Homeopathic remedy Helonias Dioica drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Blazing Star Dr. C.B.Parr Melanthaceae.


      Dull inactive.

Restless wants to be continually moving about.

Desire to be let alone; conversation is unpleasant Dull gloomy.

Irritable cannot endure the least contradiction or receive any suggestions in relation to any subject.

Fault finding.

Always better when doing something, when the mind is engaged.


      pain in the head is increased by stooping and attended by increased vertigo.

Inner Head

      Fulness and pressure in the forehead or vertex worse or renewed, when thinking thereof.

Passing pain in one or both temples (in small spot). Burning in front and top of head, better motion and mental exertion, worse when either is desisted from.


      Pale earthy.

Tongue etc.

      Bitter disagreeable taste every morning 5 A.M. on awaking tongue and fauces dry.

Tongue white Diabetes.


      Salivation of pregnant women and teething children., Mouth gets sore stomatitis materna.

Desire Aversions

      Loss of appetite eructations fulness cramp and painful congestion of the stomach.

Appetite poor, food tasteless; “bilious” sleepy, during the day.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Tasteless eructations flatulence each causing nausea.

Nausea at supper.


      Cramp-like pain in the stomach.

Burning in stomach burning and aching in spine eructations.

Irritable stomach with general dropsy.


      Pain in left side as if in spleen which feels as if distended, causing a dull ache.


      Motion and rumbling in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would come on; cramps in the stomach.

Colic-like pains in hypogastric region, off and on all day.

Burning in the lower third of abdomen.

Stool etc.

      Stool loose, yellow in the morning lumps of feces in the evening.


      Constant aching extreme tenderness of the kidneys especially the right.

Burning sensation at the kidneys can trace their outlines by the burning. At 30 p.m. dull heat and pressure in the vertex, as if skull were too full.

Weariness, languor weight in the region of the kidneys; mind dull inactive afternoon and evening.

Burning scalding when urinating desire frequent and urging.


Involuntary discharge of urine after the bladder seemed to be emptied.

Urine profuse clear, light-colored; albuminous diabetic.

Male Sexual Organs

      Sexual desire and power increased.

Erections unusually strong and frequent.


Female Sexual Organs

      Loss of sexual desire and power with or without sterility.

Profound melancholy deep, undefined depression, with a sensation of soreness and weight in the womb; “a consciousness of a womb.

Dragging weakness in sacral region, with prolapsus; also at climaxis with marked debility; profound mental gloom.

Prolapsus uteri and ulceration of the cervix discharge constant, dark badly smelling; flooding on lifting a weight, and on least exertion; face sallow, having an expression of suffering; great vaginal irritation; pain in small of back.

Prolapsus uteri, leucorrhoea; the os protrudes externally.

Uterus low down, fundus tilted forwards; the finger passes with difficulty between the os and the rectum.

Menses too frequent and profuse in women who are feeble from loss of blood. Flow passive dark coagulated, offensive.

Catamenia arising from or accompanied by disordered digestive apparatus and anaemia.

Scanty menstrual flow with heaviness, languor, drowsiness and albuminous urine.

Great uterine hemorrhage all through the proving; pain in through to the uterus.

Profuse flooding with serous leucorrhoea much uterine and ovarian pain; climaxis.

Leucorrhoea, with atony and anaemia.

Labia and pudendum hot, red, swollen, burning and itching and terribly epidermis every morning falls of in this, transparent exfoliations. Mucous surface of labia red, swollen covered with a curdy deposit like aphthae.


      Threatened abortion; especially in habitual abortion.

Albuminuria during pregnancy great weakness drowsiness.

Nipples sensitive painful breasts swollen; nipples tender, will not bear the pressure of ordinary dress.

Heart Pulse


Outer Chest

      Chest sensitive to the air.

Aching as if the front of chest had been compressed in a vice.

Neck Back

      Burning and heat in the dorsal region mostly between the lower half of the scapulae; while sitting reading at night.

Back aches across the lumbar feels tired and weak; burning and tired aching in lumbar and sacral region on sitting down.

Pain about the upper part of the sacrum and pelvis more severe at night.

Pain in lower part of back through to uterus; piercing drawing.

Aching pain in sacrum, also down into each buttock.

Lower Limbs

      Severe pains in the right hip-joint, worse during motion.

Numbness in feet going off by motion, only felt when sitting still.

Position etc.

      Motion: Moving arms; Sitting: Stooping: Exertion: Mental exertion: Reading sitting; Lifting:.


      Tired weary, drowsy.

Languor, unusually tired, yet knows no reason.

Debility. After diphtheria.


      Drowsy heavy. sleep during the day.


      Morning:, 5 A.M.: 11 Afternoon: 2,3p.m. Evening: Night: Day;.

Temperature and Weather

      Oversensitive to air;. Room:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill seemingly radiating from solar plexus all over body caused by motion of arms.

Flushed of heat pass over him with every movement while in a room.


      Right: 21, Left Below upwards;.


      Anaemia, atony, from prolonged hemorrhage Dropsy from albuminuria, general debility uterine atony or after uterine hemorrhage.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Pressure of clothing:.

Stages and States

      Women with prolapsus from atony enervated by indolence and luxury; feel better when the attention is engaged hence when doctor comes; worn out with hard work do not care for sleep;so tired, and the strained muscles burn and ache so.



      Relieves the mental depression resulting from abuse of kali room.

Relieved prolapsus, caused by Lilium.

Collateral relations: Veratr., Sabad., Colchic.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.