Homeopathic remedy Hypericum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      St. John’s Wort. C. Hering. Hypericaceae.


      Makes mistakes in writing; omits letters; forgets what she wanted to say. Confused.

Increase of intellectual power.

Erotic ideas; brain excited, as after tea.

Sees spirits, spectres. Delirium.

Singing followed by weeping and loud screaming, with gasping for breath.

Great anxiety; also in meningitis.


Irritable, inclined to speak sharply; slept badly, languid on waking.

Consequences of fright. Removes effects of shock.


      Buzzing sensation in vertex at night, as if something living were in the brain.

Sensation as if being lifted up high into the air; tormented by anxiety that slightest touch or motion would make her fall down from this height; with headache. After a fall on occiput.

Heaviness and dizziness in the head.

Vertigo at night, with urging to urinate.

Asphyxia after a fall; when jerking or shooting pains appear.

Inner Head

      Dull headache, head heavy; morning.

Burning in the vertex, heat, pulsation (afternoon) Tearing stitches in brain; breathing, mostly on vertex. Meningitis.

Sensation as if the head became elongated.

Headache, with sore eyes, after a fall.

Outer Head

      Sensation in forehead, as if touched by an icy-cold hand, in afternoon, after which a spasmodic contraction is felt in right eye.

Head hot, carotids throbbing.

Hair moist, rest of body burning hot.

Pressure in left temple, after breakfast.

Fractured skull; bone splintered.


      Disturbed look, stares at people, eyes fixed; pupils dilated.

Stitches in right eye.

Stye on lower left lid.


      Sensitiveness of hearing; during catamenia.

Shooting through the ear.

Relieves pains of synechia. Ears hot; scurf on the ear.


      Exceedingly fine sense of smell.

Nose dry, very annoying.

Sneezing, leaving a raw, sore feeling in the throat.

Sore inside the nose, itching; all the time picking nose.

Dryness of left nostril; crusts in it.


      Expression of suffering.

Face hot, bloated. Meningitis.

Cheeks red; erysipelatous redness.

Dull faceache, aching in brows; afternoon, evening; worse at night, disturbing sleep.

Headache extending into zygoma or cheek.

Red eruption on both cheeks; chin and nose; sometimes dry, with thin crusts; sometimes fiery red, oozing yellow drops.

Lower Face

      Eruption around the mouth and on right ear.

Yellowish greenish scabs, with cracking and moisture.

Lips, dry, feel hot.


      Severe aching in decayed tooth at night; restless, wakeful; better lying on affected side, and keeping quiet.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : insipid; of blood.

Tongue coated white or yellow; great thirst. Meningitis.


      Dry, burning heat in the mouth and on the lips.


      Expansion of throat and abdomen.

Sensation as if a worm was moving in the throat.

Hot risings in oesophagus after a fright, or with anxious feelings.

With hemming, some bright, red blood comes up.

Desires Aversions

      Desire for warm drinks. Meningitis.

Great thirst, white tongue;in morning after heat and delirium.

Desire for wine; for pickles.

Appetite increased morning and evening.

Eating and Drinking

      Tasteless, Belching, when drinking water.

Smoking tobacco does not taste well.

After breakfast, headache, eructations, gastric symptoms, pressure in stomach, towards the back; pains in limbs.

After supper, flatulence and diarrhoea.

After eating :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations: tasteless; bitter; preventing sleep at night.

Nausea, weakness every morning.

Nausea, abdomen distended, cracking pains in bowels awaking in the night.


      Pain in stomach, nausea and diarrhoea, chill; after eating.


      Sticking or dragging in the right hypochondrium.


      Tympanitic distention of abdomen; relieved by a stool.

Cutting in belly, in region of navel.

Pinching pains, diarrhoea; with catamenia.

Stool etc.

      Loose, bilious, yellow stools evening or morning.

Cholera morbus, slimy stools.

Summer diarrhoea, with eruption of the skin.

Diarrhoea driving out of bed in the morning.

Constipation; violent tenesmus, with discharge of a hard little ball.

Awakes with distended abdomen, relieved by stool.

Rectum feels dry, morning.


      Nightly urging to urinate, with vertigo.

Urine: much diminished; bloody; turbid; of peculiar odor.

Swelling and hardness of the female urethra, with burning, soreness and sensitiveness; especially if caused by instruments for uterine prolapsus.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual functions excited.

Tearing in the genital organs, with the desire to urinate.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses : too late, with tension in the uterine region, as from a tight bandage; increased in quantity; three days before their appearance, pinching in the abdomen, diarrhoea, cold feet; headache, wrenching pain over eyes, better in motion; severe backache. Attended by sickening pain in belly, sensitiveness of hearing.

Leucorrhoea, with delayed menses, palpitation, pressure in he small of the back, and heaviness in lower bowels.

Leucorrhoea in a child, milky, but corroding.


      Labor-pains tardy.

After pains violent, in sacrum and hips, with severe headache; after instrumental delivery.


      Hoarseness, scraping and roughness in the larynx, upper part of pharynx and nares, in a foggy atmosphere.


      Spasmodic asthmatic attacks, with changes of the weather from clear to damp, or before storms; after lesion of the spinal cord, by a fall, years before.


      Spells of short, barking cough. Meningitis.

Hacking cough, from an irritation in throat, much increased by the heat and cold air.

Dry cough and prostration in the morning.

Whooping cough, worse from to 10 P.M.

Nervous system much affected.


      Anxiety in the chest, in the forenoon, with short breath, dizziness and bitter belching.

Stinging left chest, worse when moving.

Cutting in the upper right chest, then in lower left.

Heart Pulse

      Hard beating of the heart.

Pulse : quick and hard; frequent.

Outer Chest

      Stitches under the mammae.

Stinging, burning pain on one edge of left pectoral muscle.

Dull pressure, right chest, from seventh rib down, after breakfast.

Neck Back

      Cutting between scapulae.

Lies on the back, jerking head backward.

After a fall, slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries; cervical vertebrae very sensitive to touch.

Entire spine tender; paroxysms of pain in different joints, with mania.

Consequences of spinal concussion.

Stinging near edge of right scapula near spine; morning.

Stitches in the small of the back.

Aching pain and sensation of lameness in the small of back.

Violent pain and inability to walk or stoop, after a fall on the coccyx.

Upper Limbs

      Flying pains, right shoulder.

Cutting under left scapulae.

Stitches on the top of the shoulder at every inspiration.

Tension in both arms and in the hands.

Pressure at insertion at of right deltoid.

Numbness in left arm; better from rubbing.

Hard pain running down left median nerve.

Cutting in fleshy ends of fingers.

Lower Limbs

      Weakening drawing, over the front of legs; shooting pain, as if in the periosteum.

Left leg numb, cold, while sitting.

Articular rheumatism (knees), with great effusion around the joint, with muddy urine looking like the settlings of beer.

Fearful pains in knees, sharp, could hardly touch them.

The feet feel pithy, as if pricked with needles.

Sensation as if the left foot was strained or dislocated.

Lying in bed the feet tingle.

Excruciating pain in bunions (external applications).

Limbs in General

      Crawling in hands and feet, as if they were numb.

Feeling of weakness and trembling of all the limbs.

Sensation of lameness of the left arm and right foot.

Cannot walk, spine affected.

Position etc.

      Great dread of motion, would not walk, screamed when it proposed to lift her to another place.

Slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries: Rest:. Motion: Walking:.

Lying down in bed: Lying on painful side:. Sitting: Undressing:.


      Prevents lockjaw from wounds in soles, fingers or palms of hands.

Convulsions from blows upon the head.

Convulsions after every, slight hurt or concussion.

Epileptiform spasms after knocking the body against anything.

Jerks in the limbs.

Weariness on awaking; goes off by noon.


      Constant drowsiness.

Spasmodic jerks of the arms or legs on going to sleep;


On awaking: weary, better by noon; feels refreshed; bowels distended.

Dreams: with activity, travelling; vivid; distressing.


      Morning:,, Forenoon: Noon: Afternoon: Evening:, Night. to 10 P.M.:.

Temperature and Weather

      Foggy weather: Changes from clear to damp: Before storms: Cold air: Heat:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Shuddering over the whole body, with desire to urinate.

Heat, with delirium, wild staring look, hot head, throbbing of carotids, bright red, bloated face, hair on head moist, burning heat of skin, great oppression and anguish.

Chill followed by heat, with sweat on hands and feet.


      Left: Before backward: 5. upper right to lower left: Left upper (arm) and right lower (foot):. Above downward:.


      Flesh sore all over, bruised.


      Injury to parts rich in sentient nerves; especially fingers, toes, matrices of nails.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.