Homeopathic remedy Dulcamara drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Bittersweet. HAHNEMANN Solanaceae.


      Cannot find the right word.

Mental confusion cannot concentrate his thoughts Delirium at night with pain.

Asks for one or another thing, rejecting it when proffered.


Inclination to scold, without being angry.

Restless, quarrelsome.


      On awaking morning dizzy, dark before the eyes, trembling and weakness.

Dulness of senses.

Inner Head

      Boring burning in forehead with digging in brain worse from motion, even talking; head heavy.

Dull headache continuous pain in head, chest and stomach with great uneasiness, depressed spirits labored respiration mental confusion cannot concentrate his thoughts.

Congestion to head, buzzing in ears dull hearing; worse from getting feet wet.

Sensation s of a board pressing against the forehead.

Chilliness in cerebellum, and over the back returning every evening cerebellum and whole head as if enlarged worse old damp weather worse until 2 p.m. better lying down.

Outer Head

      Sensation of chilliness in cerebellum and over the back feeling as if the hair stood on end; recurs every evening.

Ringworm of scalp glands about throat swollen.

Thick crusts on scalp causing hair to fall out.


      Aching in eyes when reading;sight dim; scintillations; worse at rest.

Threatened amaurosis in scrofulous children.

Dim sight sees as through a gauze Ophthalmia scrofulous, from every exposure to cold Paralysis of the upper lids.


      Buzzing in the ears.

Dull pains humming in ears, obtuse hearing.

Earache; nausea; buzzing;worse at night and when still.

Swelling of parotids also after measles.


      Nosebleed got, clear blood; pressure above nose; worse after getting wet.

Coryza, dry, better during motion;worse during rest; renewed by the slightest exposure.

Severe coryza skin hot, dry, limbs cold, stiff, numb and painful; general offensive sweat.

Nasal catarrh dry, in a dry atmosphere.


      Complexion pale, watery or milky.

Face pale, with circumscribed red cheeks.

Faceache and asthma, after disappearance of tetters in face.

Humid eruptions on cheeks.

Face bloated. Dropsy.

Thick brown-yellow crusts on face, forehead and chin; crusta lactea.

Lower Face

      Twitching of lips when in the cold air mouth distorted; drawn; to one side.


      Toothache from cold, especially with diarrhoea; confusion in head; profuse salivation; teeth feel blunt, or as if asleep.

Scurvy from cold.

Receding spongy gums; ptyalism.

Tongue etc.

      Bitter taste.

Itching crawling on tip of tongue.

Mouth and tongue dry.

Dry swollen tongue.

Inarticulate speech from a swollen tongue, but talks incessantly.

Tongue and jaws become lame, if cold air or water chills him.

Tongue paralyzed cold.


      Saliva tenacious soap-like gums spongy.

Increased flow of saliva.

Mouth dry, without thirst.

Stomachache; rheumatic; also after abuse of mercury.

with ptyalism and swollen cervical glands.


      Much mucus in fauces.

Tonsillitis, from every cold change.

Pressure a if uvula were to long.

Desires Aversions

      Hunger without appetite.

Hunger after the fever.

Great thirst for cold drinks.

Eating and Drinking

      Cold drinks:.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea loss of appetite; cholerine.

Great chilliness during the vomiting.

Vomiting early in the morning of tenacious mucus. Vomiting of greenish yellow slimy substances together with the liquid drank; after cold drinks.


      Retraction and burning in the epigastric region.


      Cutting pain above navel Colic after a cold griping nausea, followed by diarrhoea.

Dropsy of the abdomen Swelling of inguinal glands a cold.

Stool etc.

      Stool; whitish, watery; with flocculi; slimy, watery, yellow- green; worse at night, in wet weather; changeable white yellow or green; watery; sour-smelling; nausea with desire to evacuate.

Diarrhoea; from cold; or, change from warm to cold, especially cold, damp weather; in the morning profuse thin stools; of rheumatic origin; during dentition.

Dysentery from cold, damp weather increased flow of saliva; burning itching of itching of rectum heat of skin, thirst.


      Constant desire to urinate felt deep in abdomen.

Painful pressing about bladder and urethra and discharge of a few drops of urine with mucous sediment.

Urine: Scanty fetid turbid; on standing oily, containing a tough jelly-like white or red mucus mixed with blood milky; fetid of or muco-purulent.

Bright disease from exposure to cold and dampness.

Retention of urine; strangury from a cold or from cold drinks.

Urine passed involuntarily; paralysis of bladder.

Male Sexual Organs

      Impotence; herpes on genitals Herpes praeputialis.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses suppressed by cold.

Rash before menses.

Menses too late, short, blood watery thin Mammae engorged hard, amenorrhoea.


      Suppressed milk, from taking cold.

After weaning mother has eruption on the skin.

Herpes on mammae nursing women.

Lochia suppressed by cold or damp.


      Rough hoarse voice; catarrh.


Trachea full of mucus.


      Labored respiration.

Asthma with faceache after disappearance of tetters in face.

Asthma humidum, dyspnoea, loose, rattling cough copious sputa; worse during wet weather.

Oppression of chest, from mucus.


      Dry, hoarse rough cough; or, loose, with copious expectoration of mucus; dull hearing; catarrhal fever.

Chronic mucous cough after measles.

panting cough, like whooping-cough: worse with each deep inspiration.

Expectoration of pure blood.

Cough worse when lying down warmth of the room or deep inspiration; better in the open air.

Whooping-cough: excited by excessive secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea.


      Bronchitis; offensive smelling night-sweats.

Tuberculosis in scrofulous subjects also worse in changes from warm to cold sputa touch, green cough moderate; stitches here and there in chest; diarrhoea.

Phthisis mucosa.

Rheumatic pleuritis and pleuro-pneumonia, with tough, difficult discolored sputa.

Hydrothorax, worse wet weather.

Mucus on the chest must cough long before raising it; suffocative catarrh.

Haemoptysis, bright red; tickling in larynx; worse it rest; caused by a cold or loose protracted cough.

pain in left chest, as if lung moved in waves.

Heart pulse.

      Palpitation at night.

Pulse; small hard and tense, especially at night; collapsed.

Neck Back

      Neck stiff back painful, loins lame, after taking cold.

Spinal meningitis during scarlatina or measles, eruption does not develop.

Myelitis after taking cold during menstruation.

Hyperaemia of the spinal cord.

Drawing pain from small of back down thighs, during rest; stitches when moving, relieved by pressure.

Coldness is small of back. Sacrum feels cold.

Upper Limbs

      Herpes on arms and hands.

Exostosis on the arm, from suppressed itch.

Warts on hands.

Sweat in palms.

Lower Limbs

      Herpetic eruption on knee.

Exostosis on upper part on right tibia, with bluish-red spots; suppurating lumps.

Swelling of the calf of the leg; scrofula.

Gout in the big toe; first left then right.

Tingling in the feet.

Erysipelas of feet; skin peels off; itching.

Limbs in General

      cold limbs.

Rheumatism after acute eruptions or when chronic forms alternate with attacks of diarrhoea.

pains in the joints on exposure to cold.

Rheumatism after exposure to wet; parts as if beaten severe pains when remaining in one position subside only when he moves about.

Position etc.

      Rest:. Motion:, Lying down: worse lying on back, better on side. Worse when stooping; better when erect. worse when bending diseased part backwards. Worse dancing.


      Great general uneasiness.

Convulsions beginning in the face.

One-sided spasms speechless.

Prostration languor.

Paralysis from suppressed eruptions, from cold paralysis of upper and lower limbs and tongue; the paralyzed arm feels icy- cold.


      Falling asleep evening starts as if in affright.

During sleep, mouth open snoring.

Sleep restless after 12 P.m.

Uneasy sleep confused dreams, frequent sweat; tosses from side to side.

Sleep worse after 3. p.m.


      Morning, 2 p.m.: Evening: Night: After midnight: 3 A.M.:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warmth:. Warm weather:, Warm room: Cold:, Cold air:, weather:. From warm to cold: Taking cold:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill commencing in or spreading from the back not relieved by warmth mostly towards evening.

Chill with pains. Chill with violent thirst. General dry burning heat all over. Heat and burning in the back.

Heat with delirium without thirst.

Fetid sweat, with skin diseases; with copious limpid urine.

Offensive sweat night and morning over the whole body; during day more over back in axillae and palms.

Sweat suppressed and entirely wanting.


      Left: Left to right Above downward: Rending pains upwards Rheumatism.


      Pains in many parts as if from cold Bruised feeling.


      Hemorrhages; blood watery, or bright red.

Skin inactive mucous surfaces overactive especially from suppressed eruptions by cold Cold swelling of glands also inflammation and induration of cervical and inguinal glands; tensive pains.

Anasarca after fever and ague scarlatina, rheumatic fever.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.