Homeopathic remedy Asafoetida drug symptoms and indications from Condensed Materia Medica by Constantine Hering, published in 1877….

      Ferula Asafoetida Umbelliferae.


      Unsteady and fickle, cannot persevere in any thing; wants now one thing, then another, walks hither and thither.

Fits of great joy with occasional burst of laughter.

Apprehension of dying Anxious sadness.

Ill-humor, irritable mood.

Hysterical restlessness and anxiety.


      Oversensitiveness either physical or mental.

Fainting during the height of the paroxysm, of colic.

Stupefying tension in the head mostly left side, worse afternoon or evening; sitting bent forward; after going to bed; better sitting up.

Inner Head

      Pressure in sides of head or temples, like from a dull stick, better from touch.

Flying stitch from within outward, in the forehead, temples and sides of the head.

Sensation of swashing and gurgling behind the upper part of the frontal bone.

All the headache are worse towards evening in the room while at rest, sitting or lying. Better when rising or moving about in the open air.

Outer Head

      Cold sweat on the forehead (Veratrum).


      Mist before the eyes.

Sensation of dryness in the eyes.

Nocturnal throbbing pains in and around the eye and head.

Syphilitic iritis.

Sharp pain extending through the eye into the head, upon touching.

Extensive superficial ulceration of the cornea. with burning, sticking or pressing pains, from within outwards; rest and pressure relieve.


      Hardness of hearing, with thin, purulent discharge of offensive of odor.


      Offensive discharge discharge from the nose. Stench from nose.

Unpainful tension over nasal bones, with numbness.

Swelling and inflammation affecting bones, with feeling as if nose would burst.


      Flushes in the face.

Small tubercles in the cheeks.

Lower Jaw.

      Lips puffed up, lower lip and left angle most.

Drawing pains and caries of lower maxilla, with salivation.


      Bluntness of the teeth.

Severe drawing in the lower incisors.

Soreness of the gums.

Tongue etc.

      Greasy taste in the mouth and of the phlegm hawked up,.


      Saliva predominantly decreased, except in mercurial caries, when acrid salivation exists.

Burning in the mouth.


      Burning followed by soreness, in the fauces.

Darting stitches, form chest upward towards oesophagus.

Tender feeling in the throat.

Sensation of a ball rising in the throat, may cause difficulty in breathing.

Dryness and burning in the oesophagus.

Sensation in the oesophagus as if the peristaltic motions were from below upwards; globus hystericus.

Desires Aversions

      Desire for wine.

Great disgust for all food.

Bear tastes slimy, aversion to it.

Eating and Drinking

      After eating : pressure in the stomach, stitches about the lower ribs, tension in the abdomen; squirming and twisting in the bowels; great difficulty in breathing; febrile state.

After drinking; heaviness and cold feeling in the intestines; diarrhoea.

Nausea and Vomiting

      Eructations; smelling like garlic; tasting rancid. sharp or putrid.

Flatus passing upwards, none down.

Hiccough like contractions of the diaphragm.


      Pulsation in pit of stomach. 11 A.M. cause faint feeling.

Sensation of fullness in stomach.

Empty, “gone” feeling in epigastrium.

Pressing, cutting, stitching pain in spells, not regular.


      Heat in the spleen and belly.

Violent pressure in scrobiculum towards liver, while sitting.

Stitches as if in diaphragm, right side.


      Bellyache, as if the intestines were torn or out; places in the side sore as if raw, with it a feeling as of something rising form chest to throat; pressure relieves.

Wind colic, with abdominal pulsations; very painful distention of abdomen, rumbling; relieved by passing wind.

Stool etc.

      Watery stools of disgusting odor; discharge profuse and greenish.

Very offensive diarrhoea, with colic; discharge of fetid flatus.

Obstinate constipation, with abdominal and hemorrhoidal cramps.

Only slime passes, no feces.


      Brown and of pungent odor.

Spasms in the bladder, during and after urination.

Male Sexual Organs

      Needle-like stitches in the penis.

Drawing in the glans, more during the afternoon.

Female Sexual Organs

      Excited sexual desire.

Menses, too frequent, too scanty and last but a short time.

Labor-like pains in uterine region, with cutting and bearing down.

Bearing down in genitals, worse when riding in carriage.

Uterine ulcer, sensitive and painful.

Leucorrhoea profuse, greenish, thin and offensive.

Swelling and inflammation of the genitals.


      Mammae turgid with milk, like in the ninth month; without being pregnant.

Deficiency of milk, with oversensitiveness.


      Voice weaker, hoarse.

Spasms of glottis, alternating with contraction of fingers and toes.


      Spasmodic tightness of the chest as if the lungs could not be fully expanded.

Constriction of chest, extending to the throat; hurried breathing.


      Irritation to dry cough.

Cough on gaping.

Whooping cough, even of sucklings sounding like croup; rattling breathing, anxious and restless, chest and abdomen hot, urine pale.

Hoarse, ringing, short cough, excited by tickling in the trachea, with asthmatic feeling therein; spasmodic contraction of thorax and accumulation of stringy mucus.


      Pressure and burning under sternum often with cough.

Compression of chest, as from a heavy weight.

Pressing stitches in the chest.

Burning in chest, runs through both arms, through lower limbs down into toes.

Single violent stitches from within outwards, at short intervals; renewed when the chest is touched.

Heart Pulse

      Nervous palpitation, with small pulse; from overexertion or suppression of discharges (in women.) Pulse : unchanged; unequal; generally very much accelerated, but small.

Pressure in region of heart as if heart was too full and expanded, pulse small.

Neck Back

      Drawing downwards, in the left side of neck, on motion.

Stitches in the muscles of the back.

Dull pains, or drawing and cutting below the scapulae.

Burning along the vertebrae, to the left side.

Aching inwardly, along the last dorsal and first lumbar vertebrae.

Upper Limbs

      Quivering in the shoulder-joint; in deltoid muscle.

Stitches and jerking in the upper arm.

Drawing pain along the upper arm down to the elbow, a fine stitch in the elbow.

Tearing in the forearm down to the tips of the fingers.

When moving the fingers, pain in the forearm.

Tearing stitches followed by burning in the right forearm.

Scraping sensation on the styloid process of the ulna.

Lower Limbs

      Psoasitis if suppuration seems impending.

Caries of the tibia.

Swelling around the ankle, cannot use the foot.

Sticking sensation on the ball of the great toe when putting the foot to the ground.

Pain as if a splinter of bone was sticking in the right fibula just above the outer malleolus. After a sprain.

Limbs in General

      Twitching of muscles of arms and legs.

Pain mostly on the flexor sides of the limbs.

Position etc.

      Rest : Motion : Sitting : Sitting up :Lying : After lying down (going to bed) :Rising : Constant change of position : Overexertion :.


      Hysteria, with much trouble about throat or oesophagus.

Twitching and jerking of the muscles.


Clumsiness of the body.


      Inclined to sleep.

Sleeplessness at midnight.

About midnight violent pains through left half of body.


      About 11 A.M. :. Afternoon From 3 to 4 P.M.: Evening L Night :Dark till 2 A.M. : neuralgia Midnight and afternoon :.

Temperature and Weather

      Worse in doors, better out-doors.

Desires for open air.

Room : Open air :.

Chill Fever Sweat

      Crawls run over back, in afternoon.

Chill, coldness and dryness of the skin; also in caries, etc.

Every day between 3 and 4 P.M., coldness and trembling, with unbearable stitches in the head.

Heat in the face, after dinner, with anxiety and sleepiness, without thirst.

Occasional cold, most skin.


      Intermittent pinching pain in ulcers.


      Right :Left : Within outward : Below upwards : Above downwards



      Numbness with the pains.

Burning or pressing, piercing pain in the muscles.

Crushing pains, worse at night.

Great heaviness of the whole body.

Pain like from splinters.


      Glands hard, swollen, hot and throbbing, with shooting-jerking pains.

Neuralgia of the stump after amputation of the thigh.

Ostitis, caries, bluish redness and swelling of the parts.

Ulcers with bluish edges, hard, painful to the slightest touch; transparent and thin, very offensive and ichorous pus.

Soft enlargement of bones, also curvature.

Body bloated.

Contact Injuries etc.

      Touch : Pressure : Riding in carriage; Putting foot to ground :.


      Ulcers, with high, hard edges, bluish, etc., sensitive to touch, easily bleeding; pus profuse, greenish, thin, offensive, over ichorous.

Shooting pain around the ulcer.

Ulcers grow black.

Old scars break open and turn black.

Stages and States

      Phlegmatic temperament.

Scrofulous, bloated, clumsy children.

Venous, hemorrhoidal constitution.

Nervous people.

Syphilitic patients who have taken much mercury.


      Cognates : Aurum (bone diseases; iritis, etc.); Argentum nitr; Ammoniacum (family relation); Castor., Cinchon., Caustic., Conium (family relation); Hepar (sensitive around ulcers, faint with pains) Ignat. (hysteria), Mercur. (syphilis); Moschus (hysteria, spasm of lungs, fainting etc.); Pulsat; Thuja; Valer.

C. Hering
Hering got the degree of M. D. from the University of Wuezburg with highest honours. The theme of his thesis was "De'Medicina Futura" (The medicine of future). Hering left Germany for West Indies and finally arrived at Philadelphia in Jan, 1833. He established a homeopathic school at Allentown, Pennsylvania, commonly known as "Allentown Academy". Soon he became very popular as a physician. He is known as the 'Father of Homeopathy' in America.