Homeopathic remedy Cina drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Wormseed. HAHNEMANN. Compositae.


      Pitiful weeping when awake.

As if frightened, jumps out of bed, sees imaginary objects,

screams, trembles, talks hurriedly, anxious; evening and before midnight.

Child doses not want to be touched; cannot bear you to come near it; desires many things which it refuses when offered; is not pleased or satisfied with anything; uneasy and distressed all the time.


      Weak, hollow, empty feeling in the head, with inclination to vomit.

Inner Head

      Stupefying headache, especially in the forehead, then also in occiput; when walking in open air.

Headache; pain in chest and back, caused by fixing eyes steadily upon some object, as when sewing; worse from pressure.

Dull headache, with sensitiveness of the eyes, in morning.

Intermittent pressure, as form a heavy weight, as if the brain were pressed down on the middle of the vertex; pressure increases and renews the pain.

Drawing from the left frontal eminence to the root of nose, causing confusion of head.

Headaches are anaemic, hence better stooping, though they are worse from mental exertion.

Outer Head

      Child leans its head sideways, all the time.

Turning the head from one side to the other.


      Can see more clearly for a while after rubbing the eyes.

On rising from bed, black before the eyes, with dizziness in the head and faintness, totters to and fro; better on lying down; dull headache, with affection of the eyes.

Optical illusions in bright colors.

Pupils dilated.


      Dull stitches below the mastoid process.

Cramp-like jerking in the external ear, like earache.


      Sneezing, with the whooping cough.

Violent sneezing, with stitches in the temples.

Bleeding of the nose.

Stoppage of the nose, in the evening.

Itching of the nose. Boring in the nose, with the finger.

Child rubs the nose on the pillow, on the shoulders of the nurse, or with the hands.


      Pale, with sickly look about the eyes; pale and cold; red.

Dark rings around the eyes.

Pain, as if both malar bones were pressed together with pincers; worse from external pressure.

Lower Face

      White and bluish about the mouth.


      Grinds the teeth at night.

Tongue etc.

      Tongue coated brownish-yellow; whitish.


      Much frothy saliva, with rattling phlegm on chest.


      Frequent motion, as though, swallowing something.

Desires Aversions

      Desires many and different things.

Desires for bread; great hunger after eating.


Eating and Drinking

      On drinking wine, she shudders, as though it were vinegar. After eating great hunger :. After meal : After drinking :.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Hiccough during sleep.

Vomiting of mucus.


      Constant pressure in the stomach at night, causing restlessness.

Gnawing sensation in the stomach, as from hunger.


      Pinching, or cramp-like pressure, transversely across the epigastric region, after a meal.

Boring pain above the navel, passes off when pressing thereon.

Painful twisting about the navel; with a peculiar sickish pressure.

Belly hard and distended.

Stool etc.

      Diarrhoea after drinking; stools watery, white.

Stool rather hard and black.

Itching at the anus.


      Frequent urging, with passage of much urine, all day.

Urine becomes turbid immediately.

Female Sexual Organs

      Menses too early and profuse.

Pregnancy, etc.

      Child refuses the breast.


      Short, at times interrupted.

Inhalation, broken into two.

Oppression of the chest, the sternum seems to lie too close and the breathing becomes oppressed.


      Short hacking cough at night.

Hacking cough, followed immediately by an effort to swallow something.

Violent periodically recurring paroxysms of whooping cough, excited by sensation as if down were in the throat, or by adherent mucus in larynx; after cough, gurgling sound.

Gagging cough, morning after rising; irritation renewed by inspiration.

Hoarse gagging cough, in the evening.

Rattling cough in spells.

Expectoration : whitish, slimy, rarely somewhat bloody, almost tasteless, detached with difficulty.


      Stitches in the left side; burning stitches in chest.

Rattling in throat and chest; catarrh, when excessive nervous irritability co-exists.

Heart Pulse

      Pulse small; but hard and accelerated.

Neck Back

      Drawing-tearing pain down along the whole spine.

Paralytic feeling in nape of neck.

Tearing jerking pains in the middle of the spine.

Fatigued pain in the loins, as if he had stood a long time.

Bruised pain in small of back, not aggravated by motion.

Upper Limbs

      Boring, pinching pain in the left upper arm.

Single, small, jerking stitches, now in right, again in left hand.

Lower Limbs

      Paralytic pain in left thigh, near the knee.

Position etc.

      Motion :, Walking in the open air : Rising from bed : Lying down : Fixing eyes steadily : Mental exertion : Turning head from side to side : Throwing arms from side to side : Tossing about :.


      Trembling of the body, with shivering sensation while yawning.

Child complains of being always tired.

Twitching of the limbs : jerking and distortions of limbs.

Convulsive attacks at night.

Spasms of children, with throwing arms form side to side.

Epilepsy, with rigidity and full consciousness.

Convulsions of the extensor muscles; the child becomes suddenly stiff; there is a clucking noise, as though water were poured out of a bottle, from the throat down to the abdomen.

Chorea, the distortions often commence with a shriek, extend to the tongue, oesophagus and larynx, continue even through the



      Sudden distressing cries in sleep; tossing about in sleep.

Cannot sleep; when falling asleep, starts, screams, turns over, kicks off the bedclothes.


      Morning : Evening : Night :, 7, Before midnight : Whole day; All the time During sleep :.

Temperature and Weather

      External warmth : Open air :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Chill, with shivering and shaking, even near a warm stove; chill ascends from the upper part of the body to the head.

Chill, face pale and cold; hands warm.

Chill not relieved by external warmth, mostly in the evening and with great paleness of the face. Chill in evening and fever all night. Nursing children.

Burning heat over the whole face, with redness of the cheeks and thirst for cold drink.

Fever daily at the same hour.

Heat most severe over the head and face, face pale.

Nightly heat; with thirst, with anxiety.

Sweat generally cold, on the forehead, around the nose and on the hands.

After the sweat (frequently also before the chill) vomiting of food, with canine hunger at the same time.


      Recurring daily at the same hour : Periodically :.


      Right : Left, Above downwards : Below upwards : To and fro : Throwing arms from side to side :.


      Dull twinges sometimes like a pinching, at other like a pressure or a blow, or jerk, or again like an itching, at various places, but especially at the posterior portion of the crest of the ilium, on the hip; the places are painful on pressure, as if sore or bruised.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch: Pressure :,, Rubbing : Scratching :.

Child wants to be carried,.


      Itching unchanged or lessened by scratching.


Ulcers with scanty discharge.

Stages and States

      Dark hair.


      Ailments form Capsic., or abuse of chinchon. or Mercur.

Antidotes to Cina : Camphor., Capsic., Cinchon., Pip.

Santonine relieves asthenopia from some refractive anomaly.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.