Homeopathic remedy Ipecacuanha drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Root of Ipecac. HAHNEMANN. Rubiaceae.


      Full of desires, but knows not for what.

Screams, howls violently.

Taciturnity, wrapt in thought.

Ill-humor, despises everything.

Irascible, restless, angry in suddenly appearing spells.

Ailments from anger, mortification, or vexation, with indignation.


      Vertigo when walking and when turning.

Inner Head

      Headache, as if bruised, all through bones of head and down into root of tongue: nausea, vomiting; better out-door.

Heat and throbbing in the head, with red cheeks.

Aching in the forehead; fine stinging pains in forehead.

Throbbing in the forehead.

Pains into eyes, with lachrymation.

Semi-lateral headache, with nausea and vomiting.

Lancinating in the head.

Pain in occiput and nape of neck.

Outer Head

      Open fontanelles; occiput and neck sore.


      Worse from light, especially of candle.

Blue and red halo around the light.

Obscuration of sight; eyes inflamed, red.

Dilated pupils.

Red circle around the cornea.

Scleroticae yellow.

Violent inflammation of the sclerotic conjunctiva; chemosis; profuse lachrymation; gushing of tears; nausea. Cornea dim, with a number of depressions on it; pustules.

Severe shooting pains through the eyeballs.

Twitching of the eyelids.


      Cannot endure the least noise.

Ears cold, during the febrile heat.


      Loss of smell; catarrh, with nausea, epistaxis; stoppage of nose.

Nosebleed; blood bright.


      Face; pale, bloated; livid; yellow; deathly pale, eyes sunken, and with blue margins.

Periodical infra and supra-orbital neuralgia, with photophobia, lachrymation and smarting eyelids; malarial.

Convulsive muscular twitchings.


Lower Face

      Red skin around the mouth.

Lips blue; during chill.


      Child thrusts its fist into its mouth; screams; face pale; dentition.

Pain in a hollow tooth when biting on it.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : bitter; sweetish, bloody; like rancid oil, when swallowing.

Tongue : clean; yellow or white; grows pale.

Disinclined to talk; tongue dry.


      Saliva increased.

Smarting in the mouth and on the tongue.


      Fauces dry, sore, rough, stinging.

Difficult deglutition.

Pressure in the throat, with pains in the diaphragm.

Desires Aversions

      Desire for dainties, sweets.

Averse to all food, no appetite; earthy taste; stomach feels relaxed; nausea.


Eating and Drinking

      Aggravation: from indigestible substances, lemon peel, raisins, cake, etc., even spasms therefrom; from fruit, salads, pastry, pork, fats, etc.

After any cold drink (also from ice-cream) colic, nausea, vomiting.

Drinking :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Empty belching; copious saliva. Hiccough with nausea.

Nausea, constant, with almost all complaints; nausea, as if from the stomach.

Nausea and retching from smoking; primary effects of tobacco.

Vomiting : of ingesta : bile; copiously of jelly-like mucus; of blood or of a pitch like substance; of a dark colored liquid, with or without blood; of sour fluid; always with nausea.

Vomiting :with thirst, sweat, bad breath; with diarrhoea, colic, distended abdomen; after vomit, sleepy.

Vomiting worse from stooping.


      Violent distress in pit of stomach.

Indescribable sick feeling in the stomach.

Gastric catarrh, from indigestible food or ice-cold things.

Stomach feels relaxed, as if hanging down.

Attacks of clutching pains.

Beating in the stomach.

Dyspepsia every day, or every other day, at the same hour.


      Pain in the left hypochondrium. Diaphragm, as if pressed between two millstones.


      Gripping, as from a hand, each finger seemingly pressing sharply into the intestines; better during rest, much worse by motion.

With every movement cutting, almost constantly running from left to right.

Flatulent colic, with frequent loose stools.

Cutting about the umbilicus.

Inguinal hernia readily reducible.

Stool etc.

      Diarrhoea, with pain, causing unceasing screaming and tossing about.

Stools : yellow, painless, fermented; as if fermented, green as grass, with nausea and colic; green mucus; covered with red, bloody mucus; bloody; pitch-like or like frothy molasses; slimy, bloody, offensive, followed by tenesmus.

Autumnal diarrhoea; much griping about navel.

Beginning of cholera infantum, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhoea; especially in fat, pale children.

Itching at the anus.

Shooting from right kidney to knee.


      Urine : scanty, dark red; turbid, with red sediment.

Unsuccessful urging to urinate.

Haematuria: with cutting in abdomen and urethra; from suppressed itch.

Female Sexual Organs

      Prolapsus and hemorrhage at the menstrual period.

Menses too early and profuse.


      Hemorrhage from the uterus, blood bright red, profuse, clotted; nausea; breathing heavy, oppressed; stitches from navel to uterus.

Labor-pains spasmodic; cutting across from left to right; nausea; clutching about the navel.



      Voice hollow.

Laryngismus stridulus.

Rattling in bronchia, when drawing a long breath.

Foreign substances in the windpipe; suffocative attacks.


      Breathing : sighing; quick, anxious.

Breath : fetid, with vomit and sweat; short, as from inhaling dust.

Difficult expiration.

Violent constriction of throat and chest, peculiar panting sound; gasps for air at open window; face pale; worse from least motion; threatened suffocation.


Loses breath with the cough.

During a catarrh, threatened suffocation, especially if it is suddenly suppressed.


      Cough : rough, shaking; dry, from titillation in upper part of larynx; with every breath; with inclination to vomit : with spitting of blood from the least effort : constant, no phlegm yields, though the chest seems full; strangling, so much mucus seems accumulated in the bronchia; croupy, at night; fat children.

Whooping-cough, with nosebleed, bleeding from mouth, vomiting; loses breath, turns pale or blue, and becomes rigid.

Suffocative evening cough; continuous cough, with sweat on forehead, shocks in the head, retching and vomiting.

Expectoration, mornings, of a light red blood, mixed with mucus; or of ropy mucus, often vomited up.


      Infantile pneumonia; respiration rapid, difficult; surface blue; face pale.

Rattling of large bubbles; fever, but face rather pale; cough and gagging.

Hemorrhage from the lungs; worse from least exertion; frequent hacking with expectoration of blood-streaked mucus.

Fine rattling noises in chest, spasmodic cough; nausea. OEdema pulmonum.

Heart Pulse

      Pulse : large and soft; accelerated, but weak.

Neck Back

      Swelling and suppuration in the throat-pit.

Cramp between the scapulae during motion.

Shooting pains, from right kidney down thigh to knee.

Upper Limbs

      Coldness of one hand, while the other is hot.

Lower Limbs

      Sensation in the femur, as if dislocated, on sitting down.

Cramps in the thighs at night.

Convulsive twitchings of legs and feet.

Itching of the calves.

Ulcer, with black base, on the foot.

Limbs in General

      Pain in back and limbs.

Cold hands and feet.

Position etc.

      Walking : Turning : Stooping :, Motion :, Rest : Tossing about : Least effort : Sitting :.


      Body rigid, stretched out, followed by spasmodic jerking of the arms.

Tetanic spasms from swallowing tobacco, Awkward, stumbles against everything.

Convulsions : in whooping-cough; from suppressed exanthema; from indigestible food, etc.

Epileptiform spasms, with shrieks; opisthotonos; face pale, puffed; gastric derangements.

Very weak, averse to all food; nausea; sudden prostration.


      Yawning and stretching.

On falling off to sleep, shocks in the limbs.

Sleep, with half-open eyes; moaning, groaning.


When deprived of sleep: nausea, languor.


      Morning : 11 A.M. : Evening : Night :, Every day :; every other day :,; at same hour;;.

Temperature and Weather

      Oversensitive to heat and cold.

Worse in winter and in dry weather.

Worse in warm moist wind, south winds: catarrhs; asthma.

Out of doors; Air at open window : Warmth : Open air : Room : Warm room or external heat :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill every other day at 11 A.M.

Coldness of upper part of body.

Chill worse in a warm room or from external heat; lessened by drinking, and in the open air. Vomiting during.

Internal chill, external heat.

Backache, short chill, long fever; heat usually with thirst; headache, nausea and cough; sweat last.

Heat all over, with alternate coldness and paleness of face; cold sweat on the forehead.

Sweat: hot, sudden attacks in the room; partial, cold; on upper part of body; worse by motion; smells sour; stains yellow: increased out of doors; cold, clammy; profuse after quinine.

Intermittent fevers after abuse of quinine; also in beginning of irregular cases, especially if there is much nausea; also like Natr. mur. chill, fever and sweat with frontal headache.

Worse during heat sweat; better after it.


      Attacks of illness, with loathing of food.

Every day or every other day at same hour;, Autumn:.

Sides Right: Left:.

     Left to right:, Above downward:.


      Hemorrhages, bright red.

Plethora, fat children.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.