Homeopathic remedy Berberis drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Bayberry. Berberidaceae.


      Defective recollection and weak memory.

Mental labor, requiring close thinking; very difficult; the least interruption breaks the chain of thoughts.

Indifference and pensiveness, with disinclination to speak.

Everything seems twice as large as natural.

Anxious and fearful.

Fretful humor, with weariness of life.


      Vertigo; with danger of falling; when stooping and when rising.

Illusions; in the twilight objects appear twice as large as natural.

Inner Head

      Dulness of the head, like from coryza.

Heaviness of the head, particularly when stooping.

Pressure from within outward, particularly in forehead, but also in temples and occiput.

Sensation as if the head were becoming larger.

Tensive pain, also with pressure in the temples and forehead or with dulness of the whole head.

Stitches in the forehead.

Tearing in the forehead and orbits.

Cold sensation in right temple.

Heat in the head, after dinner and from exertion.

Outer Head

      Tension of the scalp and skin of face, as if swollen.

Corrosive itching or stitching on scalp, changing place from scratching.


      Pressure in the eyes.

Violent shooting pains through the eyes into the brain, or from temples to the eyes; sometimes into the arms; also after operation for strabismus.

Tearing in left eye; also in lids.

Dryness of the eyes, with burning and redness of the conjunctiva.

Sensation of sand between the lids; dryness of internal canthus and sensation as of a foreign body there.

Sticky feeling and white scum on dry eyelids, mornings.

Itching, burning and smarting on the lids, or in the canthi, frequently only on small spots.

Cold feeling in the eye, like from a cool wind, with lachrymation when closing the eyes.

Quivering of the eyelids when reading by candle light.


      Beating and fluttering noise in the ear.

Stopped up feeling in the ear, with pressure.

Tearing and stitching in the ears, through the membrana tympani, as if a nail were thrust through, or like from the sting of an insect.

Pimples: nodosities, size of hemp seed, on the auricle, painful to touch.

Tumor behind the ear, size of a hazel-nut.


      Crawling, smarting or itching in the ears.

Titillating irritation to sneeze.

Drops of blood from the left nostril.

Dryness of the nose.

Obstinate catarrh of left nostril, with secretions, first of yellow water, later purulent white yellow or green mucus; empyreumatic smell and taste, particularly in morning.


      Pale, earthy complexion, with sunken cheeks and hollow, blue encircled eyes.

Tearing and stitches in the cheek and jaw-bones.

Dark red, painful spot on the right cheek.

Sensation as if cold drops were spurted into the face when going into the open air.

Heat and burning of the face, with red cheeks.

Lower Face

      Lips bluish on the inside.

Formication in upper lip around mouth and chin.

Burning in lips.

Dryness of lips, with scaling and formation of thin brown scurf on edges.


      Stitches in the teeth, they feel too long or dull.

Tearing in the left molars.

Pain as if the gums were torn, or the teeth pulled out.

Dingy red edges of the gums: small white nodules on gums.

Gums bleed easily.

Ulcer at an upper molar on incisor.

Sore gums during dentition.

Tongue etc.

      Taste: bitter; sometimes sour; of blood.

Tongue smarts when touched.

Slimy furred tongue.

Painful white blisters on tip of tongue.


      Offensive metallic odor from the mouth.

Mouth and fauces dry and sticky, especially in morning, relieved after eating.


      Increased redness of the palate and tonsils; tonsils pain when speaking or swallowing; sticking as from an awl (a pointed instrument for boring) in the throat.

Sensation of a plug in side of throat, with dryness, roughness and scraping; severe pain from empty deglutition.

Desires Aversions

      Thirst, with dryness, of the mouth.

Great thirst, alternating with aversion to drink.

Appetite either increased or decreased.

Eating and Drinking

      Before dinner chilliness.

After eating solids, belching for hours, and soreness, continuing the whole night.

Nausea and Vomiting


Frequent eructations, alternating with yawning.

Bitter eructation.


Nausea: before breakfast; after dinner.


      Pressure in the stomach, as if it would burst, also stinging and burning.

Chilliness in the region of stomach, ceasing after vomiting.

Pit of stomach puffed up.


      Pressure, also stitching in region of liver.

Colic from gall-stones.

Drawing, tearing in left hypochondrium, with sensation, during inspiration, as if something were torn lose.

Cramp-like contraction in splenic region.


      Colic-like pains, especially about the navel.

Pressure and tension in the groins, as if a hernia would develop; especially when walking and standing.

Itching, or pressure in the region of the inguinal glands, with pain from touch as if they would swell.

Stitching, tearing or burning in the skin of the abdomen, mostly about the navel.

Rumbling in the bowels.

Stool etc.

      Watery evacuations.

Large, pappy, free stools, mostly with tenesmus before and after.

Scanty, thin-formed stool, hard or soft.

Hard stool, like sheep’s dung, passed only after much straining.

Intense pain before and with stool, as from constriction in the rectum, preventing passage of faeces.

Frequent urging to stool.

Hemorrhoids, with itching or burning, particularly after stool, which frequently is hard, and covered with blood.

Soreness in the anus, with burning; pain when touched, and great sensitiveness when sitting.

Pressure in the perineum.

Fistula in ano, with itching there; short cough and chest complaints.


      Burning and soreness in region of kidneys.

Sharp pain in right kidney, near the spine, thence downwards into the bladder.

Tearing, pulsating pain in right kidney.

Stitches from the kidneys to the bladder and urethra.

Cutting pain from left kidney into bladder and urethra.

Pressure and contraction in the vesical region when pressed upon, with burning in the urethra.

Cutting or burning in the urethra, worse when not urinating, frequently more on one side.

Violent urging after urinating, particularly in morning.

Urine: increased and clear, with small slimy sediment, at the beginning and during the exacerbation of complaints; lessened, and with copious slimy sediment, when the complaints abate; warmer, and attended with pain in the lumbar renal region; dark or bright yellow, or red, with sediment; blood red, speedily becoming turbid, depositing thick mucus and bright red mealy sediment.

Pain in the hips while urinating.

Male Sexual Organs

      Suppressed sexual desire.

Sensation of weakness and unexcitability in the parts especially after urinating.

During coition too weak and too short thrill; ejection too soon.

Drawing from right or left testicle to the spermatic cord.

Neuralgia of testes and cords; parts swollen, tender.

Testicle drawn up.

Pains in the external genitals, increased by motion.

Coldness and numb feeling in the prepuce and glans.

Pains in genitals, increased by motion.

Scrotum shrunken, cold, with pressure in the testicles.

Female Sexual Organs

      Suppressed sexual desire, with long delayed thrill, and frequently, cutting and stitching in the parts during coition.

Menses: too slight of watery blood, or grey mucus; too short; scanty, of black drops or filthy slime.

Acrid leucorrhoea, very prostrating.

Sensation of burning and soreness in vagina.

Vagina painful to touch.


      Hoarseness, with pain of inflammation of tonsils.

Tearing in throat, upwards, particularly left side, with stiffness.


      Oppression, with fluent coryza, mostly at night.

With inhalation, stitching between the shoulders, from the back through the chest.

Shortness of breath when going up stairs.

Obstruction of breath when raising the arms.


      Short, dry cough, with stitches in the chest.


      Stitches in and around clavicle, also pulsation and burning.

Pressure behind the left nipple.

Rawness and soreness on the chest, as during a catarrh.

Stitches in the chest; increased by deep inspiration, with short, dry cough.

Tearing in the chest, particularly left side.

Cutting contraction in the chest, to the abdomen, compels one to bend over.

Heart Pulse

      Stitches about the heart.

Frequent palpitation.

Slow, weak pulse.

Outer Chest

      Stitching, pulsating, pressing or tensive pains in the muscles of chest.

Corrosive feeling in the skin.

Pimples on the chest and scapula.

Neck Back

      Pain as if bruised or swollen from right scapula to shoulder- joint.

Tearing in and between the scapulae.

Tearing in the spine.

Spinal irritation; general hyperaesthesia; pains about kidneys, along false ribs, starting from the spine.

Backache, worse while sitting or lying, mostly in the morning, when awaking.

Bruised pain, with stiffness in small of back; rises from a seat with difficulty.

Painful pressure and tension in lumbar and renal region, sometimes with sensation of numbness, puffiness, warmth, stiffness and lameness, extending at times into lower limbs.

Constant pulsating stitches in sacrum.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.