Homeopathic remedy Cuprum Metallicum drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Metallic Copper. Hahnemann. Cu.


      Saying words not intended, forerunner of apoplexy.

Full of erroneous, anxious ideas, one following the other quickly; thickly; thinks he is a great military commander.

Weeps often.

Mania : with biting and beating; tearing things to pieces; with anxiety.

Delirium : afraid of every one who approaches him, shrinking from them; tries to escape.

Unconquerable sadness, constant-restlessness, as if some misfortune were approaching; fears he will lose his reason.

Paroxysms of anxiety; full of fears.

Changeable mood; children cross and irritable, or indifferent and dull, in brain affections.

Senses less acute. Cholera.

Acuteness of senses; oversensitive. Whooping-cough.

Restless tossing about.

Mental and bodily exhaustion, from over-exertion of mind or loss of sleep.


      Vertigo : with weariness, the head has a tendency to sink forward; worse from motion, better lying down.

Inner Head

      Pain in the head, as if follow.

Strange tingling pain in the vertex; menses omitting.

Violent continuous headache, increased periodically.

Violent dull headache over the glabella. Stitches in the temples, with redness of the eyes.

Congestion to brain, with convulsive motions of extremities.

Affections of the brain, in children with catarrhal fever, difficult dentition, or exanthematic diseases.

Exacerbation in brain affections, evenings.

Headache after epileptic attacks.

Outer Head

      Tossing about of the head.

Children cannot hold the head up. Brain affections.


      Sight obscured.

Eyes : dim; lustreless; sunken, with blue rings around.

Great itching in the eyes toward evening.

Pressing pain in the eyes.

Bruised pain in the orbits when moving the eyes.

Eyes red, inflamed.

Eyeballs red, move like a pendulum from side to side.

Quick rotation of the balls, with lids closed.


      Difficult hearing.

Boring in and behind ears, pressing pain in front of ears.

Swelling of the meatus externus.


      Sensation of great congestion of blood to the nose.

Nosebleed : on right side only.

Copious fluent coryza.

Stoppage of the nose.


      Expression : said, depressed; of suffering; prostration.

Face : very red, eyelids closed and balls constantly rotating; blue; pale; greyish; dirty; sunken features, pinched; icy-cold.

Lower Face

      Mouth firmly closed.

Lips blue.

Froth from the mouth.


      Rending pain from teeth to temples.

Gums ulcerated.

Tongue etc.

      Taste : sweet or sweetish; metallic; coppery.

Tongue : red : dry and rough, papillae enlarged; coated white, yellowish or brown.

Chronic glossitis.


      Frothy saliva, with cough.

Dry mouth. In brain affections.

Induration of the salivary gland; with or without fistula.


      Palate red, fauces inflamed. Tonsils inflamed.

Dull, piercing pain in left tonsil, increased by external touch.

Gurgling noise of the drink passing down the oesophagus.

Desires Aversions

      Loss of appetite, great thirst for cooling drink,.

Eating and Drinking

      A swallow of cold water relieves the cough, or vomiting.

Milk brings on water-brash.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough : precedes vomiting; begins attack of asthma.

Constant eructations.

Nausea and vomiting after taking cold.

Nausea, vomiting and cramps during catamenia.

Frequent nausea and fearful vomiting, catamenia omitting.

Nausea, vomiting and torpid stool, with brain affections.

Vomiting : in gushes of whey-like fluid; frothy mucus; bilious : bloody.


      Deathly feeling, with pain behind ensiform cartilage.

Pressure in pit of stomach.

Pressure at the stomach, with nausea.

Eructations, rumbling in stomach.

Sensation as of a round ball going to and fro under ribs, with different sounds worse from fluid food; better from tight clothing or bandage around abdomen, and when lying quiet.

Burning in epigastric region, which is sore to touch.

Sensation as though something bitter were in the stomach.

Sensation as though the clothing were lying too hard on pit of stomach.


      Drawing pain from left hypochondrium to him.


      Cramps in the abdomen.

Violent colicy, cutting, drawing pains in abdomen; abdomen drawn in; colic not increased by pressure.

Violent spasms in abdomen and upper and lower limbs, with penetrating, distressing screams.

Intussusception of the bowels, with singultus, violent colic stercoraceous (fecal) vomiting and great agony.

Big belly, of children.

Inguinal gland swollen.

Spasmodic movements of the abdominal muscles.

Stool etc.

      Constipation, alternating with diarrhoea.

Diarrhoea : profuse, squirting out; much wind passing.

Stools : gray, with flocculent matter in cholera, also masses of whey-like fluid.

Summer complaints of children, with brain affections.

Thread-worms. Rounds worms.


      Must urinate during the night.

Scantiness or entire suppression of urine.

Urine : acid; straw-colored, after standing turbid, and a reddish, thin sediment adheres to the vessels.

Male Sexual Organs

      Gonorrhoea, with a changeable discharge, now more, again less; orifice or urethra sticking together.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses not appearing after the suppression of foot-sweat.

Before menses spasmodic dyspnoea.

Before or during menses, or after suppression, violent, unbearable cramps in abdomen, extending up into chest; causing nausea, vomiting, and sometimes convulsion of limbs and piercing shrieks.



      Spasms during parturition, with violent vomiting; or with every paroxysm, opisthotonos, spreading out the limbs and opening the mouth.

Clonic spasms during pregnancy, when attack commences in one part, as in fingers, or a limb, and gradually spreads.

Most distressing after-pains, particularly of women who have borne many children.

Cramping after-pains, which often produce cramp in the extremities.

After confinement rash and convulsions.

Swelling and induration of the mammae.


      Hoarseness as soon as he breathes dry cold air.

Talking is difficult, voice powerless.

Contraction of the larynx with the cough.


      Breathing : whistling; quick, rattling; short, panting; seems to be interrupted, in the throat.

Dyspnoea : short, superficial, quick respirations, aggravated by coughing, bending upper part of body backwards, walking quickly, or inhaling acrid vapors.

Violent asthmatic attacks came on suddenly, lasting from one to three hours, and cease suddenly.

Beginning paralysis of the lungs: indicated by sudden difficulty of breathing, followed by great prostration.


      Cough : dry, suffocative, worse nights; evening dry, morning slight expectoration of phlegm, with dark blood of putrid taste and smell; uninterrupted, cannot speak a word, discharge of bloody mucus from the nose; after sea wind; worse inhaling cold air; taking deep breath; laughing; after eating solid food; when bending backwards; better by drinking cold water; with whooping, children get stiff, breathing ceases, spasmodic twitchings, after a while consciousness returns, they vomit and recover, but slowly.


      Shooting pains in sides of chest, must cry out.

Heart Pulse

      Anxious feeling about the heart.

Stitches below the heart. Boring pain in region of heart.

Palpitation of the heart.

Fatty degeneration, slow pulse, feeble cardiac action; even angina.

Pulse : very changeable; thready, tense; small, hard and moderately frequent.

Neck Back

      Glands of the neck indurated.

Paralysis of all muscles of back up to neck; also of limbs; lower limbs oedematous, but retain their sensibility.

Upper Limbs

      Anchylosis of the shoulder-joint.

Numbness and lameness of arms.

Twitching in the hands and fingers.

Stitching, rending or drawing pains.

Stiffened and inflamed hands and fingers.

In the bend of the elbow, better, with yellow scabs; itching violently, particularly in the evening.

Little vesicles on tips of fingers, oozing watery fluid.

Lower Limbs

      Paralysis of lower limbs from psoas abscess.

Twitching in the lower limbs; drawing them backwards.

Lameness of lower limbs, with contraction of the muscles.

Great weakness of the legs, the knees give away.

Spasms and cramps in the calves.

Drawing and digging pain in the calf.

Burning in the soles.

Suppressed foot-sweat.

Icy-coldness of the feet.

Limbs in General

      Cramps in the limbs.

Weariness of the limbs.

Contraction of the joints.

Limbs cyanotic.

Position etc.

      Tossing about : Head tends to sink forward : Motion : Moving eyes : Eyeballs rotating : Walking :. Lying quiet :. Cannot hold head up: Bending body backward: Body bent forward : Mental over exertion :.


      Weariness of long duration.

Great weakness of the muscles.

Great prostration with nervous excitability, constant restlessness driving our of bed.

Nervous trembling with very great acuteness and sensitiveness of the senses.

Twitching, jerkings or startings during sleep.

Stiffness of the whole body; body bent forward.

Contraction of muscles and tendons.

Clonic spasms; accompanying brain affections; beginning in the fingers or toes.

Epileptic convulsions : trembling, tottering and falling unconscious, without a scream; preceded by drawing in left arm; aura epileptica; with froth at the mouth, opisthotonos, limbs abducted; followed by headache; during sleep at night; each new moon; after spasms, turns and twists until another comes.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.