Ulcers in the glans, with cheesy base; chancroids.

Children scratch and pull at the genitals all night.

Testicles swollen, hard, shining.

Sweat on genitals; soreness between scrotum and thighs.

Glans and prepuce inflamed; phimosis.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses too profuse; with either sterility or easy conception; with anxiety and colic.

Amenorrhoea, with congestions and ebullitions.

Deep, sore pain in the pelvis, dragging in the loins; abdomen weak, as if it had to be held up; prolapsus uteri et vaginae; feels better after coitus.

On the os uteri; excrescences, bleeding; deep ulcers, with ragged edges.

Inflammation of the vagina, and still more of the external genitals, with rawness smarting and excoriated spots.

Itching of the genitals, worse from contact of the urine.

Leucorrhoea smarting, corroding, causing itching, purulent, containing lumps, always worse at night.


      Expels moles.

Pain in the mammae at every menstrual period, as if they would ulcerate.

Milk in the breasts, instead of the menses.

Milk scanty, or spoiled, child refuses it; mastitis.

Mammae swollen, hard, with sore pains and ulcerated nipples, suppuration of the mammae.


      Hoarse, rough voice; burning, rawness in the larynx; fluent coryza and sore throat.


      Short-breathed on ascending or walking.

Asthma, from fumes of arsenic; better from tobacco smoke and in the cold air.

Dyspnoea (sensation of spasmodic contraction when coughing or sneezing).


      Violent; racking; worse at night, as if the head and chest would burst, sometimes with vomiturition; in two paroxysms, from tickling in the larynx and upper part of the chest; only at night or only by day; with acrid, yellowish mucus, at times mixed with coagulated blood and tasting putrid or saltish; with shortness of breath and salivation; but allowing him to utter an audible word; worse at night, in the night air, when lying on either side.

Bloody sputum in tuberculosis.


      Burning in the chest, extending to the throat.

Acts on lower part of right lung; stitches through to back.

Rush of blood to the chest.

Stitches in the chest, through, from the right scapula; pneumonia, with bilious symptoms.

Sensation of dryness in the chest.

Suppuration of the lungs after hemorrhages or after pneumonia.

Pulse Heart

      Weakness at the heart, as if life was ebbing away; awakens with trembling at the heart, and agitation as if frightened.

Palpitation, with fear; worse at night.

Pulse: full and accelerated, with erethism; frequent at night, slower by day, when slow it is weak and trembling; imperceptible, with warmth of the body.

Orgasm, with trembling from slight exertion.

Neck Back

      Rheumatic stiffness and swelling of neck.

Goitre becomes softened.

Glands inflamed, swollen, with pressing pains and stitches.

Bruised sensation of the scapulae, back and small of back.

Stinging pains in small of the back, with sensation of weakness.

Violent pains in spine, worse from motion. Meningitis.

Pain in the sacrum, as after lying on a hard couch.

Tearing in coccyx, better by pressing hand against the abdomen.

Upper Limbs

      Red and hot (arthritic) swelling from the elbow to the wrist.

Dorsa of the hands raw, denuded; cracks on the joints; burning, stinging pains.

Moist, itch-like eruption on the hands, with nightly itching; bleeding rhagades.

Nails drop off.

Lower Limbs

      Tearing in hip joints and knees, worse at night; or, with pulsating pain; beginning suppuration.

The child’s legs are clammy and cold, worse at night.

Ulcers on legs, which bleed easily and become putrid, spongy and bluish.

Cold sweat on the feet.

Limbs in General

      Arms and thighs sore to touch, can hardly move them.

Twitching of arms and legs.

Rheumatic and arthritic pains, tearing, stinging; worse at night in the warm bed; with profuse sweat, which gives no relief; oedema of the affected parts, especially of feet and ankles; joints swollen, pale or slightly red.

Must move the parts because of uneasiness or of drawing tearing pains.

Position etc.

      Motion: Walking:, Ascending: Changing place: Exertion:, Lying: on back: on right side:,; on either side: After lying down: Sitting: Stooping: After rising:.


      Convulsions, with cries, rigidity, bloated abdomen, itching of the nose and thirst; worse at night.

Contraction of joints.

Great weakness, with ebullitions and trembling from the least exertion.

Legs paralyzed. Spinal meningitis.

Limbs stiff, but can be moved by others; paralysis.

Paralysis agitans.

Formication beginning in hands and feet, pains in thumbs, elbows, feet; then trembling, muscular contractions.


      Sleepy during the day; sleepless at night, from ebullitions of blood and anxiety; also from embarrassed portal circulation, with beating at pit of stomach.


      Remission during the day.

Morning: Evening:,, Night:,,,, Toward morning : Day:.

Temperature and Weather

      Worse in wet weather, and in the cool evening air.

Worse in the Fall, with warm days and damp, cold nights.

Cold or warm things:. Warmth of the bed :,,. Averse to uncovering, even of the hands, also; Open air: Evening air :,, Cold :,,, Cold or warm air : External heat or cold: Room : Heat :, Damp weather :. Warmth of stove :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill: in the morning when rising, but more generally in the evening after lying down, as from cold water poured over one; not relieved by the warmth of the stove; at night, with frequent urination; alternating with heat, often only on single parts; internal, with heat of the face.

Heat: in bed, and chill when out of bed; after midnight, with violent thirst for cold drinks; anxious, with sensation of pressing together of the chest, alternating with chill; with aversion to uncover.

Sweat : profuse at night; toward morning, with thirst and palpitation; from exertion, even when eating; evening in bed, before falling asleep; sour, offensive, to cold, clammy, oily, and causing burning in the skin; with all pains, but giving no relief, even aggravating the weakness; stains linen yellow.

Complaints often increase during sweat.

Hectic fever, especially of children, Irritative fevers.

Intermittent fever: evening chill; heat and violent thirst, or thirst toward morning; during sweat palpitation and nausea; sweat fetid or sour.

Contra-indicated in typhoid fever, except for marked icteroid or scorbutic symptoms.


      Right :, Above downward :.


      Blood coagulates easily.

Throbbing or pricking-stinging in the veins.

Erysipelatous inflammation, especially about the joints.

Excessive emaciation.

All discharge are acrid.

OEdema of face, hands and feet, with anaemia.

Ascites, from organic lesions of liver; anasarca after scarlatina.

Glandular swellings with or without suppuration.

Bone diseases, worse at night.

Suppuration especially if too profuse.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch :,,,, Pressure : Rubbing :. Scratching :.


      Skin chafed, sore.

Erythema first on thighs; at times vesicles that suppurate and spread rapidly.

Skin dirty yellow, rough and dry; jaundice.

Itching all over, worse at night, when warm in bed.

Scabies, if some of the vesicles become pustular.

Herpes surrounded by a border of large scales.

Herpetic spots and suppurating pustules sometimes running together; forming dry and scaly spots, or crusts, and acrid discharges.

Ulcers superficial, flat, readily bleeding; base lardaceous; worse from heat of bed and hot or cold applications, with clean cut but irregular edges.

Boils, after pus has formed.

Primary and secondary syphilis; round, coppery-red spots shining through the skin.

Zona like a girdle, from the back around the abdomen; much itching and tendency to suppurate.

Variola in stage of maturation; with dysenteric symptoms.


      Mercur. is often indicated after Bellad., Hepar, Sulphur (as in intercurrent), Laches.

After Mercur. are indicated: Bellad, Cinchon., Dulcam. Hepar., Nitr-ac., Sulphur.

Mercur. and Silic do not follow each other well.

Antidotes : Hepar, Kali hydr., Nitr. ac., Aurum, Mezer, Carb. veg., Sulphur, Iodum, Guaiac., Dulcum, Cinchon., Staphis, Ferrum, Bellad., Laches.

Ailments from : Arsen. or copper vapors, Aurum, Antimon., Laches, Bellad, Opium, Cinchon. Dulcam., Mezer., Sulphur, Calcor.

Mercurius praec. rub. preferable in sycosis, also in squamous syphilides, Mercurius nit., in pustular syphilides, and Mercurius biniod., in tubercular.

Plantago maj. rivals Mercurius in toothache: caries, tooth feels long and sore; boring, digging pains worse by contact, in cold or in heat; better lying in moderately cool room. Ciliary neuralgia reflex from pains in decayed teeth. Face ache, twinging, sharp pains with pain in teeth.

Mercurius dulcis in preferable when there is catarrh of the eustachian tube and pharynx; closure of the tube.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.