Homeopathic remedy Helleborus drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Christmas rose Hahnemann Ranunculaceae.


      Total unconsciousness.

Weak memory.

Diminished power of mind over body cannot fix ideas slow in answering stares unintelligently; muscles do not act properly if the will is not strongly fixed upon their action as when spoken to the attention being thereby diverted she drops things.

Dull says nothing.


Thoughtless staring.

Constantly picking his lips and clothes.

Much lamenting moaning.

Involuntary sighing.

Frequent screams in meningitis or hydrocephalus Tries to escape to throw herself into the river.

Melancholy silent during puberty;with anguish Homesickness.

Woeful despairing mood.


Irritable worse from consolation does not want to be disturbed.

A noise or shock shortens the attacks. Eclampsia.

Thinking about the symptoms lessens them.


      Vertigo with nausea watery vomit and loose bowels while stooping ceasing when becoming erect.

Inner Head

      Pressing headache, from within outwards; stupefaction; heavy head; worse from moving head, from exertion; better in the open air.

Stupefying headache, with coryza (4 to 8 P.M.); worse from stooping; better at rest and in the open air.

Shooting pains in the head. Dropsy after scarlatina.

Stupefied; head hot, heavy; boring head in the pillows, chilly; fingers cold.

Dropsy of the brain; post scarlatina.

Burning heat in head; pale face.

Sensation in occiput, as from a blow.

Outer Head

      Sore feeling as if bruised, worse in back part of head; worse on stooping.

Rolls head night and day, moaning.

Throws head back, and from side to side.

Hair falls off, with pricking on scalp, worse on the occiput; face and body oedematous.

Partial sweat on the scalp.

Humid scurf.


      Photophobia, without inflammation.

Intensible to light. Hydrocephalus.

Pupils: Contracted; dilated alternately contracted and dilated.

Nyctalopia Eyeballs turned upwards squinting..

Eyeballs red, glassy.

Eyes sunken blue edges.

Lids sticky dry sensation as if they were pressed down.

Loses hair, from the eyebrows.


      Roaring and ringing in the ears.


      Smell diminished Nostril look as if smoked sooty.

Nose pointed nostrils dry.

Frequent rubs the nose.



      Face red hot but pale; pale, oedematous distorted; pale sunken icy-cold; livid with cold sweat.

Forehead or face wrinkled.

Stupid expression.

Left sided neuralgia; parts so tender cannot chew.

Lower Face

      Constant chewing motion.

Corners of mouth sore; steady flow of saliva; upper lip cracked lips dry, cracked.

White blisters on the swollen lips.

Lower jaw hangs down.


      Grinds the teeth.

Toothache during the chill.

Tongue etc.

      Taste bitter.

Tongue; dry white morning dry and red in typhus; slightly protruded and oscillating; trembling; numb insensible swollen; full of vesicles pimples on the tip.


      Mouth dry also palate, with cutting scraping in palate on moving the mouth to swallow.

Mouth gums and tongue full of flat yellow ulcers with elevated grey edges or red, swollen bases carrion like odor; salivation; aphtha.

Desire Aversions

      Hunger child nurses greedily; with disgust for food.

Greedily swallows the cold water bites the spoon but remains unconscious Hydrocephalus.

Thirst with disgust for drink but no appetite.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea, cannot take food, though hungry.

Vomiting of greenish black substances with colic.


      Intense burning into the oesophagus.

Fulness and distension of pit of stomach.

Pit of stomach sunken.

Pressing in region of stomach., Stomach painful when coughing or walking.


      Griping pinching about navel, followed by gelatinous stools.

Gurgling as if bowels were full of water.

Abdomen swollen distended painful to touch.

Ascites especially after scarlet fever; in scrofulous children.

Excessive colic weakness features sunken face cold, pale covered with a clammy sweat; pulse thready thin diarrhoea.

Stool etc.

      Stools loose, watery; of white mucus, jelly like, with tenesmus; involuntary.

Feeling as if the intestines had no power to evacuate the faces during soft stools.

Blennorrhoea of rectum with spasms of the bladder.


      Spasmodic urging causing spasms very little urine passes Bladder overdistended retention of urine from atony of muscular coats.

Urging frequent with scanty discharge.

After great pressure he passes with much pain a few drops of blood.

Passes blood and slime with burning and stinging.

Suppressed urinary secretion with dropsy.

Urine scanty dark, with floating, dark specks; like coffee- grounds albuminous scanty; profuse; passed in large quantities.

Male Sexual Organs

      Desire suppressed genitals relaxed no erections.

Female Sexual Organs

      Suppression of the menses amenorrhoea from disappointed love.

Uterine dropsy.


      Puerperal convulsions.


      Voice weak, with hydrocephalus.



Chest constricted gasps fro breath with open mouth propped up in bed Hydrothorax.

Breathing difficult with anxiety worse every evening; must sit up.


      Dry worse at night, with gagging; dry, while smoking tobacco Tension in region of left short ribs, during cough.

Heart pulse.

      Pulse: often slower than beating of heart; frequent soft, intermittent in hydrocephalus; small wiry, in hydrothorax almost imperceptible.

Neck Back

      Neck rigid in spotted fever.

Cervical muscles stiff.

Cervical glands swollen.

Cramp in spinal muscles Hydrocephalus.

Severe pain down neck, in left side of face and in teeth.

Upper Limbs

      Arms moving continually, automatically except when asleep.

Thumb drawn in to the palm.

Boring sticking in wrist and finger joints.

Ulceration around the nails.

Humid painless vesicles between fingers.

Lower Limbs

      Pricking in the left hip.

Boring stinging in knee and foot-joints.

Legs drawn up, with every attempt to change her position. Hydrocephalus.

Legs oedematous.

Humid painless vesicles between the toes.

Limbs in General

      Piercing in limbs with uterine dropsy.

Position etc.

      Slides down in bed. Typhoid. Lies on the back limbs drawn up. Typhoid.

Worse from bodily exertion.

Motion: Moving head: Exertion: Walking: Getting out of bed; Must sit up. Erect: Stooping: Lying: Rest:.


      Convulsive twitching of muscles.

Automatic motion of one arm and leg in hydrocephalus.

Convulsions; with extreme coldness of sucklings.

Epilepsy with consciousness followed by deep sleep.

Great debility.


      Drowsy when left alone he goes to sleep.

Constant somnolence; can be aroused but not full consciousness. Typhoid fever.

Soporous sleep, with shriek and starts.

Dreams: confused anxious cannot by remembered During sleep, muscles twitch.


      Remission during the day Worse from evening until morning.

Evening: 4 to 8 P.M.: Night 2. Toward. morning: Night and day:.

Temperature and Weather

      Worse from uncovering better in warm air, or wrapping up. Feels better in open air; with sensation as after a long illness.

Cool air:.Open air: Aversion to uncovering:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill spreads from arms; gooseflesh, pains in joints face hot; drowsy; worse after getting out of bed and from motion.

Burning heat, followed by chill and colic.

Burning heat with internal chilliness and aversion to drink can drink but little at a time; evening in bed.

Heat or sweat with aversion to uncover.

After lying in bed heat, generally with sweat.

Sweat; cold, clammy sticky; less after sleep; relieves; towards morning temperature unchanged.


      Left: Within outwards:.


      Pricking tearing, pressing pains, running across affected parts.


      Red parts become white; anaemia.

Loss of flesh aphthae.

Dropsy; of brain chest or abdomen; suddenly swellings

anasarca; after scarlatina, nephritis intermittents etc. Concomitants; debility, fever pains in limbs, diarrhoea suppressed urine.

Stinging-boring in the periosteum worse in cool air.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch : Chewing:.


      Itching unchanged by a scratching.

Skin pale; yellow.

Livid spots on the skin.

painless ulcers.

Skin peels off, hair and nails fall out.

Stages and States

      During dentition brain symptoms Weakly scrofulous children.


      Antidotes: Camphor, Cinchon.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.