Homeopathic remedy Colchicum Autumnale drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Meadow Suffro. STAPF. Melanthaceae.


      Perception entirely lost, unconscious.

Memory weakened.

Can read, but cannot understand even a short sentence.

Intellect beclouded, though he gives correct answers.

Confusion of the head.

Indisposition for exertion of any kind.

Mood usually cheerful; or sad; rarely irritable.

External impressions such as bright light, strong odors, contact, misdeeds of others make him quite beside himself.

Surly, ill-humored, not satisfied with anything.

Pains worse by mental exertion or by emotions.


      Vertigo: while sitting, after walking; on rising.

Inner Head

      Boring headache, especially over the eyes.

Pressure in the head; especially in the occiput, also deep in cerebellum, excited by mental exertion.

Pressive heaviness deep in the cerebellum, especially on moving or stooping.

Painful rending in left side of head, from eyeball to occiput.

Creeping sensation in the forehead.

Outer Head

      Tearing in the scalp, at small spots, particularly on the occiput.

When raised the head falls back, mouth opens wide.

Difficulty in moving the head.

Porrigo favosa, oozing acrid ichor.


      Violent, sharp tearing pain in and around eyeball.

Drawing-digging pain deep in the orbit, like in sclerotitis.

Inflammation of the eyes, dimsightedness, watering of the eyes, white spot on the cornea.

Soft cataract.

Pupils much dilated, only slightly sensitive to light, or immovable and slightly dilated.

Eyes; half open; sunken, staring.

Pressure and biting in the canthi, with moderate lachrymation.


      Hearing generally acute. Roaring in the ears; they feel stopped up.

Earache with stitches in the ears.

Tingling of the ears, as after being frosted.

Discharge from ears, with tearing in them. After measles.


      Smell morbidly acute; the odor of meat-broth causes nausea and that of fresh eggs nearly fainting.

Sore pain in the septum.


Sneezing, also with crawling sensation in the nose.

Long-lasting coryza; discharge thin, tenacious.

Nostrils dry and black.


      Doleful, sad expression; sunken; risus sardonicus, cadaverous looking; pale; yellow spotted; cheeks red and hot; covered with sweat.

OEdematous swelling of the face.

Pain and swelling from a decayed tooth; tongue furred.

Tearing and tensive pains in the facial muscles, moving from one location to another.

Drawing in the bones of face or nose, sensation as if they were being rent as under.

Tingling in the skin of the face, as after being frosted.

Lower Face

      Cracked lips.

Thick, brownish coating on lips, teeth and tongue.


      Grinding of teeth.

Teeth very sensitive when pressing them together, Teeth feel too long.

Toothache worse from cold; after warm things.

Tearing in the jaws and gums.

Tongue etc.

      Tastelessness of food.

Loss of speech. During typhus.

Tongue: bright red; heavy, stiff and numb; projected with difficulty.


      Profuse flow of slow of saliva, with dryness of the throat.

Inflammation of mucous membrane of mouth and throat.

Heat in the mouth, with thirst.


      Tickling in the throat, as if coryza were setting in, inducing cough and clearing the throat.

Much greenish, thin mucus in throat, comes sometimes involuntarily into the mouth.

Inflammation and redness of the palate and fauces.

Tonsils inflamed and swollen; here and there spots covered with pus, swallowing difficult.

Desires Aversions

      Great thirst, but no appetite.

Aversion to food; loathing the sight and still more the smell of it.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Nausea, eructations and copious vomiting of mucus and bile.

Frequent copious eructations of tasteless gas.

Nausea, with great restlessness, and on assuming the upright posture, a qualmishness in stomach and inclination to vomit.

Violent retching, followed by copious and forcible vomiting of food and then of bile; better if lies perfectly still.


      Epigastrium extremely sensitive to touch or pressure.

Stomach icy-cold, with colic.

Colic: aggravated by eating; after flatulent food; with great distention of belly; when bending double.


      Pain in right hypochondrium, as from incarcerated flatus.

Anxious feeling in the praecordia.


      Flatulent distention of the abdomen, with less frequent and less copious stools.

Pressing, tearing, cutting or stitching pains in abdomen.


Colic: aggravated by eating; after flatulent food; with great distention of belly; until diarrhoea sets in; better from bending double.

Stool etc.

      Very offensive flatus in the evening.

Stools: frequent, abundant, watery, with flocculi; yellowish and bloody; scanty, with tenesmus, salivation and copious secretion of urine; copious, frequent, watery, or bilious, often

without pain, sometimes with cutting colic; scanty, difficult, of bloody mucus and shreds, with pain in anus and violent tenesmus constant, ineffectual effort to pass feces; green, watery, very offensive mucus; pass insensibly, involuntarily.

Spasm of the sphincter during or independent of discharge, with a shuddering over the back.

Stools frequent, somewhat bloody, and very fetid: dysentery.


      Pain in the region of the kidneys.

More urging and more discharge of urine.

Urine; copious, watery and frequent; dark and turbid, with tenesmus of bladder and burning in urethra; of sour smell and acid reaction; dark, scanty, discharged in drops, whitish sediment; bloody, almost like ink, containing albumen.

Urine scanty, looking like bits of decomposed blood, with offensive smell.

Urethra hurts while the urine passes, as if raw.

Male Sexual Organs

      Tearing in glans and left spermatic cord.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses too early.


      Feverish restlessness, in the last months of pregnancy.

Nipples dark, brownish-red, protruding; unbearable pain on the slight touch by child; breast full, skin hot, pulse strong (lying-in, fourth day).


      Voices hoarse, or deeper than usual.


      Accelerated and audible; slow; irregular; asthmatic.

Oppression of the chest.


      Slight cough, with coryza.

Frequent, short, dry cough, from tickling in the larynx.

Night cough, with involuntary spurting out of urine.


      Dull stitches in posterior part of the thorax, during expiration.

Violent cutting pain in the chest, interrupting breathing.

Stinging in the region of the heart, with oppression.

Spitting blood, after injuries.

Heart Pulse

      Violent palpitation, with anxiety.

Heart disease, following acute rheumatism.


Pulse: accelerated and hard, or full and slow; slow and feeble; quick and thready.

Outer Chest

      Stinging and tearing in the muscles of chest.

Neck Back

      Stitching and tension between the scapulae.

Rheumatic pains in neck and back.

Drawing, tension and stitches occurring, or much aggravated, on motion.

Sudden tearing and shooting in the loins.

Spot on the sacrum feels sore, as if ulcerated; very sensitive to touch.

Upper Limbs

      Rheumatic pains: on the clavicle, shoulders, arms, back and neck, preventing motion of the head; in elbow-joint, forearm, wrist, and ligaments of finger-joints.

Laming pain in the arms, which makes it impossible to hold the lightest thing.

OEdematous swelling of the hands.

Lower Limbs

      Flying pains in the hips.

Tearing: in the thighs; knee-joints, with swellings; in patella; in tibiae, calves, ankles, toes, tendo-achillis.

With the pains, weariness, heaviness, and inability to move.

Knees strike together, can hardly walk.

Oedematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet.

Tingling in the toes, like after being frosted.

Limbs in General

      Numbness of the hands and feet, with pricking, as if asleep.

Pains in the shoulder and hip-joints; and in all the bones, with difficulty of moving the head and the tongue.

Tearing pains in the muscles and joints.

Position etc.

      Exertion: Emotion: Reading: Motion:. Lying still:, on back: Rising:. Sitting: Stooping: Walking: Bending double:,.


      Great weakness, as after exertion.

Sudden sinking of strength; extreme prostration.

Paralytic feeling with the pains.

Paralysis after sudden suppression of sweat, particularly foot-sweat, by getting wet.


      Comatose state.

Great sleepiness during the day, falls asleep while reading.

At night, sleep disturbed or driven away by pains.

Wakened from sleep by frightful dreams.

Starting, jerking in sleep.

Lying on the back.


      Evening: Night: Day:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warm:, Cold:. Getting wet: Cold: Change of weather:.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill and shivering, running through all the limbs; even in the warm room.

Frequent shivering, running down the back.

Chilliness even near the warm stove, intermingled with short flushes of heat.

External dry heat the whole night, with violent, unquenchable thirst.

Body hot and limbs cold. In typhus.

Sweat wanting. In intermittents.

Copious sour sweat, suddenly coming and going. In rheumatism.


      Autumn dysentery.


      Right:. Left:,, Front backward: Above downwards: Cures gout going from left to right.


      Shuddering and creeping, in isolated parts, such as is felt on getting cold from change of weather.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.