Homeopathic remedy Kobaltum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      The Element. HERING. LIPPE.


      Great exhilaration of spirits, vivacity and rapid flow of thoughts.

Desire for study.

Indisposed to mental and physical labor; low-spirited; thinks too little of himself.

All mental excitement increases the sufferings.


      Dizziness; dulness; feeling as if head grew large (during stool).

Inner Head

      Pain in the forehead, with uneasiness in the stomach.

Frontal or occipital pain, worse from stooping.

Dull, pressive pain in temple.

At every jar, feels as if top of head would come off.

Frontal headache, with pain in back of eyes.

Headache in morning, with beating and sore aching all over.

headache when getting up from sitting.

Outer Head

      Great itching in the hairy scalp, in the beard and under the chin, burning when scratching.

Sore pimples along edge of the hair back of head.


      Dim vision: darting pains in the eyes when writing, with feeling when opening the lids, as if little strings were holding them together and snapping Flickering before eyes when reading; letters looked blurred.

Darting, shooting pain in eyes, from bright light.

Eyes ache at night.

Lachrymation and pain from cold air; sensation as if sand were under the lids.

Smarting in lids when using eyes.


      Aching, humming in left ear.

Stinging through left ear from roof of mouth.


      Putrid, sickish smell before the nose.

Watery discharge, with sneezing.

Nose feel obstructed.

Left nostril feels dry; filled with scales, with itching.

Lower Face

      Peeling of lips, with soreness and bleeding.

Disposition to keep the jaws tightly closed.

large boils, very painful, on chin and left lower jaw.


      Pain in hollow teeth, they feel to long; gums swollen, tender, feel as if ulcerated; worse from cold air.

Tongue etc.

      Flat taste; bad taste, with belching in the morning.

Tongue coated white; cracks across the middle.


      Pricking, stinging in root of mouth, extending to left ear.

Constant watery secretion, with frequent swallowing.


      Soreness, with rawness when hawking.

Dryness and soreness, morning.

Hawking up thick, white mucus, which fills throat, in morning.

Feeling of fulness, from stomach to throat.


     Aversions Diminished appetite, especially for supper.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating:,, After drinking coffee:.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough after eating, with soreness in pit of stomach.

Belching of wind, morning, and after stool.

rising of sour or bitter water, with pain in stomach: afterward, dryness in throat.

Qualmishness, with fulness of the stomach.

Nausea, with pain in forehead.


      Pain in stomach and abdomen after eating, with feeling of great uneasiness; must move about. Stomach feels as if it contained undigested food.

Fulness in stomach, extending to throat, with qualmishness.

Soreness in stomach when inspiring deeply, or from hiccough.


      Shooting, stitching from region of liver down into the thigh.

Sharp pain in splenic region, worse when inspiring deeply.


      Abdomen feels empty about the umbilicus.

Cutting before stool.

Rumbling in abdomen after a light meal.

Colic at 5 A.M. followed by large stool and tenesmus.

Stool etc.

      Urgent desire for stool while walking, worse when standing; stool profuse, watery,. spouting.

Stool large, soft, with tenesmus and aching in sphincter ani; severe colicky pain in lower part of abdomen tenesmus after stools; during stool, dizziness.

Costiveness and looseness alternate.

Faces like hazel-nuts, with dulness in head.

Pressure in rectum.

Constant dropping of blood from anus (stools not bloody).



Frequent discharge of small quantities of urine.

Increased secretion of pale urine, frequent urination in the morning, after drinking coffee.

Scanty urine, with greasy pellicle; yellow flocculent, or red sediment, and strong pungent smell.

Smarting in end of urethra, during micturition.

Burning in the urethra.

Male Sexual Organs

      Frequent nocturnal emissions, with lewd dreams; only partial, or no erections; impotence.

Severe pain in right testicle, better after urinating.

Yellow-brown spots on the genitals (and abdomen).


      Stitches in the anterior part of the larynx.


      Frequent sighing.

On taking a deep inspiration, stitches in the chest, soreness in the stomach and pain in the spleen.


      Cough with soreness in throat and rawness when hawking.

Short, hacking cough, with expectoration of bright red blood, which seemingly comes from the larynx.

Expectoration of thick, tough mucus, mixed with blood; with fulness and Pressive pains in larynx; scratching, rawness and burning in throat, and a disposition to keep jaws tightly closed; worse from pressure, empty deglutition and cold water.

Copious expectoration of sweetish, frothy, white mucus, with lumps in it.


      Deep between the lower part of chest, mostly left side, from deep inspiration.

Neck Back

      Pain, between the shoulders, in the lumbar region and small of the back.

Aching pain in the small of the back, or in the spine; worse when sitting, better on rising, walking or lying down.

Backache, with seminal emissions.

Pain along the spine, and from the sacrum down through the legs into the feet, worse while sitting.

Upper Limbs

      Aching in the wrist-joints, with occasional stitches.

Lower Limbs

      Shooting into the thigh from the liver.

Excessive weakness of the knees.

Foot-sweat, mostly between the toes, smelling sour or like sole-leather.

Flushes of heat along the legs.

Stitches in the legs.

Jerks in the limbs when falling asleep.

Trembling of limbs, especially legs; aching when sitting.

Limbs in General

      Bruised pain in all the limbs.

Stitching in the arms and legs.

Position etc.

      Stooping: Must move about:. Walking: Standing: Sitting: Rising: Lying down: Mental excitement.

Mental and physical exertion (labor): Mental exertion: Reading and writing:.


      Distressing drowsiness on the evening.

Disturbed, unrefreshing sleep.

Wakeful: can do with less sleep.

On rising, pain in head and small of back.

Lewd dreams; emissions, only partial, or no erections.


      Morning:,,,, 5 A.M.: 11-12 A.M.; Noon till P.M.;: 4- 5 P.M.: Evening: Night:.

Temperature and Weather

      Cold air:. cold water: warmth of bed: &.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chilly from 11 to 12 A.M.: headache, with nausea and languor from noon to 2 p.m. then fever and sweat.

Chilliness, with yawning, from 4 to t p.m.: feels dull and weak, with aversion to mental exertion.

Flushes of heat; with sweat; along the legs.


      Right:,, Left,, Below upward:. Above downward:,.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Jarring: Scratching. Pressure: Touch : 10.


      Much itching all over, when getting warm in bed. Pimples on shoulders, pit of stomach and buttocks; bleed easily when scratched.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.