Turbid, milky urine, with an offensive, purulent sediment; dull pressing in region of bladder and abdomen, disposition to calculi. Cystitis.

Urging to urinate, must wait long before it will pass.

Incontinence of urine.

No urine secreted.

Urine: scanty, dark red, albuminous with strangury; deposits a red, sandy sediment, frequent and copious at night, scanty by day; pale.

Haematuria, from gravel or chronic catarrh.

Stitches in the neck of the bladder and anus at the same time.

Before passing water, the child screams with pain; red sand on the diaper.

Jerking, cutting in the urethra after urinating.

Male Sexual Organs

      Impotence: penis small, cold and relaxed; also from poisoning with chlorine; after onanism.

Erections feeble; during an embrace falls asleep.

Excessive and exhausting pollutions.

Soreness between the scrotum and thigh.

Itching of inner surface of the prepuce; yellowish tumor behind the corona glandis.

Female Sexual Organs


Cutting across the hypogastrium right to left; ovaries diseased, right to left; ovarian tumors, ovarian dropsy.

Sensation of pressure through the vagina when stooping.

Physometra; wind discharged from the vagina.

Dropsy of the uterus.

Menses profuse, protracted; flow partly black, clotted, partly bright red or partly serum with labor-like pains, followed by swooning.

Before the menses, sad, chilly, abdomen bloated.

Menses suppressed, also from fright-delay of first menses.

Leucorrhoea: in starts milky; blood-red worse before the full moon; corroding.

Increased discharge of blood from the genitals during every passages of hard or soft stool.

Vagina dry; burning in vagina during and after coition.

Occasional sharp pains running around the labia.

Varices of the genitals. Erectile tumors. Polypi.

Dry pediculated, painless condylomata.

Inflammation of the external genitals.


      Disposition to miscarriage; moles.

During the labor-pains she must keep in constant motion; with weeping; labor-pains run upward.

Nipples sore, fissured, or covered with scurf; bleed easily; stitches and burning.

Hard, burning nodosities in mammae; with stitching pains.


      Hoarseness; feeble husky voice, dryness in the windpipe.

Hoarseness remaining after croup; loose cough by day, suffocating spells at night.


      Short, in children, worse during sleep and from every exertion.

Oppression of breathing, worse walking in the open air, with weakness, Dyspnoea, worse when lying on back, Whizzing breathing in the daytime, with sensation of too much mucus in the chest; loud rattling.


      Dry, day and night, with painfulness of the region of the head and stomach; from irritation in the trachea, as from fumes of sulphur.

Sputa are: thick, yellow, purulent; greyish-yellow or dirty; fetid pus or mucus streaked with blood; green in the morning; tasting salt.

Cough worse; from 4 to 8 p.m., On alternate days, from exertion stretching the arms out, stooping and lying down, when lying on the (left) side, from eating and drinking cold things; in the wind warm room.


      Continuous pressure on the chest; raw feeling internally; tearing under clavicles, tension.

Catarrh on the chest, of infants; rattling on the chest, which seems full of mucus.

Pneumonia, with raising of mouthfuls of mucus at a time of a light rust color, stringy and easily separated.

Neglected pneumonia; especially with continuing hepatization and purulent sputum. Typhoid pneumonia.

Stitches in the left chest, also during inspirations.

Paralysis of the lungs.


Heart Pulse


Trembling, palpitations; pulsating-tearing in region of heart.

Pulse unaltered; accelerated only after eating or in evening.

Sensation as if the circulation stood still; or, ebullitions of blood.

Acceleration of the pulse with cold face and feet.

Outer Chest

      Brownish – yellow spots on the chest.

Neck Back

      One side of the neck stiff and swollen.

Large clusters of red pimples around the neck with violent itching; cervical glands swollen.

Burning as from hot coals between the scapulae.

Pain and stiffness in the small of the back (at night) Stitches in the small of the back, especially when rising from stooping.

Pain in small of back as if it would break; with hard stool and colic as if intestines would burst.

Pain in the small of the back, extending into the thighs.

Pain in back and right side from congestion of liver 8.

Pain in sacral region, worse rising from a seat.

Upper Limbs

      Axillary glands swollen; fetid sweat in the axillae.

Rheumatic tension in the right shoulder-joints.

Tearing pains in the shoulder and elbow-joints during rest, not in motion; tearing from neck to elbow; also in whole arm; in hands only while in bed.

Pains in the bones of the arms at night.

Weakness of the arms when at work; and conversely they feel powerless, yet he can work; Arms and fingers go to sleep easily.

Twitching in the arms, and shoulders.

Pain as from a sprain in the right wrist-joint.

Great dryness of the hands, especially of the palms.

Panaritium; with gastric affections.

Lower Limbs

      Rheumatic tensions in left hip.

Coxalgia, with violent jerks of the limbs; child awakens cross or with a scream.

Knee: swollen and stiff; swollen, with sweating;white swelling.

Pain as from contraction in the calves when walking (cramp), cramp in the toes.

Oozing of water from sore places in oedematous legs. Ascites.

Old ulcers on legs, with nightly tearing, burning and itching.

Varicose veins on the legs.

OEdema of feet; also when oedema rises till ascites form.

Swelling of the soles; they pain when walking.

Profuse, fetid foot-sweat; with burning of the soles.

One foot hot, the other cold, or cold, sweaty feet.

Feet feel as if dead or asleep.

Stitches in the big toe of the right foot (in the evening).

Limbs in general.

      Drawing, tearing in limbs at night and on alternate days; worse at rest; muscles and joints rigid, painful, with numbness; finger-joints inflamed; also with arthritic nodes; swelling of the dorsa of feet; rheumatism; worse in wet weather; better in warmth.

Fissure on the hands; also on the heels.

Position etc.

      Motion: Walking:, Exertion: Exercise: Stretching; 8, Rising: Rest:. Lying; on left side: Sitting: bent:. Stooping; Standing upright: In bed; While at rest debility is mostly left, yet averse to exercise.

Worse on beginning to walk (stiffness); better continuing to walk; child wants to be carried.


      Formication of affected limbs.

Pain drawing, tearing, worse at night; muscles and joints rigid; sensation of torpor in affected part.

Involuntary alternate extension and contraction of muscles.

Spasms, with screaming, foaming at the mouth, unconsciousness; throwing the arms about; cardiac anguish; imagines he will die.

Causes depression of nearly all functions.

Great emaciation na internal debility.



      Sleepy during day, wakeful at night, mind too active.

Comatose state: often with fever and exanthemata. Child sleeps with half open eyes and throws its head from side to side, with moaning.

Soporous in typhoid and exanthematous fevers;impending paralysis of the brain.

Sleep restless; at ease in no position: cries out, starts, has anxious dreams; jerks of the limbs.

Sleep uneasy; wakes often, quite awake at 4 A. M.; anxious, awakes often and cannot soon sleep again.

On awaking: cross, kicks, scolds; or awakes terrified, as if dreaming; feels unrefreshed; hungry when awaking at night.


      Morning:,,, From4 to 8 p.m. generally worse, afterward better, except the debility; also Evening Night: l. 4 A.M. : 9 P.M. : Alternate days; Worse every fourth day:.

Temperature and Weather

      Generally inclination for the open air Warmth:,,. Open air:, Uncovering: Wind : Wet weather:. Heat of stove: Cold drinks:.

Aggravation from moistening the diseased parts.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill from 4 to 8 p.m. with numb hands and feet, icy-cold at. p.m.; feels as if lying on ice; on awaking from a dreamy sleep, covered with sweat; afterward violent thirst; one sided (left); chilly all over at 9 p.m. even heat of stove won’t warm.

Nausea and vomiting then chill, followed by sweat without intervening heat; or sour vomiting between chill and heat; chill followed by bloated face and hands.

Flushes of heat over the whole body, mostly toward evening; with frequent drinking of small quantities at a time; constipation and increased micturition.

Heat, with red cheeks, alternating with chilliness; hectic fever (with suppuration of the lungs) Heat, with inclination to uncover.

Sweat: from the least exertion; cold, sour, bloody, or offensive smelling like onions; clammy at night, often with coldness of the face.

Old, broken-down cases of malaria; chill; sweat greasy.

Typhus: with stupefaction: murmuring, delirium, subsultus tendinum; meteorism; constipation.


      Faintish, at certain hours in the day; worse every fourth day (pain from hip to foot).

Full moon: Alternate days;. Worse in the spring.


      Right:, Left Right to left; throat, chest, abdominal and ovarian symptoms.

Within outward: Above downward:, Below upward; To and fro:,. Side to side;.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.