Violent pain in the region of the kidneys when lifting weight, or when blowing the nose.

Backache and uterine pains.

Curvature of spine to left, lumbar vertebrae bend forwards.

Violent stitch at a small spot between left ilium and sacrum, from the slightest motion.

Soreness in the sacro-iliac symphysis.

Upper Limbs

      Hard, bluish lumps, under the arms; oozing and scabbing; after checked itch.

Shooting from clavicle to wrist; work from change of weather.

Rheumatic pain in upper arm near the shoulder-joint; cannot lift the arm.

Lameness of the arms; formication.

Shootings through the elbows, usually first left, then right.

Aching in the bones of the arm particularly of thumb.

Pains, as if ulcerated around the nails.

Lower Limbs

      Nates: feel “asleep;” stinging on small spots; itching; burning; sore spots; oozing scurfs.

Sore pain in the thighs, with aching in the sacral bones.

Pains above the knee.

Knees pain, as if sprained; sore when walking.

Lower limbs “asleep,” feel restless anxious; has to move them.

Pain in the bones, particularly the tibia.

Cramp pain in calves, rending, shooting, warm feeling.

Rending, tearing and shooting in the ankle-joint.

Ulcers on malleolus dexters; edges callous; ichor putrid.

Fistulous ulcer on the ankle.

Limbs in General

      Feeling of lameness of the flexors, sudden aching of the extensors.

Extensors more affected than flexors.

Aching in limbs, with weariness.

Pains in all joints; most left side; later and less the right.

Pains flying about in all parts of rump and limbs, after getting wet in the rain.

Rheumatism during the cold season, better in the warm.

Rheumatism after every cold.

Position etc.

      Painful symptoms brought on by moderate motions of single limbs, easier after lying down.

Pains after great exertions, worse when lying down.

Rest: Motion. Exertion. Lifting Walking. Ascending: Rising: sitting: Wants to sit: Lying: on left side: worse lying on back, better lying on side: Bend forward:.


      Weakness with other symptoms.

Languor: with diarrhoea; with leucorrhoea; with catarrh; during pregnancy.

Weariness when going up stairs; wants to sit down.

Children do not learn to walk, or lose the ability.

Trembling of the arms and hands.

Convulsive starts, when the child lies on its back, cease when lying on the side.


      Stretching; yawning.

Drowsiness all day.

Disturbed sleep, worse before midnight.

Dreams; vivid, of late events or last readings; of travelling.


      Morning:, Forenoon: Afternoon:. Evening:, Night: Before midnight: Daytime: Day and night: All day:.

Temperature and Weather

      Warm air: Open air; Draught: Teeth sensitive to air; Cold room: Cold washing: Worse cold season, better warm; Change of weather: Windy weather: Getting wet in rain:.

Child Fever Sweat

      Shaking chill, out doors.

Cold in lower part of body; face hot.

Heat runs from the head down to the toes.

Dry heat in evening; hot breath, noticeable beating of heart; mouth and tongue dry without thirst, yawning, stretching.

Copious night-sweats; on single parts, towards and in the morning.


      Right, upper; left, lower; pain in bones.

Right side: Left side: Right to left: Left to right; Above downwards: Along sutures: Upwards or Outwards:.


      Mostly on small spots.


      Pains along the sutures or at symphysis.

Nonunion of fractured bones.

Curvature of spine to left, lumber vertebrae bend forward.

Condyles swollen on forearms and lower limbs.

Abscess near the lumbar vertebrae.

Spine bifida.

Large pedunculated nasal polypi.

Incipient mesenteric tabes, with much diarrhoea, fetid, sometimes lienteric.

Rachitis, fontanelles wide open;diarrhoea, emaciation.

Rheumatic pains in all the joints.

Soreness of tendons when flexing or extending.

Flabby, shrunken, emaciated children.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Sensitive to slight touch.

Pressure aggravates head, chest, belly and limb symptoms.

The place of old injury becomes the seat of affections.

Every step is felt in the head, or in the sacrum Lifting child from cradle: Riding in a carriage:.


      Dry skin; moist on hands.

Skin dark brown, or yellow.

Itching and burning as from nettles.

Scaling herpes on the lower leg.

Furuncles; ulcers.

Scars from an amputation ulcerate.

Stages and States

      During dentition: Children lose flesh: will not stand any more; do not learn to walk to walk; Girls at or near puberty: Old people, vertigo; constipation.


      Complementary to Calcarea, Phosph.: Ruta., Sulphur follows well.

Compare with Calcarea, ostr., Silicea, Acidum fluoricum, Berber; also with Calcarea hypophos., which is useful in consumption, with hectic, cavities in lungs, etc., and in severe cornal crescentic ulcers, when low health prevents healing.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.