temples; chilliness.

The teeth feel dull and elongated.

The teeth decay suddenly, on the side, above the gums.

The tartar on teeth becomes rough.

Toothache, worse at night; when touched with the tongue; better with mouth open, and from drawing in air.

Tongue etc.

      Thick, white coating on the tongue, with large, red, elevated papillae; middle fissured.

Dark redness of the fauces; burning dryness even into larynx; worse every winter; syphilis.


      Burning in the mouth and throat.

Saliva almost always increased.

Breath smells like rotten cheese.


      Dry feeling in throat; some difficulty in swallowing; constant chilliness, even in bed.

Burning of the pharynx and oesophagus.

Constriction of the pharynx, the food presses on the part during deglutition.

Sensation as if the posterior part of the throat were full of mucus, the same after hawking.

Desires Aversions

      Canine hunger noon and evening. Wants ham fat; coffee, wine.

Appetite poor.

Eating and Drinking

      Beer tastes bitter, causes vomiting.

Generally worse from wine.

After meals: Eating :; or drinking:.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea in throat and stomach; vomit bitter, sour; slimy.


      Burning and uneasiness in stomach; relieved by eating; canine hunger at noon and evening.


      Dull pain in region of spleen; hardness and swelling with pressive pain.

Stools, etc.

      Many discharges of fetid flatus, more before stool.

Stool : soft, brown, sour fermented; contains glistening bodies; undigested; worse in the evening; also from suppressed eruption.

During stool prolapsus recti; anus becomes painful and constricted about the fallen rectum.

Painful constriction, tearing and drawing at the anus, perineum and through urethra; fissure of anus.

Stool dark-brown, hard balls, much but painless and without straining.


      Sticking in the kidney and pain as if torn.

In morning and forenoon frequent and copious discharges of pale urine.

Secretion of urine diminished.

Urine becomes flaky and has red sediment.

Haematuria preceded by crampy pain in bladder.

Male Sexual Organs

      Violent erections and increased sexual desire.

Testicles swollen.

Painless swelling of the penis.

Fine, pricking stitches in penis and at summit of glans.

Discharge of watery mucus; stinging and titillating through the whole urethra and perineum; urethra sore to touch. Gonorrhoea.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses: too soon, profuse and long-lasting; scanty, with leucorrhoea and prosopalgia.

Uterine ulcer, with smarting, burning, or prickling sensation; discharge albuminous, sometimes tinged with blood.

Leucorrhoea, like the white of an egg; corroding.


      Voice failing or interrupted.

Burning and dryness in the trachea, with hoarseness.


      Dyspnoea, as if from adhesions, or contraction of lungs.

On stooping, chest feels too tight.

Desire to take a long breath.


      Spasmodic, caused by irritation from larynx to chest; sputa in the morning, of yellow, viscid mucus, tasting saltish, or like an old catarrh. Whooping cough.

Cough worse: evening until 12 P.M., or day and night, with tension over thorax; when eating or drinking anything hot, must cough until food is vomited; from beer.


      Stitches in right side of chest, worse drawing a long breath.

Cramp-like contraction over both chest and back.

Heart Pulse

      Pulse full, hard, accelerated evenings; at times intermittent; frequent mornings, slow evenings.

Neck Back

      Pain from stiffness of nape and external cervical muscles.

Rheumatic pains in scapular muscles; they feel tense and swollen, preventing motion.

Upper Limbs

      Pain in shoulder-joints, as if it would be torn asunder.

Sore feeling in the right axilla.

Right hand cold, left warm; or, both cold.

Trembling of the right hand.

Finger-ends powerless cannot hold anything.

Hands “go to sleep.”.

Lower Limbs

      Twitching pain from hip-joint to the knee.

Right hip-joint feels sprained on walking.

Pain in the hip, the leg is shortened.

Cracking in the right knee, when rising in the morning.

Drawing pains, sensation of internal heat of limb, surface being cool; better in open air.

The legs and feet “go to sleep.” Stitches in the toes of the right foot.

Pain in the periosteum of the long bones, especially the tibiae, worse at night in bed, and then the least touch is intolerable; worse in damp weather. Syphilis.

Position etc.

      Motion: After exertion: Stooping: Rising: Lying:.


      Great inclination to sleep, from debility.

Sleep disturbed by violent pain in the face.

Awakens after midnight, from vivid dreams and with nightmare; worse on awaking.


      Morning: Forenoon: 2 Noon:. Evening; 4, Night:, After night: Day and night:.

Temperature and Weather

      Better walking in the open air: yet sensitive to cold air or to cold washing in the morning.

Better wrapping up the head and keeping in a dark room.


Warmth: In bed:,. Warm room: Cold: Open air: Damp weather: Drawing air in mouth:. Winter:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill from upper arms to back and legs. Chill of single parts as if dashed with cold water.

Chill even in warm room, drowsy; lessened out-doors; thirst; back of the mouth dry; much saliva in forepart; cramp in the chest, an asthmatic constriction and oppression.

Hands and feet cold, nails blue, hot sensation on small spot on top of head.

External coldness, great thirst, no desire for warmth, no dread of open air, no subsequent heat. Chill lessened by heat.

Heat in bed, mostly in head, one sided (left) heat.

Burning of internal parts with external chilliness.

Intense heat, after chill, with sleep.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.