Homeopathic remedy Lycopodium drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Club Moss Hahnemann Lycopodiaceae.



Weak memory; confused thoughts; mixes up letters and syllables, or omits parts of words in writing.

Uses the wrong words for correct ideas.

Absent-minded, thinks he is in two places at the same time.

Dread of men wants to be alone; also in children; or, dread of solitude, with irritability and melancholy.

Imperious manner; scolds; commands.

Weeps all day, cannot calm herself. Sad or cheerful and merry.

Loss of confidence in his own vigor.

Doubts about one’s salvation.

Anxious as if about to die; even prepares final messages.

Satiety of life, particularly mornings in bed.

Indifferent, taciturn.

Sensitive, even cries when thanked.

Vehement, angry, headstrong.

After a fright, liver complaints.


      Vertigo when drinking.

Stupefying headache, with heat in the temples and of the ears; mouth and lips dry worse from to 8 p.m., when rising up or on lying down.

Impending cerebral paralysis; somnolence, staring eyes; dropped jaw.

Inner Head

      Stitches in the temples, mostly the right, from within outward.

Pain in temples, as if screwed together; worse during menses.

Pressing headache on the vertex; worse from 4 to 8 P.M., and from stooping; followed by great weakness. Tearing in the forehead or right side of the head, extending down to the neck with tearing in the face, eyes and teeth; worse on raising one’s self, better on lying down.

Tension in the head.

Headache after breakfast.

Headache worse from warmth of bed, getting warm while walking and from mental exertion; better from the open, cold air, and uncovering the head.

Outer Head

      Eruption, beginning on the back of the head; crusts thick, easily bleeding oozing a fetid moisture: worse after scratching, and from warmth.

Pityriasis in spots on the scalp.

Hair falls off after abdominal diseases; after parturition; with burning, scalding, itching of the scalp, especially on getting warm from exercise during the day, Hair becomes grey early.


      Sparks before the eyes in the dark.


Night blindness, with black spots before the eyes.

Sees only the left half of an object distinctly.

Arrested cataract (with chronic dyspepsia).

Eyes hot, dim, wide open fixed and insensible to light.

Obscuration of sight, as from feathers before the eyes.

Conjunctiva looks like a piece of raw flesh; copious discharge of pus; lids puffed out by the pus.

Stitches and soreness in eyes evening when looking at light.

Eyes inflamed, canthi itch, lids red and swollen; troublesome pain if they get dry.

Granular eyelids, dry, with smarting.

Pustules and styes on the lids, more towards inner canthi.

Much mucus in the eyes, with smarting pain.


      Oversensitiveness of hearing.

Roaring, humming and whizzing in the ears; hardness of hearing.

Otorrhoea purulent, ichorous; after scarlatina; with impaired hearing.

Sensation as if hot blood rushed into the ears.

Polypus of the ears.

Humid, suppurating scurfs on and behind the ears.


      Oversensitiveness of smell.

Nose stopped up, especially at the root; breathes with open mouth and protruding tongue Diphtheria.

Snuffles, child starts out of sleep rubbing its nose.

Catarrh of nose and frontal sinuses;discharge yellow and thick; frontal headache, yellow complexion.

Violent coryza, nose swollen; discharge acrid, excoriating; posterior nares dry.

The ichorous discharge form nose begins in right nostril Scarlatina. Diphtheria.

Scurf in the nose.

Fan-like motion of the alae nasi.


      Silly expression. See.

Copper-colored eruptions of the forehead.

Face: pale, with circumscribed red cheeks; early, yellow, with deep furrows, blue circles around eyes, blue lips.

Flushes of heat in the face.

Spasmodic twitching of the facial muscles.

OEdema of the face.

Eruption of the face, humid suppurating. Freckles.

Lower Face

      Lower jaw hangs down, especially during sleep; or with stupor in exhausting fevers.

Eruption around the mouth; corners of the mouth sore.

Swelling of lower lip. Swelling of submaxillary glands.

Large ulcer on the vermilion border of the lower lip.


      Teeth excessively painful to touch;front teeth loose or as if too long. Teeth yellow.

Toothache, with swelling of the cheek; relieved by the heat

of the bed and warm applications.

Gums bleed violently when touched. Gum-boils.

Fistula dentalis.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: sour;bitter; fatty.

Tongue is darted out and oscillates to and fro. Angina. Tonsillitis.

Convulsions of the tongue.

Tongue: heavy, trembling; stiff with indistinct speech and dryness, mornings; red, dry; becomes black and cracked; painful and swollen in places; tubercles.

Tongue distended, giving patient a silly expression. Angina. Diphtheria.

Vesicles on the tip of the tongue, feeling scalded and raw.

Ulcers on and under the tongue.


      Mouth and tongue dry, without thirst; mouth dry and bitter, in the morning.

Putrid smell from mouth, especially in morning when awaking.

Saliva dries on palate and lips, becoming tough. Saliva tastes saltish.


      Pain and soreness begin on right side of throat. Angina Diphtheria. Fauces brownish-red; diphtheritic patches spreading from right tonsil to left, or descending from the nose;worse from cold drinks and after sleep.

Swelling and suppuration of tonsils, going from right to left.

Chronic enlargement of the tonsils.

Hawking of bloody mucus, or of hard, greenish yellow phlegm; feeling as of a hard body in the oesophagus.

Pharynx feels contracted nothing can be swallowed.

Desires Aversions

      Desire for; sweets; oysters, which disagree.

Aversion to: coffee: tobacco smoke; boiled, warm food; bread (rye); meat.

Canine hunger; the more he eats, the more he craves; head aches if he dose not eat.

Hunger, but a few mouthfuls fill him up; constant feeling of satiety.

Thirst with disgust for drink; at night drinks little but often. Want of thirst.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating: sudden repletion; irresistible drowsiness; followed by weariness; pressure and tension in the liver; especially after satisfying one’s appetite; constantly spitting food; palpitation of heart.

Eating or drinking:, Eating: Drinking: Warm drink:. Cold drink:.

Aggravation by cold drinks (except water in some cases) Angina. Diphtheria.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Everything tastes sour; Sour eructations. Frequent belching without relief.

Heart-burn, water-brash. Hiccough.

Nausea: in pharynx and stomach; morning’s fasting; in the room, passing off in open air;in the morning and when riding in a carriage; after cold, not after warm drinks (in chills) Vomits: food and bile; coagulated blood; sour substances; dark greenish masses after eating or drinking.


      Pressure in scrobiculum.

Sensation of twisting, crawling an emptiness in the stomach with yawning.

Fulness in stomach and bowels; pit of stomach sensitive to contact or tight clothing.

Gnawing, griping in the region of the stomach.

Perforating ulcer;worse sitting bent, better walking about and when warm in bed.


      Region of the liver sensitive to contact; sore aching as if from a shock. Backache: Tension in region of liver. Tensive aching, worse bending body or pressure of hand.

Nutmeg liver and atrophic form.

Hepatitis chronic forms; abscesses; fan-like motion of the alae nasi; one hot, one cold foot.

Violent gall-stone-colic.

Tension in the hypochondria as from a hoop.

Tension as from a cord marking the diaphragmatic attachments; cannot strech or stand upright.

Rumbling of wind in the splenic flexure of the colon.


      Sensation of something moving up and down in stomach and bowels.

Pressure on hypochondrium causes pains in epigastrium and vice versa; chronic duodenitis.

Spasmodic contraction in the abdomen.

Colicky pains in the right side of the abdomen extending into the bladder with frequent urging to urinate.

When turning on to the right side, a hard body seems to roll from the navel to that side. Ascites.

Peritonitis with hepatitis and diaphragmitis.

Ascites from liver affections, after abuse of alcohol.

Abdomen distended; feet cold; indurations.

Accumulation of flatulence, which becomes incarcerated;pressure upward, with full feeling also downward on the rectum and bladder.

Great fermentation in the abdomen; rumbling, croaking, rattling; also with colic and discharge of much flatus. Brown spots on the abdomen.

Hernia (right side); crural hernia, females.

Renal colic in (right) ureter to bladder; red sand in urine.

Skin of the abdomen is painfully sensitive.

Stool etc.

      Stools; pale, putrid; thin, brown mixed with hard lumps; thin, yellow or reddish-yellow fluid.

Constipation: stools hard; ineffectual urging from a contraction of the sphincter ani; after stool, feeling as if much remained unpassed, or great distress in the rectum; much flatulence.

Stitches in the rectum.

Itching and tension at the anus (in the evening in bed), Continued burning pain in the rectum.

Varices protrude; painful when sitting.

Discharge of blood, even with soft stool.

Itching eruption at the anus, painful to touch.


      Severe backache, relieved by passing urine.

Bearing down over the bladder, frequent desire to urinate; pains worse lying down, especially at night; better from horseback riding.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.